
Follow the road to the south and reminisce about that magnificent period of youth......

author:Shanghai Huangpu

Recently, under the guidance of the Shanghai Youth League School, sponsored by the Shanghai Youth Movement History Research Association and the Fujian Provincial Southbound Service Corps Youth League History Research Association, and co-organized by the Huangpu District Committee of the Communist Youth League, the theme activity of "Following the Southward Road, Passing the Torch Forever" to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Shanghai and the 75th anniversary of the entry of the East China Army Service Corps into Fujian was launched in Shanghai Datong Middle School.

Follow the road to the south and reminisce about that magnificent period of youth......

In May 1949, Shanghai was liberated. According to the development of the situation, the Party Central Committee decided to liberate Fujian ahead of schedule. In accordance with the instructions of the CPC Central Committee, the East China Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the Fujian Provincial CPC Committee decided to recruit young intellectuals from Shanghai to go south with the army in order to make up for the shortage of cadres to take over. On June 17, the East China Service Group of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (hereinafter referred to as the Southbound Service Group) held its inaugural meeting at the High School Attached to Datong University. The Southbound Service Corps is a new force composed of young students and workers from Shanghai to serve the liberation of Fujian. On July 19, the southbound service group departed from Shanghai and went south to Fujian. Some of them sacrificed their precious lives for the cause of the liberation of the Chinese people, and most of them took root in the land of Fujian, dedicating their lives to Fujian's liberation, takeover, construction, development, and reform and opening up, and erected a monument in the land of Fujian.

Follow the road to the south and reminisce about that magnificent period of youth......
Follow the road to the south and reminisce about that magnificent period of youth......
Follow the road to the south and reminisce about that magnificent period of youth......

Two veteran members of the Southbound Service Group, 96-year-old Wang Meifang and 93-year-old Dong Xiao, were invited to the event, who told the touching stories of their magnificent youth and the contemporaries of their own destinies. Liu Sumin, a descendant of the Fujian Provincial Southbound Service Corps, donated the General Secretary's congratulatory letter, relevant historical materials and research works to the Archives and Museums Management Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the History Museum of Tongji University, the Archives of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, and the Shanghai Youth Movement History Research Association.

Follow the road to the south and reminisce about that magnificent period of youth......

Liu Sumin, whose parents are both leading cadres of the Southbound Service Corps, gave a detailed introduction and analysis from three aspects: the history of the Southbound Service Corps, the formation of the Southbound Service Corps, and the significance and value of the Southbound Service Corps, and summarized and refined the southbound spirit of "obeying the party's command, sticking to ideals, fearless of hardships and dangers, moving forward bravely, pioneering and starting a business, taking the world as a home, serving the people, and dedicating ourselves to dedication". The principal of Shanghai Datong Middle School said that the predecessor of Datong Middle School, the Affiliated High School of Datong University, was the earliest office of the preparatory group of the Southbound Service Group and the establishment of the Southbound Service Group.

Follow the road to the south and reminisce about that magnificent period of youth......

During the event, the Shanghai Youth Movement History Research Association also summarized the research of the Shanghai Communist Youth League system on the Southbound Service Group. The history of the Southbound Service Corps is not only an important part of the history of the youth movement in Shanghai, but also a glorious chapter in the history of the Chinese youth movement.

Reporter / Sheng Yinmin

Editor / Huang Qianwen

Photo / Courtesy of the organiser

Please indicate that it is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Huangpu