
There are many women who have been "experienced" by men, and they will tell you through these behavioral habits

author:Muxue sunset

In life, for men with rich emotional experience, we may not see anything unusual about them on the surface, but as long as you get in touch with him and get to know him a little bit, you can find the hypocrisy in his bones.

Moreover, in addition to developing a habit of their own, they also have the mind of most women and will be particularly skillful in their dealings with the opposite sex.

Generally speaking, there are many women who have been "experienced" by men, and they will tell you through these behaviors and habits that they can't hide if they want to.


Sweet words are like sugar

When a man has "experienced" more women, he tends to become particularly good at sweet talk. These words are like carefully packaged candies, which are so sweet that people are intoxicated.

They know how to touch a woman's heart with words and how to say the most beautiful love words at a critical moment. Such a man can often easily capture a woman's heart and let her fall into their gentle trap.

Shakespeare once said: "Love is not sweet words in the shade of flowers, not honey words in the peach blossom garden, not light tears, not even rigid compulsion, love is based on a common language." ”

It is true that true love does not rely only on sweet words, but more on the actual actions of the other party. But those men who have a lot of experience are often able to use sweet words to create a romantic atmosphere and make women feel the sweetness of love.

In life, there are too many women who are immersed in the sweet words of men, who have no self for the man they love, but in the end they are ruthlessly hurt by men.

There are many women who have been "experienced" by men, and they will tell you through these behavioral habits


There is no sense of boundaries in interacting with the opposite sex

A man who has "experienced" a lot of women often does not have a clear sense of boundaries when interacting with the opposite sex. They usually maintain intimate contact with many women, and even show overly intimate behavior on some occasions.

Such a man often makes women feel uneasy and confused, and makes you wonder which woman he is really interested in.

"Ambiguity makes people feel wronged, and they can't find evidence of love."

Xue Zhiqian's lyrics express the bitterness and helplessness in the ambiguous relationship. Men who have a lot of experience tend to maintain an ambiguous relationship when interacting with the opposite sex, leaving women in endless speculation and waiting.

Just like the male protagonist in a TV series I watched, in the relationship, he maintained intimate relationships with multiple women, and even had something that shouldn't happen to other women while dating his girlfriend Xiaoyan.

After Xiao Yan found out about his special relationship with other women, he painfully broke up with him.


Particularly good at saying some promises

A man who has "experienced" a lot of women is often very good at saying some promises. They know how to appease a woman's heart with promise, so that the woman can feel their sincerity and determination.

There are many women who have been "experienced" by men, and they will tell you through these behavioral habits

However, these promises are often just empty words and difficult to keep. Women tend to feel disappointed and sad when they find out that these promises are just empty promises.

"Promises are like farts, earth-shattering at the time, pale after that." This proverb is vulgar, but it speaks to the hypocrisy and powerlessness of promise.

Experienced men are often able to easily make promises to women, but it is difficult to keep them. This kind of behavior makes women feel uneasy and disappointed, and it also greatly reduces the image of men in women's hearts.

My friend Xiao Meng's boyfriend is a man who is good at commitment. When he was dating Xiao Meng, he made a lot of promises with Xiao Meng, but in the end they all fell through, and even on the day he promised to get engaged, he disappeared.

This dishonest behavior made Xiao Meng feel disappointed and sad, and in the end, their relationship broke down.


He especially understands the needs of women

A man who has "experienced" a lot of women often understands the needs of women. They know what women want and how to meet their needs.

This ability gives them a high status in the hearts of women and also makes women feel a strong sense of dependence on them.

There are many women who have been "experienced" by men, and they will tell you through these behavioral habits

"A woman's heart, a needle under the sea." This sentence speaks of the complexity and changeability of a woman's heart. However, men who have a lot of experience are able to accurately grasp the psychological changes of women and know what women want.

Therefore, this ability also allows them to navigate the relationship with ease, and they can easily capture a woman's heart.

In the TV series "Ode to Joy", Dr. Zhao is a man who especially understands the needs of women. He always has an accurate grasp of Andy's psychological changes and knows what she wants.

Usually when Andy is in trouble, he is always able to give her help and support in a timely manner, so that she can feel his warmth and care.

This kind of intimate behavior makes Andy feel a strong sense of dependence on him and believes in his feelings.


In short, a man who has "experienced" a lot of women will often tell you about their past through some specific behavioral habits.

Of course, these behaviors are not the only criterion for judging whether a man is worthy of a relationship. When choosing a partner, we should pay more attention to the inner quality and sincerity of the other person, rather than just the external performance and experience.

But if you find that a man has no boundaries, it means that he is not worth all your true affection, and once you immerse yourself in it, it is likely to be in exchange for harm.