
After 12 years of driving, I realized that the difference between driving a car every day and driving it once a week is all experience

author:Said Che Xiao Li

Hello everyone, I'm Xiao Li. Everyone's car use situation is different, and the degree of dependence on the car is also different, some people have to drive once a day since they bought a car, and they don't want to take a ride anywhere. But some people buy a car and come back for it, driving it 4 times a month, and only driving it once a weekend on average. I've been using the car myself for 12 years, and I've actually been 13 years this year, and I've experienced a few years of driving every day, and I've also experienced a life of not driving a car once a month. Today, Xiao Li will rationally analyze with you the difference between driving every day and once a week, hoping to help everyone.

After 12 years of driving, I realized that the difference between driving a car every day and driving it once a week is all experience

I'm sure you've all heard of the saying: the car is broken, not broken, the more the car is driven, the more durable, the more it is broken. This sentence is the experience of the older generation of car owners in the process of using the car, although the boundary is not very clear, many prerequisites are not clear, but it is enough to show that the car often does not drive is definitely easier to break than driving every day. Some people don't understand, think that the car is a tool, but any tool, it must not escape the fate of the more you use it, the more you love it, just like the mobile phone we hold in our hands, you use it every day, and it is generally broken in the top three or two years. If you activate it and treasure it, charge it regularly, and never use it, then even after five or six years, you will still be as silky as new when you take it out, and the more you use it, the more durable the car becomes?

After 12 years of driving, I realized that the difference between driving a car every day and driving it once a week is all experience

In fact, the more the car is used, the more durable this statement is not right, the car will definitely increase with the service life, all aspects of the performance gradually decline, but reasonable use and maintenance, can extend its service life to a certain extent, and often do not open itself is one of the unreasonable use. Our cars are like all kinds of oils, rubber strips, rubber parts, these all have a shelf life, and they must meet certain conditions to extend their service life. But this only extends their service life, and does not change the trend of worse performance as they are used. The biggest difference between a car that is driven every day and a car that is driven once a week is that the frequency of use is different. But that's it, it's enough to cause the service life of the 2 cars to be different, and if the car is properly maintained, it will last longer. If you drive a car once a week, it will age faster.

After 12 years of driving, I realized that the difference between driving a car every day and driving it once a week is all experience

Because the design life of a car itself is more than 10 years, but not all cars can be scrapped for so many years, some people do not maintain it in place, and if the engine breaks down for seven or eight years, it will be directly pulled to scrap in advance. The car that is driven every day can ensure that the moving parts of the car will not rust because of long-term immobility, and the electronic components on the car can also be used normally because they are powered on every day. If you drive every day, then the angle of each vehicle movement is different, the temporary parking environment is different, and the tires can be evenly stressed, etc., which reduces the exposure to ultraviolet rays to a certain extent. For example, when I park in the community, it is in the morning to the evening, but I park in the unit when there is half a day can not be sun, when driving on the road, it is also occasionally exposed to the left and occasionally the right, not to keep the car continuously exposed, these car use process, can shorten the fixed exposure time of ultraviolet rays to the paint and tires, prolong the service life, so that it is infinitely close to the design life.

After 12 years of driving, I realized that the difference between driving a car every day and driving it once a week is all experience

But the car you only drive once a week is idle most of the time, and some cars are even exposed to the sun all day and night for a week, and the salted fish is dried every day, let alone a car. The tires of such cars are more likely to lose their elasticity prematurely and shorten their service life. And because it is only driven once a week, the leaves and stains on the surface of the car paint cannot be cleaned up in the first time, which will also cause the vehicle to age prematurely. In addition, when the car is driven every day, the battery can ensure that it is charged and can be more durable. And when the car is driven once a week, the battery is basically in a state of power loss, and the service life will be shorter.

The above is about the difference between driving the car every day and driving it once a week, and it has not yet been talked about in place, welcome to discuss and exchange in the comment area.