
"There are old and young" 02: Gu Xiaomeng is under a lot of pressure in the face of her in-laws who talk about pension

author:Golden beans

Gu Xiaomeng in "The Old and the Young" was really frightened by his parents-in-law.

"There are old and young" 02: Gu Xiaomeng is under a lot of pressure in the face of her in-laws who talk about pension

Today's young people actually want to live alone.

The problem of generation gap, the conflict of living habits, these problems all exist objectively.

Gu Xiaomeng and Lu Xiang are no exception, Lu Xiang's parents came over, and they pointed out their lives, and said that they would come to live for a long time and come to support the elderly when the time comes.

This kind of thing, let's talk about it when the time comes!

In advance, do you want to get vaccinated? Is it because the child is not stressed enough?

It's just a matter of saying a few words coldly, and it's on your lips all day long!

Gu Xiaomeng was only thirty years old, so she thought that she would live with her parents-in-law in the future, and she would have to face the problem of providing for the elderly, so the pressure should not be too great.

"There are old and young" 02: Gu Xiaomeng is under a lot of pressure in the face of her in-laws who talk about pension

This kind of thing is indeed to be faced, and this is true.

Who can not face it? Sooner or later.

But if you don't measure it in advance, when the time comes, it's what to do, and there's no other way!

If Gu Xiaomeng and Lu Xiang don't mix well by then, it will be a family living together and taking care of each other.

If Gu Xiaomeng and Lu Xiang mix well by then, they will buy another house, hire a nanny for the old man or something, and everything will be solved if they have money.

This also involves a question of the depth of feelings, Gu Xiaomeng is the daughter-in-law of the Lu family, and they are very close in relationship, but Gu Xiaomeng and Lu Xiang's parents are not so deep in their feelings.

When she thought of living with her parents-in-law, she must have resisted in her heart.

After a long time, the relationship is deeper, and she is older, she is not so resistant.

"There are old and young" 02: Gu Xiaomeng is under a lot of pressure in the face of her in-laws who talk about pension

This kind of thing is a matter of course, how can there be parents-in-law on the side all day long, that doesn't scare people.

This is the kind of person who has poor psychological tolerance, and it is possible to leave this home.

"There is an old and a young" 01: Lu Xiang and Gu Xiaomeng have changed from husband and wife to a family of five
