
"I'd rather live in a room with a lack of corners than a broken brain", what is a "broken brain", is there a reason for life?

author:Warm the three farmers with the text

"I'd rather live in a house with a corner than in a broken room" is such a proverb full of meaning. It conveys an emphasis on the living environment and the pursuit of a comfortable and peaceful life, so, what is a "broken brain"? What kind of life principles does this sentence contain?

"I'd rather live in a room with a lack of corners than a broken brain", what is a "broken brain", is there a reason for life?

1. What is "brain-breaking"?

At first glance, the mysterious term "broken brain" seems to describe a dilapidated and crumbling dwelling. However, after delving deeper into its connotation, it is not difficult to find that the "broken brain" here does not refer to the physical state of the house, but to the flaws in its feng shui layout.

When choosing a home, we should not only pay attention to its physical conditions, but also pay attention to its feng shui layout. A house with good feng shui can not only make people feel refreshed, but also help you subtly and add luster to your future.

"I'd rather live in a room with a lack of corners than a broken brain", what is a "broken brain", is there a reason for life?

2. "I'd rather live in a corner house than a broken brain"

"It's better to live in a corner house than to break your brain", a proverb that embodies thousands of years of wisdom, is like a delicate picture scroll, slowly unfolding, showing us people's unique insights and deep considerations for the living environment. Why, when faced with a choice, would people prefer to choose those houses with slightly inadequate appearance and missing corners, rather than stepping into the "broken brains" with disordered feng shui and broken layout?

Behind this, it is not only a simple choice of living conditions, but also a deep pursuit of quality of life and peace of mind. Although the appearance of the corner house may not be perfect and slightly flawed, if we walk into it and find that its internal layout is reasonable, the space is properly utilized, and the ventilation and lighting are first-class, then it is like an old friend who has survived the wind and rain and is still tenacious, with its tolerance and warmth, to provide a quiet and comfortable harbor for the residents.

The corner house may not be the most ideal and perfect place to live in people's hearts, but it can reveal a down-to-earth warmth and a reassuring power in the ordinary. In this hustle and bustle of the world, it is like a quiet haven, allowing people to find their own peaceful world in their busy lives, so that the soul can get a moment of rest and relaxation. This choice is not only the pursuit of quality of life, but also the yearning and cherishing of inner peace.

And the improperly arranged "brain-breaking room" of feng shui is simply like a dark whirlpool of the deep sea, and the endless darkness seems to swallow everything, and gradually deprives the occupants of peace and happiness. Standing in it, it is as if every step is stepping on a crumbling single-plank bridge, and every turn may face an unpredictable abyss.

Living in such an environment for a long time, people's hearts seem to be shrouded in an invisible haze, and the feeling of pressure and restraint lingers like a shadow. It's like a huge hand, holding people's throats tightly, making it impossible to breathe and break free. This sense of restraint not only comes from the outside world, but also from the heart, making people feel physically and mentally exhausted in the endless struggle.

Although such a "brain-breaking room" may appear magnificent on the surface, and even full of temptation and charm in the eyes of some people, the real comfort and peace of mind are not related to it. Because it cannot give people peace and peace in their hearts, let alone make people feel the warmth and tranquility of home. In such an environment, people can only feel endless pain and suffering, as if they are trapped by an invisible force and cannot escape.

This sentence tells us that on the road of pursuing life, we should not be confused by the external prosperity, but should pay attention to the true feelings and needs of the heart. A comfortable living environment can not only bring us physical relaxation, but also nourish our souls, so that we can find a peaceful place of our own in our busy life.

"I'd rather live in a room with a lack of corners than a broken brain", what is a "broken brain", is there a reason for life?

3. Is there a reason for life?

Further analysis of this sentence shows that there is much more to life than that. First of all, it tells us to pay attention to comfort and psychological tranquility when choosing a living environment. A comfortable living environment not only makes us feel happy, but also improves our quality of life and productivity. Therefore, when choosing a house, we should comprehensively consider factors such as the layout, orientation, ventilation and lighting of the house, and choose those houses that can make us feel comfortable and peaceful.

Secondly, this quote also reminds us to weigh the pros and cons and make wise decisions when faced with life choices. In real life, we are often faced with a variety of choices, some of which seem to be flawless, but in fact may hide many hidden dangers; And some options, while seemingly unsatisfactory, can lead to unexpected benefits. Therefore, when making decisions, we should consider various factors holistically, weigh the pros and cons, and choose those that truly meet our needs and interests.

Finally, this quote also highlights the importance of mental health in life. A healthy state of mind not only allows us to better cope with life's challenges and difficulties, but also improves our sense of well-being and satisfaction. Therefore, while pursuing a material life, we should also pay attention to the maintenance of mental health. You can maintain your mental health by learning psychological knowledge and seeking psychological counseling, so that you can maintain a sense of tranquility and calmness in your busy life.

"I'd rather live in a room with a lack of corners than a broken brain", what is a "broken brain", is there a reason for life?

To sum up, although the sentence "I'd rather live in a house with a missing corner than in a broken brain" is short, it contains a wealth of life truths. It tells us to pay attention to comfort and psychological tranquility when choosing a living environment; Weigh the pros and cons when making decisions; At the same time, we should also pay attention to the maintenance of mental health. These principles apply not only to the small things of life such as choosing a house, but also to all aspects of our lives. Only by truly understanding and practicing these truths can we achieve more success and happiness in life.

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