
After returning to his hometown for 10 years, this "post-90s" village party secretary has not forgotten his original intention!

author:Youth Hubei
After returning to his hometown for 10 years, this "post-90s" village party secretary has not forgotten his original intention!

Recently, it was formed by teachers and students of Central China Normal University

"Young Pioneer of Hubei Practice of Chinese-style Modernization"

Provincial grassroots governance search and propaganda team

Came to Dashi Village, Baini Town, Chongyang County, Hubei Province

Conduct field research

Searching for Young Pioneers of Grassroots Governance

Cheng Ju

After returning to his hometown for 10 years, this "post-90s" village party secretary has not forgotten his original intention!

Cheng Ju was born in 1990

He served as the secretary of the Party branch of Dashi Village, Baini Town, Chongyang County

More than ten years

It has won many national, provincial and municipal honors

She gave herself and the grassroots young cadres hopes:

"Remember the original intention of returning to your hometown and be firm in your choice

Really and down-to-earth to do things for the masses

Live up to the people, sincerity will be exchanged for sincerity"

Hariki "Beginner's Mind"

Cultivate the source of "struggle".

"People put so much trust in me

Elect me, and I'll have to take that responsibility."

In 2014, Cheng Ju faced weak infrastructure,

A large city village with a blank collective economy

Cheng Ju designed and planned with passion

A new picture of the revitalization and development of Dashi Village

After returning to his hometown for 10 years, this "post-90s" village party secretary has not forgotten his original intention!

Villagers who are skeptical and uncooperative

She went deep into the masses and analyzed the needs of the villagers

Sincerely think for the masses and do it for the people

Facing complex and difficult governance tasks

Cheng Ju "novice" on the road

Familiarize yourself with the situation of the village and consult the old party members and cadres

Quickly integrate into identity roles

Groping and sharpening oneself in doing practical things, forging rules

After returning to his hometown for 10 years, this "post-90s" village party secretary has not forgotten his original intention!

Promises made during the campaign

In the village construction, industrial development

Targeted poverty alleviation, neighborhood disputes, etc

Cheng Ju is unequivocal and works on the front line

Go up the mountain and down to the field, go to the village and go to the house to promote the construction and carry out coordination

Cheng Ju's sincere original intention and simple feelings

Watering the youth of struggle

Cultivating "fertile soil"

Rooted in the field of "hard work".

After taking office, Cheng Ju took multiple measures and worked hard

Ochimura is under her planning

Gradually put on the right track of development

On the one hand, she strengthened the construction of party branches

Organize party members of village party branches to study intensively

Lead party members to plant trees and clean roads

After returning to his hometown for 10 years, this "post-90s" village party secretary has not forgotten his original intention!

On the other hand

Cheng Ju pays close attention to infrastructure construction and industrial poverty alleviation

Since 2015

13.8 kilometers of village roads were newly repaired, hardened and widened

The new Yueshan Bridge, Tonggu Bridge, and 9 cultural squares were repaired

8 new industrial bases and 5 small and micro workshops

In 2016, Oichi Village became

One of the first batch of poverty-stricken villages in Xianning City

In 2019, it was included in the beautiful rural demonstration village of Chongyang County

In 2022, it was listed as a demonstration site for co-creation

Cheng Ju also visited homes in full coverage to listen to the voices of the masses

Commitment to 24-hour service, convenient door-to-door service

Communicate and coordinate with the villagers meticulously and patiently

Find ways to help poor households increase their income

Cheng Ju, who is not afraid of hardship and is willing to do things

Heart-to-heart, emotion-for-emotion

After returning to his hometown for 10 years, this "post-90s" village party secretary has not forgotten his original intention!

"Got it done

Be a witness, builder, and participant in the village

I also have a strong sense of well-being."

The grassroots is the fertile ground for growth

Only by hard work can we thrive

Cheng Ju is busy in the "field" day and night

Service in front of the house and behind the house

The village is beautiful, the villagers are rich, and Cheng Ju is happy

Cultivating the "Mission"

Grasp the hoe of "youth".

Cheng Ju returned to his hometown for ten years

It has gone through four stages of growth:

From passionate but unruly to handy

From confusion and groping to getting on the right track

Cheng Ju put the needs of the villagers and the pressure of work

Be an accelerator for your own growth

With tenacity and perseverance and a strong heart

Lead party members and cadres to become the core force of the development of large cities and villages

After returning to his hometown for 10 years, this "post-90s" village party secretary has not forgotten his original intention!

Dozens of projects have been implemented

The presentation of the picture scroll of the beautiful big city village

It is the fruit of Cheng Ju's youth

Have the power to root downward

Fang has to grow upwards and prosperously

Cheng Ju has been deeply cultivated for ten years

Go all out for the beauty of the city

But she said:

"I am a person who has been made by the big city"

After returning to his hometown for 10 years, this "post-90s" village party secretary has not forgotten his original intention!


Cheng Ju was elected as a deputy to the 13th National People's Congress


Won the "2019 National Poverty Alleviation Award"


Won the "National 38 Red Flag Bearer" and "Chinese Youth May Fourth Medal"


Won the "National Outstanding Party Worker"

At the time of realizing the commitment to building a beautiful city

Cheng Ju also realized his own life value

Interpreted with action and youth

Young Pioneers "The Way They Should Be"

Cheng Ju is rushing to the grassroots

With the motivation of "opening the road in the mountains and building bridges in the water".

Unleash unlimited vanguard energy

Looking back, she smiled

"Big city, Cheng Ju, the light boat has passed the ten thousand mountains"

Let us join hands to stand up for the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Hubei!

After returning to his hometown for 10 years, this "post-90s" village party secretary has not forgotten his original intention!
After returning to his hometown for 10 years, this "post-90s" village party secretary has not forgotten his original intention!
After returning to his hometown for 10 years, this "post-90s" village party secretary has not forgotten his original intention!
编  辑 | 张玉珊审 核 | 周婷婷值班编委 | 邢 鑫来 源 | 华中师范大学团委、华中师范大学中国农村研究院(韩梦龙、马蕊、王笑笑、吴晓娱、宋青华、李从政、刘述岩)      
After returning to his hometown for 10 years, this "post-90s" village party secretary has not forgotten his original intention!
After returning to his hometown for 10 years, this "post-90s" village party secretary has not forgotten his original intention!
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