
A new round of heavy rain! Please take precautions

author:Suzhou High-tech Zone released

Attention friends

Rain rain rain rain

Also required

From the night of June 28th

Suzhou ushered in a new round of heavy rainfall

The main rainfall periods occur in:

From the night of the 28th to the morning of the 29th

30 and July 1

Specifically, the area of rainfall in the rainy season becomes larger

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With the subtropical high retreating southward, the warm and humid airflow strengthens and the low-level vortex is formed, and the cyclone on the ground develops and moves eastward, and the northward upward rain belt will change significantly, from "east-west" to "southwest-northeast", and the scope of heavy rainfall will expand

A new round of heavy rain! Please take precautions

The area of rainfall in the rainy season has become larger

Sioux City is still possible

Heavy precipitation and thunderstorms and windy weather

Take precautions

Local strong convection, short-term heavy precipitation

Major rainfall periods

From the night of the 28th to the morning of the 29th: moderate to heavy rain, the heavy rain area is mainly in the west and north;

Early morning to afternoon of the 30th: moderate to heavy rain, heavy rain along the river in the north;

Early morning - afternoon of July 1: moderate to heavy rain, localized heavy rain.

A new round of heavy rain! Please take precautions

Accumulated rainfall from the night of June 28 to July 1

Three cities along the Yangtze River, Xiangcheng District, High-tech Zone: 90~120 mm, local 120~150 mm.

Gusu District, Park, Kunshan City, Wuzhong District: 60~80 mm, local 80~100 mm.

Wujiang District: 40~60 mm, local 60~80 mm.

A new round of heavy rain! Please take precautions

Forecast for the city's cumulative rainfall from the night of June 28 to July 1

Strong convection is coming

The maximum hourly rainfall intensity during the main rainfall period is 40~60 mm; The wind is strong, locally accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunder and lightning and 7~9 thunderstorms and gales.

A new round of heavy rain! Please take precautions

Su Bao financial media reporter Xu Zhiqiang/photo

Please check the safety tips during the heavy rainfall from June 28th to July 1st↓

1. All kinds of outdoor construction sites, especially during heavy rainfall for high-altitude work, will be suspended.

2. Implement the corresponding management requirements for ships in transit, pay attention to navigation safety, and strengthen safety precautions.

3. All parks, tourist attractions, amusement places, as well as water sports, tourism and other activities management units implement the requirements of the plan to ensure safety.

4. Strengthen outdoor suspended and high-altitude facilities and simple and temporary buildings to eliminate the hidden dangers of falling from heights; Personnel in dilapidated houses, construction sheds, simple houses, and low-lying areas should strengthen safety precautions.

5. Power supply facilities, precision instruments, and important equipment are set up in underground units and places to ensure the normal operation of drainage equipment and facilities, and prepare sandbags, water baffles, pumps, and other water retaining and drainage equipment and materials.

6. Arrange travel reasonably, reduce unnecessary outings during heavy rainfall, and do not carry out outdoor mountaineering, hiking, and camping activities.

7. Pay attention to driving safety, pay attention to the warning information of water accumulation under the interchange (tunnel), do not risk driving in heavy rain, and do not wade through the water rashly.

8. All kinds of complexes, civil air defense facilities, underground garages and other underground space management units shall implement drainage emergency plans and strengthen access management.

The Suzhou Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters announced a 24-hour helpline, if there is any problem such as water accumulation, please report it in time.

Suzhou Municipal Defense Command 68253843,

Zhangjiagang City Defense 58186052,

Changshu City Defense 52882498,

Taicang City Anti-Index 53524376,

Kunshan City Anti-Finger 57552939,

Wujiang District Anti-Finger 63982027,

Wuzhong District Anti-Finger 65252193,

Xiangcheng District Anti-Finger 65751005,

Gusu District Defense Command 67277534,

Suzhou Industrial Park anti-66680719,

Suzhou High-tech Zone anti-68257298.

Suzhou Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters

June 28, 2024

A new round of heavy rain! Please take precautions

Produced by the Rong Media Center of Suzhou High-tech Zone

Source: Suzhou Release, Gusu Evening News, Suzhou Meteorology

Editor: Eiji

Editors: Huang Mei, Jiao Ling

Producer: Xia Yanyan

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