
When the man who once loved you said this to you, it means that he doesn't care about you anymore at the moment

author:Yui Yuan
When the man who once loved you said this to you, it means that he doesn't care about you anymore at the moment
When the man who once loved you said this to you, it means that he doesn't care about you anymore at the moment

When a woman seeks love, she wants not only a momentary heartbeat, but a long-term reliance and companionship.

Some men's love is like a bright firework during the love period, which makes people intoxicated. However, the speed of cooling down is as heartbreaking as fireworks.

When in an emotional relationship, the man who once swore to love you gradually becomes indifferent, an invisible rift is quietly growing under the surface of your seemingly intact relationship, like a wound that cannot be healed.

When we choose the other half, we often look at a person's character at first. There are even people of the older generation who will say something like this: just find someone with good character when you get married, and the relationship can be slowly cultivated in the days after marriage.

However, we need to know that marriage is every day of your long life. Good character is the foundation, but it is not the only condition for choosing the other half. In addition to character, the most important thing to achieve a relationship is love and responsibility.

A marriage without love is boring. Trivial life is already irritating, if you are facing a person who is disgusted with each other, how to move forward?

In a relationship, a man's love or dislove, even if he tries his best to hide it, there are always clues to be found. When a man no longer loves you and cares about you, he will often say such things to you.

When the man who once loved you said this to you, it means that he doesn't care about you anymore at the moment
When the man who once loved you said this to you, it means that he doesn't care about you anymore at the moment

The words revealed: you are not worthy

Human beings are emotionally dependent animals, and many people spend their lives looking for a sense of existence and a sense of identity.

And our partner is undoubtedly the closest person to us, so we will subconsciously look for the other partner: a sense of existence, loved, respected, valued, and recognized.

So many emotions are intertwined, and after evaporation and sublimation over time, we have achieved the most important sense of self-identity in our lives, that is, "worthiness".

If in a marriage, you meet the other half of the relationship without a trace of appreciation for you, but belittles you everywhere. If you are not firm enough at this time, it is easy to be controlled by the other person's emotions.

At first, you may explain the reasons for your words or actions, but as the other person suppresses us at every turn, or becomes impatient with words, our clear sense of self-worth also collapses.

Some people say that if you have a "sense of worthiness", you must be a person who has the ability to make a difference. But in essence, the sense of worthiness has nothing to do with a person's ability. It's not that the higher the ability, the higher the sense of worthiness, they are not proportional to each other.

"Worthiness" is essentially a kind of self-knowledge, an ability to love yourself.

Women need to understand that when a man constantly denies you and suppresses you, he no longer cares about you. He is just pressuring you to get self-satisfaction, you are just a tool for him to find a good sense of himself.

And those who love you, will definitely appreciate you. Even when you want to give up on yourself, he will pull you and make you worthy of all the good things in this world.

When the man who once loved you said this to you, it means that he doesn't care about you anymore at the moment

The words revealed: I'm busy

In the world of feelings, time is the best proof of whether a person loves you or not.

Nowadays people are very busy, and they spend most of their daily working hours taking up most of their lives, so they will cherish the remaining time at their disposal.

Therefore, where a person spends his time, his heart is there, and his interest and love are there.

If a man doesn't have you in his heart at all, he won't spend his precious time on you. He doesn't have the heart to spend time with you, and he doesn't want to spend his time solving any problems for you.

Even if you ask him for his opinion on some issues, he will reply impatiently: "When will you grow up?" "Don't ask me, you can decide for yourself!"

Men are reluctant to waste a little time on meaningless things. And your affairs, even you, are meaningless to him.

He has become the same as before, and he no longer wants the two of them to be tired of being together. On the contrary, I feel that the woman's proximity is burdensome and annoying.

If a man is always busy when facing you, has no time, is unwilling to share with you, and has no company...... There is a high probability that you have no place in his heart, and he has long lost love for you.

When the man who once loved you said this to you, it means that he doesn't care about you anymore at the moment
When the man who once loved you said this to you, it means that he doesn't care about you anymore at the moment

Haruki Murakami said: "People who are really good to you are in the details, people will lie, but the details will not, love is the details, and neither is love." ”

I once loved, but I don't love it now, and I cut my heart. But feelings are such a thing, which cannot be forced.

Some women, unwilling, try to redeem themselves. But usually, it doesn't work much, unless you can cater to the other person and make a big difference.

But if you do, are you still yourself?

Some women will choose to flee at this time. When energy is not enough, leaving may be the best option. After all, living with someone who is constantly consuming you is a challenge every day.

In the face of unlove, no matter how a woman chooses, she must have her own reason.

But at the end of the article, I would like to send a message to female readers:

Whether it is facing love or marriage, we must first become ourselves. In any relationship, we need to be soberly aware of who comes first.

When the man who once loved you said this to you, it means that he doesn't care about you anymore at the moment


When the man who once loved you said this to you, it means that he doesn't care about you anymore at the moment

The world is so big, thank you for seeing me!

[Text: The pen has a temperature and speaks for love, an atypical writer who loves words, invites you to perceive life together]
