
Mao Dongdong and the great-grandfather of the great man, there are 5 "coincidences"

author:Friends of the loveliest people

As the only great-grandson of the great man Grandpa Mao, Comrade Mao Dongdong has always attracted the attention of the people of the whole country since his birth, and his expectations are particularly high. The veterans noticed that Comrade Mao Dongdong and the great-grandfather of the great man had five "coincidences", which was very gratifying, and the red gene had been inherited.

Mao Dongdong and the great-grandfather of the great man, there are 5 "coincidences"

One is born on the same day and in the same month. The great man was born on December 26, 1893, and Comrade Mao Dongdong was born on December 26, 2003. The difference between great-grandfather and great-grandson is 110 years old, born on the same day and month, a magical coincidence.

The second is that they look similar. Some people compare the photo of Comrade Mao Dongdong with the photo of a great man in his youth, and it is recognized that the eyebrows are similar.

The third is that the name has the word "east". It is said that Comrade Mao Dongdong, who was born in winter, was originally named "Mao Dongdong", and later listened to the advice of his elders and set it as a homonym "Dongdong", which has the word "Dong" with the name of the great-great-grandfather, which is a good commemoration and another coincidence.

Mao Dongdong and the great-grandfather of the great man, there are 5 "coincidences"

Fourth, they are as tall as they are. According to the comrades who worked beside the great man, the great man was a "man from the south and a man from the north", and he was tall and tall, reaching more than 1.80 meters. We saw through the official media that Comrade Mao Dongdong was about 1.90 meters tall, as tall and burly as his great-grandfather.

Fifth, the hobbies are the same. Comrade Mao Dongdong, like his great-great-grandfather, was diligent and studious, and liked history, philosophy, calligraphy, and so on. Especially like his father, General Mao Xinyu, he likes to study the thoughts of great men, and he inherits and carries them forward very well.

Mao Dongdong and the great-grandfather of the great man, there are 5 "coincidences"

Salute to the descendants of the great!