
A complete list of HIV/AIDS knowledge

author:Golmud Pufa

1. Introduction to AIDS What is AIDS, AIDS is a serious immune system disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, HIV attacks the body's immune system, making the body vulnerable to various diseases and cancers. Why is it called AIDS, AIDS is the abbreviation of "Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome", and the English abbreviation is "AIDS", which translates and transliterates as AIDS, so it is called AIDS. How does AIDS lead to death, in the later stage of AIDS, patients lose all cellular immunity, are infected with various bacteria, fungi, viruses, organ failure, and finally die of various complications. There is currently no cure for the transmission of AIDS, which is transmitted through blood, sexual contact, mother-to-child transmission, etc., but the virus can be controlled through antiretroviral therapy, prolonging survival and improving quality of life. The origin of AIDS, AIDS first appeared in Africa, first transmitted to humans through the hunting and feeding of wild animals in the primary forest areas of Africa, and then spread rapidly and became a global problem. According to the report, there are currently 39 million people living with HIV in the world, and the total number of AIDS patients in China is about 1.05 million, accounting for 0.075% of the total population of the mainland. The average life expectancy of HIV-infected patients is about 10 years, which lasts for about 8~9 years from the time the virus enters the human body to the onset of the disease, and the survival time after the onset of the disease is about 12~18 months. The survival rate of AIDS, AIDS is a relatively malignant disease, the survival rate is relatively low, if not found and untreated, the mortality rate after five years is more than 50%. Why AIDS has not been conquered, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a highly mutated virus that can mutate rapidly, which makes it very difficult to develop a universal vaccine or drug to cure all people living with HIV, and the incubation period of AIDS is 6-8 years on average, which is difficult to completely eliminate by existing drugs, so AIDS cannot be completely cured. The symbol of AIDS, the international symbol of AIDS, is the red ribbon, which is used to show concern for those living with AIDS and those who have died of AIDS, as well as those affected by AIDS, to give support and hope.

A complete list of HIV/AIDS knowledge

2. The acute infection phase of the AIDS cycle, in the first few weeks after infection, the virus multiplies rapidly and the body's immune system begins to respond. At this point, some people may experience flu-like symptoms. The incubation period, also known as the asymptomatic phase, is a stage in which an HIV-infected person may have no obvious symptoms but the virus is still active in the body, and this stage may last for 5-10 years. During the onset phase, untreated HIV infection can eventually destroy the immune system, leading to AIDS. At this time, the infected person is susceptible to various opportunistic infections and cancers.

A complete list of HIV/AIDS knowledge

3. Transmission of HIV HIV is transmitted through bodily fluids (e.g., blood, semen, vaginal secretions, breast milk), and common routes of transmission include: sexual transmission, sex without condoms, especially high-risk sexual behavior (e.g., multiple sexual partners, unprotected sex) that can lead to HIV transmission. Blood-borne transmission, sharing syringes, blood collection utensils, needles when injecting drugs, and other conditions can lead to HIV transmission. Mother-to-child transmission, in which untreated pregnant women are infected with HIV, the virus can be transmitted to their babies through pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding.

A complete list of HIV/AIDS knowledge
A complete list of HIV/AIDS knowledge

4. Symptoms of AIDS are acute in the infectious phase, and flu-like symptoms such as fever, sore throat, muscle pain, rash, and swollen lymph nodes may occur early (within a few weeks). The incubation period, which may be asymptomatic and last for several years. In the late stage of AIDS, with the impaired immune system, various diseases such as persistent fever, extreme weight loss, skin lesions, and malignant tumors may occur.

A complete list of HIV/AIDS knowledge

5. HIV prevention of safe sex, including condom use, abstinence from polygamous sex, post-sex washing or hygiene, etc. Safer sex education, sexual health education is key to raising awareness of safe sex and the risk of HIV infection. Avoid sharing syringes, syringes, blood collection equipment, drug injection equipment, etc. with others. In mother-to-child prophylaxis, pregnant women can reduce the risk of transmitting HIV to their babies by following the advice of a medical professional and receiving antiviral therapy. Get tested regularly, get tested regularly for HIV as part of a preventive measure, and get treatment in a timely manner to slow the progression of the disease and reduce the risk of transmission.

A complete list of HIV/AIDS knowledge

6. Treatment of AIDSAntiretroviral therapy (ART), the main treatment modality for AIDS, ART is a drug therapy that includes a combination of multiple antiviral drugs to control the replication of the HIV virus in the body and reduce the viral load. Early treatment, according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), people with AIDS should start ART as early as possible, early treatment can improve survival and reduce the risk of HIV transmission. Management of syndromes, AIDS patients may face various syndromes such as pneumonia, malignancy, honeysuckle algae, etc., and treatment also includes ways to manage these syndromes to improve the patient's health. Psychological support, HIV infection has a significant impact on the psychological and emotional well-being of patients, so it is important to provide psychological and social support. Sexual health and prevention, during treatment, patients still need to continue to take precautions to avoid contracting or transmitting HIV.

A complete list of HIV/AIDS knowledge

Source: Splendid Jianhua

A complete list of HIV/AIDS knowledge