
She lived with him and his wife for 15 years, and the man's wife was very grateful to her when she died!

author:Wait for the wind to come to G

Her name is Wang Yanling (pseudonym), and she has been living in a man's house for 15 years as the first S, she is the kindest S-person I have ever met, and even the man's wife thanked her when she was dying.

She lived with him and his wife for 15 years, and the man's wife was very grateful to her when she died!

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23 years ago, a sudden car accident broke the originally happy life of Wang Liang's family.

His wife, Liu Jie, was unfortunately hit by a car when she got off work, causing paralysis in the lower half of her body and loss of sensation from the waist down.

Wang Liang had to take care of his paralyzed wife, take care of his young son, and earn money to support his family.

Wang Liang's mother died at an early age, his father married his stepmother, it was impossible to help him, he asked his mother-in-law to help him take care of his wife, and he was relieved to go to work to earn money to support his family.

The mother-in-law is a very patriarchal person, and she said that she has to take care of her son and cannot help him take care of his wife.

The mother-in-law gave him an idea: "If you can't do it, find another woman to live with, anyway, Liu Jie is already like this, but there is one condition, you can't divorce her, you can't abandon her, she is your son's mother after all." ”

She lived with him and his wife for 15 years, and the man's wife was very grateful to her when she died!

For this strange suggestion, he smiled bitterly, even if his wife was willing, which woman could be willing? He had to take care of his wife and their children, and the most important thing was that he didn't have a name.

He had no choice but to quit his job and open a small supermarket next to the school to earn money while taking care of his wife and children.

There is a supermarket next to the school, and the business is very good, but he is too busy alone, so Wang Liang wants to recruit a salesperson to take care of the store with him.

At this time, Wang Yanling appeared, and her appearance completely changed the lives of Wang Liang and Liu Jie.

She lived with him and his wife for 15 years, and the man's wife was very grateful to her when she died!

Wang Yanling is from a remote mountainous area of ours, which is very poor, and there are only a few families in a ravine.

Wang Yanling's family has three children, she is the eldest, because the school is far away and the family is poor, she dropped out of primary school and went home to help her parents do farm work.

In order to earn money for her younger brother and sister to go to school, she came out to work at the age of 20, but because she has no education, she can only do some hard work, which is very hard.

On this day, she happened to see Wang Liang to recruit salesmen, with a good salary and food and accommodation, so she came to apply, Wang Liang said that he would try to probation for a month, and both parties would officially hire her.

She lived with him and his wife for 15 years, and the man's wife was very grateful to her when she died!

Wang Yanling agreed, rural children are not afraid of hard work, she is very diligent, keeps the small supermarket in order, and she will take the initiative to help Wang Liang take care of his wife Liu Jie when she has time, feed her, scrub her body, and even take feces and urine, she is never too dirty or tired.

After a month, Wang Liang and Liu Jie were very satisfied with her, so they officially hired her.

Since then, Wang Yanling has entered the lives of Wang Liang and Liu Jie.

Wang Yanling saw that Wang Liang was working too hard to buy goods and take care of his wife and children, she would take the initiative to share it for Wang Liang, it was not her job, she also rushed to do it, and never paid for it.

She lived with him and his wife for 15 years, and the man's wife was very grateful to her when she died!

Slowly, Wang Liang had different feelings for Wang Yanling, and began to care about her, he took the initiative to give Wang Yanling a salary increase, and Wang Yanling had something at home, and he would be enthusiastic to help.

Wang Yanling also has feelings for this big brother, she is very sympathetic to Wang Liang's experience, and she also feels that he is a very kind person, and he has never left to take care of his paralyzed wife for so many years.

Wang Yanling feels that Wang Liang is a person who can be trusted for life, a person who can be trusted and relied on.

The hearts of the two gradually came together, and Wang Liang told his wife about it, hoping that his wife could fulfill them.

Liu Jie listened, although she was a little sad, but she knew that she couldn't stop him, after all, Wang Liang had paid too much for her for so many years, she said with tears in her eyes: "For so many years, you are worthy of me, I will fulfill you, I agree to divorce you, you send me to a nursing home!" ”

She lived with him and his wife for 15 years, and the man's wife was very grateful to her when she died!

Wang Yanling knew, she found Liu Jie and said: "Sister, no matter what you say, it's also my fault, I won't leave you alone, as long as you don't dislike it, you still live with us after the divorce, I will always serve you!" ”

Liu Jie burst into tears when she heard this, this was originally a happy thing, but who knew that her mother-in-law resolutely disagreed.

The mother-in-law said to Wang Liang: "If you look for it again, I agree, after all, my daughter can't fulfill her obligations as a wife, but you can't divorce, if you get divorced, you just say don't care!" ”

Although Wang Liang swore to his mother-in-law that he would not ignore Liu Jie, his mother-in-law just couldn't make sense.

Wang Yanling knew, she said to Wang Liang: "It's okay, it doesn't matter if you have that piece of paper or not, as long as you are good to me, I can understand Auntie's thoughts." ”

She lived with him and his wife for 15 years, and the man's wife was very grateful to her when she died!

In this way, Wang Liang, Liu Jie, and Wang Yanling began to live together, and Liu Jie served Liu Jie, their son, and Wang Liang every day.

In a flash, 15 years have passed, although Wang Liang and his wife took care of them carefully, Liu Jie still came to the end of her life, and when it was over, she held Wang Yanling's hand tightly: "I have wronged you, I will entrust my husband and son to you in the future, and I will be a cow and a horse in the next life to repay you this love!" ”

After Liu Jie left, 38-year-old Wang Yanling became pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful girl.

The kind-hearted Wang Yanling can be regarded as being rewarded, and the family of four lives a happy life.

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