
"Beautiful and sweet, come to Gutian" theme | Wenwu Ancient Town, cultivating and reading people's homes

author:New Fujian
"Beautiful and sweet, come to Gutian" theme | Wenwu Ancient Town, cultivating and reading people's homes

On the afternoon of June 28, the 2024 provincial and municipal literary and artistic authors experienced the theme of "Beautiful and Sweet, Come to Gutian" The PEN meeting and wind collection interview activity entered Shanyang Village, Shanyang Town, Gutian County, where well-known provincial and municipal writers, photographers and media reporters strolled among the ancient houses, felt the charm of the ancient town, and appreciated the traditional farming and reading culture.

"Beautiful and sweet, come to Gutian" theme | Wenwu Ancient Town, cultivating and reading people's homes
"Beautiful and sweet, come to Gutian" theme | Wenwu Ancient Town, cultivating and reading people's homes

Shanyang has practiced martial arts since ancient times, and also respects literature and education, and is a veritable "ancient town of civil and military". Historically, there have been celebrities such as Yu Fu, the champion of the Song Dynasty, Lin Chaopin, the anti-British national hero in the late Qing Dynasty, and Li Ruochu, a famous calligrapher and painter. The Lantian Academy in the north of the town is famous for the fact that Zhu Xi, a master of science, stopped to give lectures twice, allowing Shanyang to gain the reputation of "the hometown of the sages".

"Beautiful and sweet, come to Gutian" theme | Wenwu Ancient Town, cultivating and reading people's homes
"Beautiful and sweet, come to Gutian" theme | Wenwu Ancient Town, cultivating and reading people's homes

As a "famous historical and cultural town in China" and "the hometown of Chinese folk culture and art", the historical context of Shanyang Town has never been interrupted. The traditional street pattern of "four surnames and eight realms" in the town has been preserved intact so far, and there are as many as 275 historical and cultural monuments of various types in the town, such as Cicada Forest Temple, Fenglin Temple and Lianzhu Temple, which are among the top ten famous shrines in Fuzhou, and 8 villages such as Shanyang, Lingli and Baixi are listed in the list of traditional Chinese villages.

"Beautiful and sweet, come to Gutian" theme | Wenwu Ancient Town, cultivating and reading people's homes

The rich historical and cultural heritage is undoubtedly a "golden business card" of Shanyang Town, how to protect, inherit and make good use of the cultural heritage left by the ancestors? In 2018, the key cultural construction project of "Wenwu Ancient Town, Cultivating and Reading People's Homes" was officially launched, and Shanyang Ancient Town ushered in development opportunities.

"Beautiful and sweet, come to Gutian" theme | Wenwu Ancient Town, cultivating and reading people's homes
"Beautiful and sweet, come to Gutian" theme | Wenwu Ancient Town, cultivating and reading people's homes

In the past six years, in accordance with the principle of "restoring the old appearance, creating high-quality products, and highlighting the characteristics", Shanyang Town has comprehensively promoted the restoration and protection of ancient streets in the ancient town, the transformation of the main street, the restoration and protection of ancient buildings, and the construction of supporting service facilities. Nowadays, walking on the wide and tidy main street of the ancient town, there are many shops on both sides of the road, and the façade landscape is simple and elegant, showing a strong "fireworks". In the northern area of the ancient town, the protective renovation has brought to life the historical buildings such as lanes, houses, and ancestral halls, and contrasted with the flowers and trees in front of and behind the houses.

Source: Xinningde client