
Three sets of key words to understand the Fifth Plenary Session of the Fifth Municipal Party Committee

author:Ecological Ya'an
Three sets of key words to understand the Fifth Plenary Session of the Fifth Municipal Party Committee

On June 28, the scene of the press conference of the Ya'an Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China


Nie Ying, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department

Lan Mingyuan, Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Political Research Office

Zeng Qi, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission

Huang Yonggang, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology

Mao Jianmei, Director of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau

Luo Gang Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of the Economic Development Zone


Yang Shubing, Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Director of the Foreign Propaganda Office of the Municipal Party Committee (Information Office of the Municipal Government).

On June 27, the Fifth Plenary Session of the Fifth Ya'an Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China was held. What is the significance of the plenary? What are the standout features? What results have been achieved? On June 28, the Ya'an Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China held a press conference to interpret the spirit of the plenary session.

Timing matters

The convening of the critical period highlights three significances

At present, the city's total economic output has reached the level of 100 billion yuan, and the quality and efficiency of development have been significantly improved, but the unbalanced and insufficient development is still the biggest market situation. Standing at a new historical starting point, Ya'an is in the window period of leapfrogging development, the release period of advantageous potential, and the critical period of taking advantage of the momentum.

Nie Ying, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, said that the successful convening of the plenary session will inspire and mobilize the party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres in the city to deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", resolutely achieve the "two maintenances", thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on high-quality development, and promote the implementation of the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 12th Provincial Party Committee in Ya'an; For the in-depth implementation of the development strategy of "one district and one place leading, two axes and three circles linkage, key breakthroughs at the county level, and global synergy and co-prosperity", the new productivity theory will guide the development practice of Ya'an, continuously improve the overall quality and efficiency of development, and provide solid material support for Ya'an's modernization; It is of great significance to enhance confidence in development, do a solid job in the current economic and social development, consolidate and strengthen the positive trend of economic recovery, and ensure the successful completion of the annual goals and tasks.

The theme is clear and the focus is highlighted

Closely following the actual development has three characteristics

What are the characteristics of the plenary? Nie Ying said that the theme of the plenum is to accelerate the development of new quality productivity and solidly promote high-quality development, which is in line with the major policies of the Party Central Committee and the decision-making and deployment of the Provincial Party Committee, and closely follows the actual development of Ya'an, with the following three characteristics:

First of all, it reflects the political consciousness of the municipal party committee to firmly implement the decisions and arrangements of the party Central Committee and the provincial party committee. The plenary session thoroughly implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on the work of Sichuan, fully implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 12th Provincial Party Committee, and made an overall plan for accelerating the development of new quality productive forces and solidly promoting high-quality development.

Secondly, it clarified the goals and tasks of the Municipal Party Committee to promote the high-quality development of Ya'an at a new historical starting point. Based on the phased characteristics of Ya'an's development, the plenary session anchored the overall goal of Ya'an's modernization and put forward the goal of solidly promoting high-quality development: by 2027, the city's comprehensive strength and competitiveness will continue to increase, the per capita GDP will enter the first phalanx in the province, and the high-quality economic and social development will achieve remarkable results. The development of new quality productivity has been accelerated, and the innovation chain and industrial chain have been deeply integrated. Regional synergy and co-prosperity have been steadily promoted, the "shaft ring" linkage has become closer, and the pace of integrated development has accelerated. The quality of people's life has been continuously improved, and the construction of the West Sichuan Education Center and the West Sichuan Medical Care Center has been accelerated. The bottom line of security and stability has been strengthened, and the overall social situation has remained harmonious and stable. By 2035, the total factor productivity will be greatly improved, and new industrialization, informatization, urbanization, and agricultural modernization will be basically realized, and socialist modernization will be basically realized in sync with the whole province. This reflects the strong will and determination of the Municipal Party Committee to unswervingly promote high-quality development, and will further promote the modernization of Ya'an in the new era and new journey.

Finally, it demonstrates the foresight of the Municipal Party Committee to focus on the long-term and seize the opportunity to plan the development of Ya'an. The plenary session conformed to the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, seized the historical opportunity of scientific and technological innovation to open up new fields and new tracks for development, highlighted the adaptation of measures to local conditions, system concepts, and bottom-line thinking, and made arrangements for adhering to innovation-driven leadership, accelerating the development of new quality productivity, promoting regional coordination and linkage, enhancing development coordination and sustainability, continuously protecting and improving people's livelihood, improving the quality of life of the people, maintaining the overall situation of security and stability, and guarding the red line of development. It is of great practical and strategic significance to reform the development momentum, development field and development quality, and accelerate the shaping of Ya'an's new advantages in high-quality development.

Brainstorming yields fruitful results

Extensive cohesion of wisdom and strength to achieve three major results

What were the outcomes of the plenary? Nie Ying revealed that during the meeting, the participating comrades carried out in-depth discussions around the theme of the plenary session with full political enthusiasm, and the opinions and suggestions put forward were fully absorbed and adopted, which widely gathered the wisdom and strength of all parties. The comrades attending the meeting generally felt that the plenary session had achieved fruitful results and great gains. The results are embodied in three aspects: First, the ideological consensus has been unified. The plenary session conscientiously studied and implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on promoting high-quality development, fully implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 12th Provincial Party Committee, insisted on using the new productivity theory to guide the development practice of Ya'an, focused on the issue of accelerating the development of new quality productivity and solidly promoting high-quality development, and deliberated and adopted the "Decision of the Ya'an Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China on Accelerating the Development of New Quality Productivity and Solidly Promoting High-quality Development" (hereinafter referred to as the "Decision"), which fully reflects the strategic determination of the Municipal Party Committee to actively serve the overall situation of the country and province. It has further strengthened the confidence and determination of the whole city to firmly take the road of high-quality development and build a modern socialist Ya'an in an all-round way.

The second is to clarify the focus of efforts. The "Decision" focuses on the in-depth implementation of the development strategy of "one district and one place, two axes and three circles linkage, key breakthroughs at the county level, and synergy and co-prosperity of the whole region", anchors the overall goal of Ya'an's modernization, puts forward a series of major tasks and key measures in combination with the actual situation of the city, scientifically answers the major theoretical and practical questions such as "how to see" and "how to do" in Ya'an's development of new quality productivity and promotion of high-quality development, and clearly depicts the operational and construction drawings of the city's development of new quality productivity and promotion of high-quality development. It will certainly provide a strong impetus and support for Ya'an's modernization.

The third is to unite the joint force of forging ahead. The deployment of the plenary meeting around accelerating the development of new quality productive forces is an overall plan for the high-quality development of Ya'an based on a new starting point, and a major measure to promote the modernization of Ya'an. Everyone unanimously expressed that they will unify their thinking to the spirit of the plenary session, gather their strength to implement the decisions and arrangements of the plenary session, find the entry point and focus of the work based on reality, refine the task requirements, improve policy measures, and pay close attention to the implementation of the work, so as to ensure that the major policies of the Party Central Committee, the decision-making and deployment of the provincial party committee and the work arrangements of the municipal party committee take root and bear fruit.

Ya'an Rong Media Center reporter Zhang Jing Zheng Yusha

Ya'an Rong Media Center Zhang Tianxing