
Jeopardy Zero: 1.0 Public Beta Content Summary|Get 100 character coupons, card pool rules introduced

author:Frozen pear tour research club

Bangbu: This preview is less than half an hour?

Frozen pear: Super fast-paced, or don't wait for the 7.4 beta, just open it~

Jeopardy Zero: 1.0 Public Beta Content Summary|Get 100 character coupons, card pool rules introduced

This issue brings you a summary of the information of the Jeopardy Zero Open Beta Prospect, including the composition of benefits, card pool information, core gameplay, etc., to clear the fog and prepare for the open beta in advance!

1. 300 films

ZZZFREE100。 Valid until 7.11, it contains 300 Fillin (Primordial Stone Xingqiong), 30,000 Dinny (Mora Credits), 3 Sonic Energy Modules (Weapon Experience), and 2 Senior Investigator Records (Character Experience).

Jeopardy Zero: 1.0 Public Beta Content Summary|Get 100 character coupons, card pool rules introduced

2. Public beta benefits

A total of 30 encrypted master tapes (limited card pool), 70 original master tapes (resident card pool), 80 Bangbu coupons (battle and pet Bangbu card pool), and A-rank character Kelin. Next, let's refine the source of each item, and you may be clearer~

Jeopardy Zero: 1.0 Public Beta Content Summary|Get 100 character coupons, card pool rules introduced

(1) 40 million reservations worldwide (login and direct receipt), 20 resident, 5 bombs, and A-level character Kelin.

(2) Cunning rabbit mind (log in directly to receive), 10 resident.

Jeopardy Zero: 1.0 Public Beta Content Summary|Get 100 character coupons, card pool rules introduced

(3) The third phase of 7-day sign-in, a total of 20 limited and 10 Bangbu coupons. The three phases are: New Town Visitor Passport (7.4-8.13), Liufenjie Street Gift (7.11-8.13), and "Um-na" Falling from the Sky (7.24-8.13). To put it simply, the Jeopardy Zero 1.0 version can be signed in the first half of 20 limited, and the second half of 10 Bangbu coupons.

Jeopardy Zero: 1.0 Public Beta Content Summary|Get 100 character coupons, card pool rules introduced

(4) Climb the rope steps, 1600 films, 40 resident, 65 Bangbu coupons. This is a level reward, which is awarded once for every 5 levels up until level 30. Theoretically, play normally, and the first version can be claimed in full. But this piece is not in a hurry, just play slowly~

Jeopardy Zero: 1.0 Public Beta Content Summary|Get 100 character coupons, card pool rules introduced

3. Card pool arrangement

[Limited Card Pool] The first half, Ai Lian (Deep Sea Visitor), Cangjiao, Anton; In the second half, Crested Kite (Riot Type VI), Nicole, and Ben. Jeopardy Zero's side is in accordance with the UP method of 1 S-level + 2 A-level, the character 90 draws the guarantee (50% probability is crooked), and the weapon 80 draws a small guarantee (25% probability is crooked), and the next time it is crooked, it will be its UP.

Jeopardy Zero: 1.0 Public Beta Content Summary|Get 100 character coupons, card pool rules introduced

The first 50 draws of the [Resident Card Pool] belong to the novice protection, 10 consecutive 20% off and must be out of 5-star characters, and even if you draw 5 stars in the first draw, this 50 draws discount benefits still exist. After 50 draws, it will become a normal card draw probability, and 90 draws will be guaranteed to be 5-star agents (characters) or sound engines (weapons). A total of 300 times can choose 1 5-star resident character, which can be achieved around the first anniversary according to Hontetsu.

Jeopardy Zero: 1.0 Public Beta Content Summary|Get 100 character coupons, card pool rules introduced

【Bangbu Card Pool】Bangbu is a free-to-play game, and gacha resources can be obtained in daily gameplay, such as Hole Zero (simulated universe), rally commission (Abyss Chaos), various periodic activities, and so on. 80 pumps guarantee, will not be crooked, you can specify the UP of Bangbu by yourself, and generally choose with the corresponding cultivation system.

Jeopardy Zero: 1.0 Public Beta Content Summary|Get 100 character coupons, card pool rules introduced

Fourth, the resident gameplay

[Plot Information] will open the prologue to the third chapter of the "Chronicle of Faertong", which can be understood as the main plot; The "Agent Secrets" plot unlocks the plots of 6 resident characters (Catagain, Grace, Kleida, Caikarn, Lina, and No. 11), which can be understood as a character-specific plot and strengthens the character building.

Jeopardy Zero: 1.0 Public Beta Content Summary|Get 100 character coupons, card pool rules introduced

[Hole Zero] refreshes weekly Rouglike gameplay, walking the grid to trigger events, buffs, and battles, similar to the simulated universe of the Star Dome Railway next door, and you can get rewards by challenging the 'Zero Hole' to increase your license level, and there are also weekly rewards that are refreshed every week.

Jeopardy Zero: 1.0 Public Beta Content Summary|Get 100 character coupons, card pool rules introduced

The high-difficulty levels refreshed by the [Defensive War] cycle are similar to the Genshin Impact Abyss and the Forgotten Court of the Star Dome Railway. The first time you clear the third line of defense, you can get the A-level agent Cangjiao, and at a certain level, you will be required to form a 2-team lineup to challenge.

Jeopardy Zero: 1.0 Public Beta Content Summary|Get 100 character coupons, card pool rules introduced

V. Conclusion

Jeopardy Zero is an action game, but the project team also made it clear that 'low threshold and high ceiling', with low cooldown invincible dodge + refreshing and fast to cut people, to ensure the game experience, after all, the game is to be cool and not to become a burden, I hope everyone can have a good game experience in the open beta!

Jeopardy Zero: 1.0 Public Beta Content Summary|Get 100 character coupons, card pool rules introduced

The above is the general content of the Jeopardy Zero 1.0 version, and the more detailed gameplay will be introduced to you one by one in the follow-up frozen pears~