
Men who haven't done these things to you just don't love

author:Xia Qing

In a relationship, love and dislove are obvious, you have to know his every move, you can feel his love.

But when men don't care about you so much anymore, they don't love you so much, they just don't love you anymore.

Don't love someone, don't do things that make you feel sad and sad, and don't care about your feelings.

So when a man hasn't done these things to you, it means that he doesn't love you anymore.

But he will have some behaviors that make people feel uncomfortable, and these behaviors are also the most obvious manifestations of a man's lack of love for a woman.

So when a woman is in a relationship, she must be clear about whether the man really doesn't love you anymore, or pretends not to love you anymore.

Men who haven't done these things to you just don't love
  1. Won't care how you feel

We all say that love is the most basic emotion of a person, whether it is a man or a woman, they will have their own emotions and feelings, which is the most basic emotion of a person.

Therefore, if a man really loves you, he will definitely care about your feelings and thoughts, and will think from your point of view.

When he doesn't love you, he doesn't care about your feelings, he only cares about himself. So you are an outsider in his eyes, and he doesn't care about your feelings at all.

So when he is with you, he doesn't care if you eat, whether you are cold or not, whether it is hot or not, etc., he only thinks about himself.

So when a man is with you without a trace of care and consideration, it means that the man does not love you that much at all, and a man who loves you will definitely take into account your feelings and thoughts.

Men who haven't done these things to you just don't love
  1. He won't reach out to you again

In a relationship, whether a person loves you or not, it will be clearly felt. When a man is really in love with you, then he will definitely take the initiative to contact you and will not let you think cranky.

Then if you love someone, you will want to know everything about her, and you want to know how she is doing.

Although he may not usually take the initiative to contact you, as long as you need him, he will definitely be there for you as soon as possible.

And a man who doesn't love you, he will behave very coldly, never take the initiative to contact you, and even when there is something to find him, he will only say that he is busy.

Such a man is really selfish and always self-centered. When a man doesn't love you anymore, he doesn't want to have anything to do with you anymore.

Because he doesn't love you anymore, he doesn't care about your feelings.

Men who haven't done these things to you just don't love
  1. He is no longer willing to accompany you

The man who loves you, he will take time out of his time to spend with you as much as possible, and will spend all his time with you to make you feel that he loves and cares.

But when a man begins to be reluctant to spend time with you, it means that he has no love for you, because people's time is limited, and no one will want to spend time on unimportant people and things.

So when a man starts to be reluctant to accompany you, it means that he has changed his mind and he no longer puts you first.

Therefore, women should know whether the man is really not in love, or pretend not to love, and must stop the loss in time.

Men who haven't done these things to you just don't love
  1. He doesn't care about your life anymore

If a man no longer cares about your life and ignores you, then he has feelings for you, but this feeling is fake just because he doesn't love you anymore.

He may ask you why you don't fall in love, if you have any problems, why you are so lonely. But these questions will not be answered, and there is no way for him to get to know you better.

So at this time, he will feel that his place in your heart is becoming more and more important.

Many women love their men very much, but this man has never thought of caring about a woman's life, because in their hearts they have regarded women as a dispensable person.

If a man really loves a woman, he will definitely want to know her life and care about her joys and sorrows.

And this is when he will care about you, and if it weren't for true love, he wouldn't do it.