
The post-90s generation with a baby and not being threatened is the final bottom line

author:Lazy mother's life with a baby

brushed up on a video that made people cry and laugh: a post-95 mother and son caused a war because of TV!

"If you don't let me watch TV, I'll run away from home with my things and leave you without a baby!"

"Son, when are you going to run away from home? Have you packed your stuff? Need help from your mom? ”

Seeing the conversation between the mother and the son, I really couldn't sit still! The post-95 generation brings a baby, focusing on an "anti-bone psychology competition", and no one will be convinced.

At the end of the video: The mother has packed her things, but the son is unwilling to leave! He even cried that he was wrong and never said that he ran away from home again!

To borrow the words of a netizen: I've been rebellious for more than 20 years, can't I still deal with you?

The post-90s generation with a baby and not being threatened is the final bottom line

The post-90s generation has a baby, and there is a set

1. The concept of parenting is clearer

A careful comparison will find that the principles and concepts of post-90s parents will be clearer in the process of parenting.

They pay more attention not to how obedient the child is, nor how good the child's grades are, but to focus on personality development. It is in stark contrast to the way the elders are educated.

In daily life, post-90s parents will respect their children's interests and choices. Since they want to "run away from home", the parents of the post-90s generation will never "drag their feet" and sort out their babies.

In the hearts of post-90s parents: cultivating children's independence and sense of responsibility is the most important thing! So that they can better support and achieve themselves when they step into society in the future.

The post-90s generation with a baby and not being threatened is the final bottom line

2. Parenting methods are more scientific

When the parents of the post-90s generation were young, they should have been punished or scolded by their parents, right?

It is said that the parents of the post-90s generation are raising themselves when they were young! I was beaten and scolded when I was a child, and I knew the pain in my heart and body, so I naturally wouldn't let my children bear it.

Therefore, post-90s parents will choose scientific and professional parenting methods. It just so happens that through the Internet channel, parents of the post-90s generation can get more parenting information and understand the latest parenting methods.

When children make mistakes, they don't blindly follow the trend, let alone listen to rumors.

90 Parents will give their children the opportunity to "justify", understand the cause and process of the incident, and finally give the appropriate way to educate.

The post-90s generation with a baby and not being threatened is the final bottom line

3. Parent-child communication is essential

When it comes to parent-child communication, post-90s parents really have a say, and they pay special attention to communicating with their children.

It may be that I was "oppressed" so much when I was a child that I never had the opportunity to express my thoughts. Therefore, after becoming a parent, parents born in the 90s will encourage their children to say more, and they must say their inner thoughts.

In the eyes of post-90s parents: becoming friends with children is the best way to educate! Because friends can get along with each other amicably, there will be no so-called rebellion, secrets......

When communicating, everyone will get along with each other in an equal and respectful way, so that children can feel respected and cared for.

Just ask: Who doesn't envy such a parent-child relationship? How can a child be disobedient?

The post-90s generation with a baby and not being threatened is the final bottom line

Being "threatened" by children is the biggest failure of post-90s parents

Most post-90s parents will not be threatened by their children, they feel that once they are threatened by their children, it means that they have failed in education!

Of course, post-90s parents do not feel that their rights have been challenged, but that they feel "threatened", which will make their children become unscrupulous and affect their future.

By crying, skipping meals, running away from home, not studying, etc., they force their parents to meet their unreasonable demands.

When encountering such a bear child, parents really can't say what they are suffering about.

The post-90s generation with a baby and not being threatened is the final bottom line

And all of this stems from the failure of parental education.

Behind the child's "threatening" behavior, there is hidden parents' excessive pampering and connivance.

If you are really "threatened" by your child, the parent-child relationship will definitely be affected. In addition to the helplessness of parents, there are all kinds of complaints; The children, on the other hand, are lawless and intensified.

From a child's point of view, if they achieve their goals through "threatening" behavior, they will have the illusion that "threat" is the most effective way to solve the problem, and they will develop bad habits from then on.

From the perspective of parents, the effect of education in the future will definitely be affected.

If they are always swayed by their children's "threats", then how can they be obedient?

The post-90s generation with a baby and not being threatened is the final bottom line

On the way to raising a baby, how to avoid being "threatened"?

1. Establish clear boundaries and rules

From an early age, it is necessary to work with your children to set and clarify the boundaries and rules of the family.

To put it simply: let children know right from wrong, know what can be done and what cannot be done.

These boundaries and rules, like an invisible "net", can both restrain and protect children.

2. Adopt a positive communication style

I am not afraid of problems, but I am afraid that parents and children will not communicate, which will escalate the problem.

Actively communicating with your child is the key to avoiding being "threatened"! Learning to listen to their children's hearts is a skill that all parents should learn.

The post-90s generation with a baby and not being threatened is the final bottom line

I have always felt that the parenting concept of post-90s parents is worth advocating and learning! In the eyes of many elders, their parenting concepts are a little unreliable, but in terms of educational effect alone, they are particularly reliable.