
To be happy is to bow your head and enjoy joy; Hardship is not to say, it is calm and can withstand difficulties

author:Quiet Summer 001
To be happy is to bow your head and enjoy joy; Hardship is not to say, it is calm and can withstand difficulties

The real silent mode of life is actually the minimalism of the spirit and the profound awakening of life.

The so-called powerful people are just ordinary people who believe in the power of spiritual awakening and practice it with perseverance. No matter how noisy the world is, only people who are calm and not impetuous, and who are willing to be indifferent in their hearts, can live freely and freely.

Many times, in the ordinary and trivial life, we unconsciously let ourselves carry too much, too many things, tired, impetuous, thinking about a lot of things every day, also disturbed by various things, unable to find a trace of peace, the inner world is always eager to escape.

Actually, life is your own.

Really powerful people, in the silent mode of life, do not force the circle, do not seek understanding, do not humbly beg, just focus on enlightenment, live a life, quietly enjoy the openness and freedom of spiritual solitude.

To be happy is to bow your head and enjoy joy; Hardship is not to say, it is calm and can withstand difficulties

Joy without speaking, not publicity, not showing off, is a kind of open-mindedness.

The flowers are half-open, the wine is slightly drunk, and it is best to be low-key and restrained, and to keep quiet.

When joy, can still be treated with a normal heart, is a rare and valuable quality, to avoid excessive ecstasy, so that there will be no sorrow, life road, joy, anger and sorrow is a common thing, if once the will will will be ecstatic and not self-controlled, not desirable and unscientific.

You must know that when you are too proud, you will naturally get carried away, and under the ecstasy, you will have many disasters.

There are joys and sorrows in life, success is happy, but there is no need to shout, the louder you shout, the more obvious it is to show off, and the more arrogant it is, it is easy to attract the jealousy and dissatisfaction of others.

Joy but not silent, is low-key, is humble, know how to let everything go, press a pressure, don't exaggerate yourself, for a while, you can get the applause of others, but at the same time in exchange for the jealousy of others, after all, people's hearts are unpredictable, some people will hate you, alienate you, and even isolate you.

After all, others will not benefit from your achievements, and if you show too much happiness, it will be distorted into ridicule in the eyes of others.

In addition, the ups and downs of life, victory is not arrogant, defeat is not discouraged is the best attitude to life, some happy, may as well laugh over, look down on success or failure is the best attitude of life. If you are constantly immersed in the achievements in front of you, you will not only miss out on the scenery from higher places, but you will also become vulnerable, and it will be difficult for you to face other difficulties in life.

Life has always been a contest of wisdom, accumulating strength in silence, thinking in quiet, wealth but not arrogance, merit without pride, wealth without revealing it, gorgeous but not showing off, no showing off heart, no arrogance, when encountering happy things, I also feel that there is no need to publicize it, just let myself remember it in my heart and savor it.

To be happy is to bow your head and enjoy joy; Hardship is not to say, it is calm and can withstand difficulties

Suffering, without words, is a kind of wisdom.

Life in the world, often because of this or that hurt heartache, scars are the best gift of life to you, instead of chattering and complaining, it is better to calm down and think deeply.

My own suffering, I understand, my own pain, I suffer, some hardships, deep in it, even if my heart is broken, no one can understand it except myself, some secret wounds, hidden in my heart, even if it hurts my heart, except for silence, no one can understand.

The real strong person is the one who can cross all the hurdles alone, shoulder all the responsibilities, endure the hardships, and heal his injuries quietly, without saying that he is painful, without saying that he is tired, and when he gets out of the pain, he can have a sweet aftertaste.

In the passage of time, the pain of the years will eventually precipitate into an experience, becoming a dark elf hidden in the depths of the soul.

Instead of showing the suffering on the face, it is better to slowly realize it in the suffering, gently wipe away the tears from the corners of the eyes, cover the sadness with a strong smile, hide the undercurrent sadness in the bottom of the heart, and let these unforgettable pains tell us to cherish life and cherish the people in front of us.

Some people say that every adult is the aftermath of the catastrophe. The so-called experience is probably to learn to shut up when you are sad, no longer talk to others when you are sad, and understand that not to spill your pain everywhere is the upbringing that every adult should have.

Instead of complaining about suffering, it is better to honestly find a way to break through the encirclement of suffering, let yourself calm down, and find a way out in the taste of gains and losses and sweets and hardships.

To be happy is to bow your head and enjoy joy; Hardship is not to say, it is calm and can withstand difficulties

The life of "still water flowing deep" is full of great wisdom.

"Shallow water is noisy, deep water is silent".

Silence is not to keep you silent, but to teach you to understand what to say and what not to say, but also to teach you to understand, what kind of people to say what kind of words, when you do this, your life will be easy to live, life will be more and more smooth, this is the wisest way to deal with the world.

A person with a real high pattern has a golden mouth and a quiet heart, the more powerful the person, the more he can calm down, he is silent on the surface, but he is full of energy in his heart.

Zen saying: Bitterness and happiness are life, there is nothing to cry about, there is nothing to show off, enrich your heart, it is enough to treat the big and small things in life peacefully, I believe that the more experience, the more clear the opinions, and the more calm the state of mind.

For the rest of our lives, the most important thing we should do is to turn our lives into silent mode, cultivate a calm body, and learn to lose some things in those still years, let our hearts calm down, and quietly live ourselves as our own ferrymen, looking low-key, not ostentatious, not showing off, not vain, not humble, not depraved, not complaining, just calmly facing everything in life, quietly being yourself.

Rejoice without saying a word, bow your head, and enjoy joy; Only when we are calm and can we endure difficulties can we have the strength and courage to start anew.

The picture comes from the Internet