
Essay: My villain book complex

author:Ink Heart

Text/Zhang Wei


Essay: My villain book complex

The villain book is an unforgettable memory of my childhood, and a cultural enlightenment book for our generation. In those days, there were no televisions and no computers, and the only high-tech cultural industry was open-air movies, but open-air movies could only be watched once for a long time. Therefore, the villain book has become the best tool for our children to relieve boredom.

Essay: My villain book complex

Villain books were a treasure of my childhood, and I was first introduced to them when I was five or six years old. I remember that at that time, each sheepfold of the production team had a shed, and in winter, a lot of wheat straw was built on the roof, which was used by the members to watch the sheep and the lambs to keep warm. Wen Yu and Uncle Wen often go to the sheepfold at night on duty, and I follow closely like a tail, they read the villain book by the kerosene lamp, I see them reading with relish, so I lean over and want to read it, but I don't know how to read, I don't know what the title of the villain book is, just look at a picture, I don't know what it means, there is a picture complex that impresses me very deeply, and it is still unforgettable: a poor boy works long hours for the capitalists, gets up early every morning, kneels on the ground and mops the floor with a rag for others, Or mop the floor with a mop, and occasionally wipe it a little less thoroughly and get severely beaten. I saw tears rippling at the time, and at the same time wondered, we rural people sweep the kang and sweep the floor with a broom and a broom, but how can he wipe it with a rag and mop? This question was not answered until I was in elementary school, and it was also the beginning of my real reading of villain books.

Essay: My villain book complex

The villain book flourished from the founding of the People's Republic of China to the end of the last century, up to half a century. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao advocated that literature and art should serve the vast number of workers, peasants and soldiers, and many famous calligraphers and painters joined the ranks of the creation of villain books, such as the famous painters Liu Jidian, Cheng Shifa, Liu Danzhai, Dai Dunbang, etc., who used delicate brushstrokes and expressive images to make villain books shine. The explanatory text in the book is that the editor uses concise language to express the rich content in simple terms. The subject matter of villain books is very wide, including ancient myths, historical stories, biographies, popular science knowledge, moral education, etc. It used to be a good teaching material for popularizing historical, literary, artistic, and scientific knowledge, raising cultural standards, and propagating the spirit of patriotism and revolutionary heroism.

Essay: My villain book complex

In my childhood, it was through the small window of the villain book that I saw the colorful outside world, and my love for the villain book also began with reading the villain book. As a result of my conscientious and continuous reading of villain books, the seeds of small literature were sown in my young mind, so much so that most of the essays written in elementary, junior high and high school were model essays read by the teacher to the whole class.

Essay: My villain book complex

In that era of lack of spiritual culture, reading villain books was very beneficial to the enlightenment of children's knowledge and wisdom. Villain books are the spiritual food of our generation when they were children, and the children's understanding of a happy life at that time was very simple, to be able to drink a bottle of bubbling soda, eat a cool popsicle, or read a favorite villain book, it was definitely a ceiling-level comfortable life.

Essay: My villain book complex

Ever since I liked reading villain books, it has become my closest companion, even thinking about it when I eat and sleep, and I can't seem to leave it for a moment. After knowing some words in elementary school, the more I read the villain book, the more interesting it became, and I often told the storyline of the villain book I had read to Huzi, Mai Ling, Xiao Jiu, Sheng Quan and other friends, and shared the happiness with them. My friends and I often use the content of a villain book to "talk about books and heroes", arguing about who has the greatest ability in the book. Now that I think about it, reading villain books as a child not only brought joy to my childhood, but it also laid a good foundation for me to pursue writing and literary creation as an adult.

Essay: My villain book complex

Childhood villain books were a wonderful "kaleidoscope" in our eyes back then, a book is a story, and each story is a classic passed down by word of mouth. Since I went to school, my Chinese grades have always been very good, especially I am very familiar with classical classics and some historical allusions, which is directly related to my love of reading villain books and the cultural influence of villain books in my childhood. In that era of red education and hero worship, I especially liked villain books with war themes and historical themes, but whenever the title of the book had the word "battle" or "hero", I would find a way to see it or buy it. In the sixties and seventies of the last century, the price of each villain book was basically a few cents, or more than 1 cent, and the money I spent buying the villain book was mainly a few cents of pocket money given by my grandmother and father, and then it was my own income from digging herbs, collecting pig bristles, scrap copper and rotten iron and selling scrap products. The villain book became the bond and bridge of my childhood friendship.

Essay: My villain book complex

Reading villain books was an important part of my childhood, and I had to read them for a while every night before going to bed, until I couldn't open my sleepy eyes. Now I still clearly remember the villain book "Chicken Feather Letter", I like it very much, the picture on the book is sketch color, and the little Haiwa painted in the book has big eyes and is very handsome. My favorite villain books also include "How Steel is Made", "Lin Zexu", "Red Flag Spectrum", "Red Flag Canal", "Childhood", "In the World", "My University", "Ji Mao Xin", "Crossing the River Reconnaissance", "Brave", "Little Soldier Zhang Ga", "Little Hero Rain", "A Silver Dollar", "Great Changes in the Mountains and Towns", "Advance Newspaper", "Twenty Shell Guns", "Beacon Boy", "Liu Yingjun", "Ouyang Hai", "Jin Xunhua", "Xiang Xiuli", "Storm", "Lu Xun Biography", "The Story of the Long March", "Ludang Little Hero", "Li Zicheng", "Lin Hai Xueyuan", " Children of Xisha", "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai", "The Legend of the White Snake", "Tianxian Pei" and so on. Although decades have passed, "Childhood", "In the World", "My University" and "How Steel is Made", "Paul. Kochagin", "Lenin in October", "Lenin in 1918", "The Young Guard" and other villain books are still fresh in my memory. Not only are their stories vivid, but they are also highly skilled, with scenes and characters that are vividly depicted, many of which can still be seen today. At that time, if you can have a complete set of classical masterpieces, it is definitely a thing worth showing off. Complete sets of classical villain books such as "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Water Margin", "Journey to the West", "Dream of Red Mansions" and "The Legend of the West" were particularly popular at the time, and there were dozens of copies in each set, but they were all a luxury for me.

Essay: My villain book complex

In the villain book, I got to know Paul Kochakin, Liu Hulan, Zhang Side, Bethune, Qiu Shaoyun, Dong Cunrui, Huang Jiguang, Lei Feng, Wang Jie, Liu Wenxue, Zhang Gaoqian, Wang Erxiao, Jiao Yulu, Wang Jinxi, I knew Mr. Dongguo, understood the origin of the idiom story, and also revisited the movies of tunnel warfare, mine warfare, chicken feather letters, and grassland hero little sisters from the villain...... I am grateful to my grandmother, father, and uncle for opening a window for me to read the literary art of villain books in my childhood; The Thanksgiving Book has given me a new window to know and understand society.

Essay: My villain book complex

In my mind, the villain book is a memory that penetrates into the depths of my soul; It is my grateful feedback for knowledge; It is the bond of friendship between me and my friends; It was my spiritual support and comfort when I was a child; It is the "irreversible friend" of the after-school life of our generation's childhood; It's a lingering nostalgia today. The villain book is the shadow of the childhood life of our generation, and the spiritual wealth it brings to the children of our era is irreplaceable by modern material civilization. The kind of spiritual wealth in material scarcity, the simple happiness in that difficult environment, the kind of life that is simple, but the life is carefree and tasteful, the kind of spiritual freedom and personality inspired by the villain's book...... I still remember it vividly, and there will be a sweet and knowing smile on the corner of my mouth.

Essay: My villain book complex

The reading of villain books in childhood makes us absorb spiritual nourishment, it is the light in the book that shines on me, and it is the yellowed pages that guide me to hope, spring, and a broader life journey with dreams...... After decades of ups and downs, I am still willing to leave a corner for my childhood memories in my heart and leave more spiritual wealth for the happiness of my later years......

Essay: My villain book complex

As a historical and cultural product full of traces of time, although it has long disappeared from people's sight, in today's era when all kinds of electronic products are flooded with life, for those of us born in the sixties of the last century, we will never forget the happiness and childhood marks that villain books have left us. Although the era of villain books has long passed, the memories left by villain books will never disappear!

Essay: My villain book complex

There are so many villain books that have had a profound impact on me when I was a child, and I can still retell "The Crows in the Middle of the Night" written by the warrior writer Gao Yubao. It tells the story of the landlord Zhou Papi learning to crow chickens in the middle of the night every day, and then calling the long-term workers who had just fallen asleep to work in the fields. As the days went by, the long-term workers became suspicious of the chicken's crowing so early. In order to understand this matter, Gao Yubao, a small long worker, hid alone in the courtyard one night to observe the movement, and after a while, he saw Zhou Papi quietly come to the chicken coop, stretch his neck to learn the chicken's crook. Xiao Yubao told the long-term workers what they had seen, and everyone was very angry and went to sleep in the field. After dawn, Zhou Papi went to the field to see that the long-term workers were sleeping, and he raised his stick and scolded and beaten. The long-term workers were unwilling to be oppressed, and they thought of a way to deal with Zhou Papi: that night, when Zhou Papi was learning to crow in front of the chicken coop, Gao Yubao, who was hiding in the shadows, shouted: "Catch the thief!" The long-term workers who had already prepared came one after another and beat Zhou Papi indiscriminately. The landlord's wife rushed to hear the sound, indicating that it was the old boss who was beaten, so everyone stopped and deliberately showed surprise. The landlord's wife helplessly helped the embarrassed Zhou Papi back to the house. Through this struggle, the landlord Zhou was thoroughly punished.

Essay: My villain book complex

Before the fourth grade, I went to primary school in the production team of Majipan of the Dongfeng Brigade, and the teacher left very little homework, had plenty of spare time, and cultural and entertainment activities were almost blank except for one or two open-air movies every year. Take my team as an example, there are nearly 300 people in more than 30 households, and those who have the conditions only have a simple radio. Being able to have a few villain books with "few heads and no tails" naturally makes me ecstatic and can't put it down. At that time, the price of a single villain book ranged from a few cents to a few dimes, and the most expensive villain book I ever bought was "Outwitting Tiger Mountain", and the price of photocopying was 8 dimes at that time. Due to the material conditions at that time, it was difficult for my friends and I to get the villain book we liked, and once a classmate got a new villain book, everyone was envious and rushed to pass it on to each other.

Essay: My villain book complex

After coming to the seven-year school in Mahuang Mountain, because there is a library, I read a wider range of villain books, extracurricular activity time, the teacher Zhang Kaijin, who manages the library, has enthusiastically signed up for every time he organizes books to the class dignitaries, and the library has handled a special library card for those of us who often help organize books, through this library card I read "Sunny Day", "Cotai Strip", "Red Rock", "Boiling Mountains", "Little Hero Rain", "Little Soldier Zhang Ga", "Red Women's Army", "White-Haired Girl", "Red Lantern", " Sha Jiabang", "Monkey King Three Fights White Bone Spirit", "Master Qiao Gets on the Sedan" and so on. Whenever I see the joints, I will always forget to sleep and eat like a hungry look, and when it comes to the time to hand it back, I still can't get enough.

Essay: My villain book complex

I am really grateful to the villain book, because of the company of the villain book, I have spent a sunny day, which is the most comfortable spiritual enjoyment of my childhood and even adolescence. I often sit under the dim kerosene lamp, pick up a beloved villain book, look at every illustration, taste every detail in the book, and immerse myself in the wonderful world, from which I know Pan Dongzi, who is a small and ambitious person, Yang Zirong, who is witty and brave, Luo Shengjiao, a volunteer soldier who sacrificed his life to save Korean children in the ice cave, and Huang Jiguang, who blocked the gun's hole...... The vivid pictures and the heart-wrenching words often make me cry and boil. Although the villain books are not beautiful or even shabby, they cultivated my interest and habit of reading, and finally led me to read the original classics.

Essay: My villain book complex

Villain books seem to me to be born with like, I remember very clearly that in the childhood when I didn't read, I often asked Huzi to go to his uncle Shishan's house to play, he had a few shabby villain books, I like to read very much, I want to see when I go, in fact, I didn't know how to read at that time, just look at it and play, the most impressive thing is that there are a few of them like "Three Kingdoms" A chapter writes Zhao Zilong's brave and brave and resourceful story so that I can't forget it for a long time, although these books are already incomplete, But I still like it very much. When I was a little older and began to read and write, I liked to read it slowly, and I couldn't put it down when I saw that Xiao Jiujia had a headless and tailless "Yue Fei" series of books "Yue Yun", and often went to his house to read it.

Essay: My villain book complex

With the development of society, in the late eighties, electronic products such as television began to prevail and popularize, especially video games attracted many teenagers, so the impact on villain books was very serious, villain books were no longer in the limelight, and then they quickly went to depression, after the nineties, the villain books in bookstores were almost extinct, and I never saw new villain books for a long time after that.

Essay: My villain book complex

Nowadays, I occasionally look through the villain books I have saved, and I don't lose a kind of fun in my old age. It takes me back to my youth and evokes memories of the good old days. With the development of the times and the progress of science and technology, all kinds of books are colorful and emerge in an endless stream, such as wire-bound books, hardcover books, and even e-books. The villain book has faded from people's sight. However, at the beginning of my life, the book of villains opened my eyes, nourished my soul, enriched my spiritual world, taught me the principles of being a human being, and at the same time gave me wisdom and strength, which still deeply affects me to this day......

Essay: My villain book complex

【Author's profile】Zhang Wei, pen name Xiaofeng, male, from Yanchi County, Ningxia, has served in the army and government departments, likes writing and ink, loves life, cultivates sentiment, and enjoys himself.