
The old mother said to her daughter, "Ah Xing, remember, your life was given by the People's Liberation Army!" ”

author:Silk Bamboo Wind 123

The old mother said to her daughter, "Ah Xing, remember, your life was given by the People's Liberation Army!" ”

In 1999, on the shore of Xishawan Village, Chongwu Town, Hui'an County, Quanzhou, Fujian Province, villager Zeng Axing Shouyi, and local villagers and the government jointly established a People's Liberation Army Temple to commemorate the People's Liberation Army to protect the people!

The old mother said to her daughter, "Ah Xing, remember, your life was given by the People's Liberation Army!" ”

The only People's Liberation Army temple in Chongwu Town, Quanzhou, Fujian

Why did the villager Zeng Axing want to build a temple for the People's Liberation Army?

The old mother said to her daughter, "Ah Xing, remember, your life was given by the People's Liberation Army!" ”

Monument in front of the People's Liberation Army Temple The child held by the People's Liberation Army on the top of the monument is Zeng Axing

On September 17, 1949, it was the liberated fish market temple fair in Chongwu Town, Hui'an County. The temple fair was full of people and very lively. Suddenly, the Kuomintang planes attacked, and the common people hurriedly ran to dodge. In the meantime, a little girl named Zeng Axing, about three years old, ran away with her mother! She ran and cried and shouted, "Mommy, Mommy—"

At this time, the officers and soldiers of the 251st Regiment of the 28th Army of the People's Liberation Army led by General Ye Fei immediately plunged into the battle to counterattack the Kuomintang army's invasion of the local people! In an instant, the five soldiers who saved the little girl fell in a pool of blood!

The battle continued to rage.

The battle for self-defense against the Kuomintang army ended, and the Kuomintang army fled.

When the regiment cleaned up the battlefield, it was found that another 22 PLA soldiers had bravely sacrificed their lives to protect the people who were attacked by the Kuomintang army.

Afterwards, Zeng Axing's mother often taught her daughter, "Axing, every grain of rice you eat and a sip of water you drink are all given by your uncle in the People's Liberation Army." Don't forget the kindness of the People's Liberation Army! ”

"Mom, I remember Uncle PLA!"

Life is like a flying arrow, time is speeding up! The years of peace came to the early nineties of the last century.

Zeng Axing's mother couldn't afford to get sick. She took her daughter's hand and said to her, "Ah Xing, the People's Liberation Army, is our benefactor!" I'm gone, you're ······ You, you have to find a way, give, give, the PLA to build a temple, let, let those, those who sacrificed to protect you and the villagers, PLA soldiers, sit in the temple, rest, rest, rest······ Let Chongwu Town remember the People's Liberation Army from generation to generation, future generations······ Love the common people, kindness. ”

"Mom, woo······ I will definitely do what you say, build a temple for the People's Liberation Army, and commemorate them forever. ”

In 1999, the local government of Chongwu Town, Quanzhou and the local people heard that Zeng Axing had raised 60,000 yuan and proposed to build a temple for the 27 PLA soldiers who died to protect the people on September 17, 1949. Three years later, in 1999, the People's Liberation Army Temple, covering an area of more than 2,000 square meters, was finally completed on the bank of Xishawan, Xihua Village, Chongwu Town.

After the completion of the People's Liberation Army Temple, many tourists from all over the country came to pay homage to the Quanzhou People's Liberation Army Temple. As soon as they entered the People's Liberation Army Temple, the first thing that caught their eyes was the big characters of "Xishawan Twenty-Seven Martyrs Memorial Hall" and the martyrs' monument in front of the memorial hall.

The monument is 8.1 meters high. On the top of the monument is a tall PLA soldier wearing a cloak and carrying a gun. He was holding a little girl in his arms.

On the stone slab under the stele is the word "military soul" in bright red. The two sides of the monument are engraved with such a couplet: the military soul is loyal and patriotic for the people, Mount Tai admires the heroic spirit, and the spirit lasts like a fish in water

Visitors who enter the PLA Temple often stand in front of the monument, bow to the military spirit, silently read the couplet, and respect the spirit of the People's Liberation Army patriotism and love for the people.

The lintel of the PLA military temple is cast directly above the August 1 red five-star sculpture, and three red flags are equipped on both sides of the lintel.

What is enshrined in the temple is the sitting statue of the 27 martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the country and the people at that time. They were all in high spirits, and they were sitting in the middle of the shrine.

The old mother said to her daughter, "Ah Xing, remember, your life was given by the People's Liberation Army!" ”

Twenty-seven martyrs sitting in the temple of the People's Liberation Army

On the walls on both sides of the temple, there are horizontal plaques of "a unique sea and sky", "heroic spirits of the ages", "a thousand autumns and a thousand years of might", and "admiration of the world".

After the completion of the military temple, General Ye Fei personally wrote an inscription for the twenty-seven comrades-in-arms: For the people, the glory of death

Throughout the temples on the mainland, it is enshrined that Shakyamuni, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva ······. The monks in the temple recite the Buddha devoutly, turn the Buddha, chant mantras, and meditate in the morning and evening, and in the temple of the People's Liberation Army, the main hall is dedicated to 27 sitting and other tall soldiers of the People's Liberation Army wearing military uniforms, wearing military hats, and short guns to protect the people!

In the general temple, the morning bell and dusk drum are used to warn the monks to "Wukong", but in this military temple of the People's Liberation Army, the military horn sounds as usual in the morning, urging people to forge ahead; During the day, what the military temple sends to the ears of visitors is the high-spirited singing of "I am a soldier" and "unity is strength".

The People's Liberation Army Temple in Quanzhou, because of its uniqueness and uniqueness, has become a local base for patriotic education since it was built. With the great increase in the number of visitors who come to this temple to pay homage, it has gradually spread far and wide, and even the benevolent people from other provinces have come from thousands of miles to worship here, admiring the noble quality of the People's Liberation Army as the protector of the hearts of the people!

Salute to the twenty-seven martyrs in the temple of the People's Liberation Army who loyally and bravely protect the people!

Salute to Aunt Zeng Axing, who does not forget the life-saving grace of the People's Liberation Army!