
Will babies be spoiled if they are often held?

author:Breed something

In the hearts of many new parents, grandparents and grandparents, every little movement of the baby is a sign of attention and love. Especially newborn babies, they always crave to be held in their arms. However, many mothers and fathers also have questions: Will the baby be spoiled if he is often held? How can I prevent my baby from developing the habit of holding him? Today, Xiaobian will answer this question in detail for you, so that parents can better take care of the growth of their babies.

Will babies be spoiled if they are often held?

0-3 months baby: Hold your baby carefully

During the first trimester of life, babies sleep for a long time, needing about 18-20 hours of sleep per day. Therefore, unless there are special circumstances such as changing the baby's diaper and feeding, there is no need to hold the baby frequently. What's more, the baby's bone development within 3 months is not yet mature, and the spine and cervical spine are very fragile, and if parents hold the baby frequently, it may adversely affect the baby's bone development.

So, how should you deal with the time when your baby is awake and not crying? You can place your baby on the bed, which will reduce the burden on your baby's neck. If the baby is drinking milk or going out, you need to hold the baby to give the baby a certain sense of security. But at other times, try to minimize the amount of time you spend holding your baby.

3-6 months baby: develop the habit of falling asleep independently

At the age of 3-6 months, they will sleep longer after feeding, and there is no need to hold the baby for a long time. Parents can place their baby in bed after feeding, which plays an important role in cultivating the habit of falling asleep independently. Parents must give the baby a safe and secure sleeping environment to prevent accidents when the baby rolls over. Placing a bed bell at the head of your baby's bed can also reduce the likelihood of your baby crying.

Will babies be spoiled if they are often held?

Babies after 6 months: Give your baby more freedom

By the time babies are more than 6 months old, they have developed a certain ability to adapt to the outside world and have begun to learn to crawl. So, at this stage, try not to hold your baby for a long time, give your baby a certain amount of freedom, and let them crawl freely in a safe environment. This not only exercises your baby's physical coordination, but also stimulates their desire to explore and curiosity.

Of course, this does not mean not holding the baby at all. Parents can hold the baby appropriately, such as taking the baby out for walking, basking in the sun, etc., which can not only enhance the baby's resistance, but also enhance the parent-child relationship and enhance the baby's sense of security.

Sitting: The magic of a lumbar stool harness

When the baby learns to sit firmly, parents can use the lumbar stool strap to hold the baby. This method can not only allow the baby to communicate with the parents face-to-face, but also enable the baby to see the surrounding environment and understand the world, which is conducive to enhancing the relationship between parents and children, broadening the baby's horizons, and playing an important role in the baby's neurodevelopment.

Will babies be spoiled if they are often held?

Summary: Hold your baby moderately to promote natural growth

From the above analysis, it can be seen that babies of different ages need different ways of holding. Parents should neither spoil their children too much, hold their babies frequently, nor refuse to hold them altogether. Moderate cueing can give the baby a sense of security and happiness, and promote the baby's more natural growth and development.

The baby's growth is only once, and parents should cherish every time they spend with their baby. Through the scientific way of raising, it can not only avoid the baby being spoiled, but also promote the healthy growth of the baby. Hopefully, this article can provide some valuable parenting advice for parents to help you better take care of your baby's growth.

Dear parents, how do you balance the time of holding your baby in your daily life? Do you have any special experiences or insights? Welcome to share your parenting story in the comment area, let's exchange and learn together, and grow together!

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