
If you want to write about summer in July, you can't just write about summer in July

author:Anxiety-relieving poems


If you want to write about summer in July, you can't just write about summer in July

The hand of the season, the wind that passes through the cloister, knocks on the door of July.

Walking into the midsummer of July, there is the heat of the hot day for a long time, and the slight coolness of the bamboo breeze;

There is the noise of cicadas and frogs, and the tranquility of the moonlight on the lotus pond.

The bamboo wind falls on the pen, the lotus rain is the ink, and on the summer picture scroll, the ink is splashed for a period of water.

In the sea of dust, wind and smoke, in the shallow time, brew a pot of long summer happiness, nourish the heart, and nourish the soul.

If you want to write about July and summer, you can't just write about July and summer, you have to write "with wind and willow silk, and summer lotus with ten thousand handles".

These two sentences are from Shi Wenjue's "Summer is too hidden to live in the lake".

Interpretation: In summer, the willow branches by the pond are luxuriant, and the slender willow is as dense and soft as silk threads, swaying gently in the breeze.

On the water, the lotus leaves are crowded one after another, and from a distance, the emerald green leaves are like a fan, dispelling the summer heat.

In the long river of time, there are always some poetic pictures, such as the breeze and the moon, which are fascinating.

Just like Shi Wenjue's hidden lake dwelling, the willows are still around, and the green lotus is clustered, which is the most vibrant appearance of nature, and it is also the pure place that many people yearn for.

When the breeze passes through the willows, blows across the embankment, and skims the lake, it takes away the heat and hustle and bustle of the world, and leaves behind the quiet and far-reaching spiritual washing.

If you want to write about summer in July, you can't just write about summer in July

If you want to write about the summer in July, you can't just write about the summer in July, you have to write "the wind and pu hunt the small pond, the lotus flowers in the courtyard are full of incense, and the plum floating melon is cold in ice and snow".

These sentences are from Li Chongyuan's "Remembering Wangsun Xia Ci".

Interpretation: A fresh breeze blows through the pond, and the cattail grass on the water surface hunts and hunts.

After a rain, the fragrance of lotus envelops the entire courtyard.

At this time, take out the chilled melons and fruits in the well and enjoy them slowly, and a chill of ice and snow spreads from the tip of your tongue to the bottom of your heart.

These lines are full of life, which not only shows the poet's keen observation of natural beauty, but also reflects his delicate perception of life.

In the sound of hunting, we felt the coolness of summer;

In the diffuse lotus fragrance, I experienced the tranquility of summer;

In the Shen Li floating melon, I felt the cold breath from the inside out.

All of this is intertwined to create a fresh, long, quiet and cool summer day that is intoxicating.

If you want to write about summer in July, you can't just write about summer in July

If you want to write about the summer of July, you can't just write about the summer of July, you have to write "The clouds are agile like flowing water, and you love to swim into the painting beam".

These two sentences are from Zhao Gongyu's "Enjoying the Cool".

Interpretation: On a summer night, there are a few white clouds floating in the air, as smart and natural as flowing water.

A few fireflies are flying under the roof beams, looking from afar, dreamy and beautiful.

The poet sensitively captures the unique charm of the summer night, with both smart and beautiful visual images and quiet and delicate psychological feelings.

He did not deliberately depict the scenery, nor did he render the colors, nor did he use complex and advanced words.

Just using the most popular and simple language, and intuitive white drawing techniques, the quiet and beautiful summer night is vividly depicted.

In this quiet night, time becomes slow and rhythmic, and the distractions of the world seem to be far away in an instant.

There are only gentle white clouds and sporadic fireflies.

If you want to write about summer in July, you can't just write about summer in July

If you want to write about the summer in July, you can't just write about the summer in July, you have to write "the rain on the pond is chaotic, and the wind in front of the door is fragrant with rice and flowers".

These two sentences are from Wu Yan's "Inviting Goose Lake to Escape the Summer Resort".

Interpretation: The summer rain falls in the pond, causing a ripple, and the emerald green water chestnut leaves slowly float with the water waves, looking at it from a distance, messy and full of beauty.

The gate of the villa was slightly open, and a gust of wind blew, and the air was filled with the fragrance of rice flowers.

The poet skillfully captures the breath of summer, and uses the breeze and drizzle and the fragrance of water chestnut leaves to build a summer world full of vivid colors and fragrance.

The rain falls on the lotus pond, and the water chestnut leaves float; The wind blows the rice fields, and the fragrance of flowers floats.

In this small world, there is no earthly noise, no interpersonal strife, only the purest form of nature.

The sound of raindrops and the breath of the wind give the soul infinite meaning.

If you want to write about summer in July, you can't just write about summer in July

If you want to write about July and summer, you can't just write about July and summer, you have to write "the heart is cool and free of heat, and the hot day is the same as the cold autumn".

Interpretation: As long as the heart is pure, abandon irritability and anxiety, even in the scorching heat of summer, you can also experience the coolness of autumn.

These two sentences are from Deng Shen's "Summer Yushan Zhai".

We often look forward to the warmer season in the cold winter days.

When you are in the hot summer, you begin to miss the crisp autumn days, and even the winter days in the ice and snow.

As everyone knows, each season has its own unique charm.

When we calm down, forget our troubles, abandon impetuousness, and feel the spiritual implications given by nature.

Even if the sun is scorching outside and the heat wave is rolling, you can still keep a cool place inside.

lotus lotus, green bamboo; Time passes, and the summer is long.

Along the vein of time, slowly roll out the picture scroll of the season.

A wisp of smoke, a flowing cloud, a curtain of smoke and rain, crawling full of poetry;

A pool of blue lotus, a few fireflies, and a field of rice flowers exude the charm of midsummer.

The season is a volume, the landscape is inked, a picture of summer is deep, and the book is a paper fireworks.


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