
People who don't know, they think that the company with Hui didn't invite a cleaning aunt!

author:Mushroom heads

Revealing the Douyin live broadcast giant: the "refrigerator office" and "three heads and six arms" team behind Hui's peers

In the live broadcast room of Douyin, there is a name that frequently jumps into the public eye-Walking with Hui. You may not know that this live broadcast team, which has the highest monthly sales, has a group of staff who "stand on the refrigerator" behind it. That's right, you heard it right, it's not an exaggeration, it's not a joke, it's a real daily life that happens in the live broadcast room with Hui.

People who don't know, they think that the company with Hui didn't invite a cleaning aunt!

Whenever night falls, the lights come on, and it is the busiest time in the live broadcast room with Hui. Those seemingly messy desks are actually hidden busy figures. Female anchors are like pearls embedded in the desk, they not only have to face the camera to maintain the most beautiful state, but also be ready to deal with all kinds of unexpected situations at any time. And the people who prepare the goods are even more busy, they seem to have "three heads and six arms", sometimes stir-frying in the kitchen, sometimes in the refrigerated area, and even have to carry large goods.

People who don't know, they think that the company with Hui didn't invite a cleaning aunt!

You may ask, how can they still be productive and enthusiastic in such a work environment? The answer lies in their love for their work and their insistence on quality. In the company of Hui, every staff member is well aware of their great responsibility, they not only represent the company's image, but also carry the trust of consumers. As a result, they maintain a high level of focus and enthusiasm to ensure that every live stream brings the best shopping experience to consumers.

People who don't know, they think that the company with Hui didn't invite a cleaning aunt!

And such efforts have also been recognized and rewarded by consumers. The sales of the live broadcast room with Hui continue to rise, and it can be at the forefront every month. What's even more remarkable is that they have not only achieved remarkable results in the live broadcast room, but also brought cultural tourism products to more people through live broadcasts. In the live broadcast of cultural tourism in the three provinces, the sales of 1, 200 million yuan were reached in just three or four days, not including the sales of travel tickets. Such an achievement is undoubtedly the best reward for the hard work of the team with Hui.

People who don't know, they think that the company with Hui didn't invite a cleaning aunt!

However, behind the success is often hidden the unknown hardships. In the live broadcast room with Hui, the staff often have to face various challenges and difficulties. But they have never given up on their dreams and pursuits, and have always maintained a positive attitude and a courageous spirit. It is this spirit that allows them to stand out in the highly competitive live streaming industry and become the best in the industry.

People who don't know, they think that the company with Hui didn't invite a cleaning aunt!

Of course, in addition to the hard work of the staff, the reason why we can achieve such brilliant results with Hui is inseparable from the correct decision-making and strong support of the company's leadership. They always adhere to the concept of consumer-centricity, constantly optimize the quality of products and services, and enhance the shopping experience of consumers. At the same time, they also actively explore new marketing models and channels, laying a solid foundation for the company's long-term development.

People who don't know, they think that the company with Hui didn't invite a cleaning aunt!

Today, Walking with Hui has become one of the leaders in the Douyin live broadcast industry. They use their own efforts and sweat to write their own legendary stories. And in this story, every staff member is an integral part. They use their practical actions to interpret the spiritual connotation of "standing on the refrigerator office" and the team spirit of "three heads and six arms". It is with such an excellent team and such a spirit that we can be invincible in the fiercely competitive market and continue to create more brilliance!

People who don't know, they think that the company with Hui didn't invite a cleaning aunt!

Budget-conscious to reduce household expenses – $10 a day can save up to $100,000 a year

In the busy city life, we are often faced with various temptations to spend, and inadvertently, household expenses are quietly rising. However, if we can use his unique calculation method to save 10 yuan a day, like Dong Yuhui, then in a week, we can save 100 yuan; Over the course of a year, that number will swell to a staggering $100,000.

People who don't know, they think that the company with Hui didn't invite a cleaning aunt!

Imagine if every family could be so budget-conscious, the annual savings of 100,000 yuan would be equivalent to the annual income of an ordinary worker in a third-tier city. It's not just a significant number, it's a positive investment in your family's financial health.

Perhaps, you may think that saving 10 yuan a day is not easy, but as long as we pay a little attention to our daily consumption habits, such as reducing unnecessary shopping, choosing more economical modes of transportation, and planning food and beverages, these seemingly small changes can have a huge effect cumulatively.

People who don't know, they think that the company with Hui didn't invite a cleaning aunt!

Let's use Dong Yuhui's calculation method from now on to contribute to our family's financial health. Ten yuan a day subtotal, annual savings of up to 100,000 yuan, this is not only a way of life, but also a kind of life wisdom.

The last thing I want to say is: If you haven't paid attention to the live broadcast room with Hui, then go and check it out now! Not only do you have high-quality products and affordable prices, but also a group of energetic and passionate staff who are providing you with the most intimate service! Let's witness the growth and glory of Hui together!

(The author has opened the whole network to protect rights, and the first article refuses to carry plagiarism, and violators will be investigated!) )

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