
The beautiful wife poisoned a family of four in order to elope with her lover, and she didn't even let go of her two children

author:Tasting Historian

Liu Sheyun has been a beauty embryo since birth, whether it is the elders of the family, or the neighbors in the village are not stingy with praise and praise for her, so little Liu Sheyun grew up in praise after praise, and also lost herself in praise after praise, because Liu Sheyun's family is poor, so she has always been arrogant She has not read a few days of books, which has always been a regret in her heart.

After dropping out of school, the pampered Liu Sheyun neither worked in the field, nor did he help his parents with housework, and wandered among all kinds of men in the village all day long, bent on marrying a "good man" and living a worry-free life from now on, and those unobtrusive men in the village were naturally willing to hook up with this well-known beauty, and some bad rumors came out after a long time.

The beautiful wife poisoned a family of four in order to elope with her lover, and she didn't even let go of her two children

Liu Sheyun's father is a traditional farmer man, so naturally he can't see his unmarried daughter being rumored to be a "slut", so he decided to find a good man for his daughter to marry, and after careful screening, he fell in love with Guo Xi from the neighboring village.

In addition to his average appearance, Guo Xi's other conditions are good, he is also honest, his family is still well-off, and he still works in the commune in the county, which can already be regarded as a well-off family in the 80s and 90s, as long as Liu Sheyun can marry him, not only will he have no worries about food and clothing, but also guarantee that he will not be bullied.

In fact, there is another main reason why Liu Sheyun's father fell in love with Guo Xi, that is, Guo Xi works in the county seat and knows very little about the gossip in the village.

So Liu Sheyun's father hurriedly arranged a matchmaker to let the two meet, never thought that after the two met, Guo Xi fell in love with Liu Sheyun at first sight, but Liu Sheyun didn't fall in love with Guo Xi at all.

In the face of this man who couldn't fart for half a day, Liu Sheyun was extremely disgusted, but in that era, they all paid attention to the words of a matchmaker and the life of their parents, although Liu Sheyun was a thousand or ten thousand unhappy, and couldn't stand her father's consent, so on a sunny and sunny day, the woman like the lover of the village man's dream got married.

The beautiful wife poisoned a family of four in order to elope with her lover, and she didn't even let go of her two children

At first, the two respected each other after marriage, Liu Sheyun also gave birth to two children for Guo Xi, although the days were as plain as water, but they were also happy and healthy, but with the passage of time, Liu Sheyun, who was alone in the empty room all day, became more and more irritable, because the county was relatively far away, it was inconvenient to travel, Guo Xi could only go home from the county seat once in ten days and half a month.

The village flower alone in the empty house naturally became the target of those hooligan flies, but the flies don't bite seamless eggs, Liu Sheyun, who was already dissatisfied with marriage, was also looking forward to her real prince charming, so Liu Sheyun, who used to wander among men, came back, and soon there were rumors in the village that Liu Sheyun had an affair with whom, and they all had noses and eyes, of course, these "scandals" naturally reached Guo Xi's ears, but Guo Xi didn't care and pretended not to know anything, even if Liu Sheyun deliberately found fault at home, smashed pots and bowls, Guo Xi was also indifferent.

In fact, Liu Sheyun is forcing Guo Xi to divorce himself, and Guo Xi naturally knows that he is just a romantic and affectionate person.

The two couldn't hold each other, so Liu Sheyun and his mistress Shen Hua moved to kill.

Shen Hua is the neighbor diagonally opposite Guo Xi's house, because his wife has been sick in bed for many years, Shen Hua has been a bitter wife for a long time, so two lonely men and women came together, in fact, Liu Sheyun's lover is not only Shen Hua, but only Shen Hua is willing to kill for her. Not long after the two made up their minds to kill Guo Xi, a trivial incident occurred that allowed the two to find an opportunity to kill Guo Xi.

On this day, Liu Sheyun's children and Hu Gailing's children in the village had a fight, it was originally just a play between children, but Liu Sheyun refused to give up, and found Hu Gailing's house and fought with Hu Gailing, and Hu Gailing was not a loser, the next day he gathered all the strong men in the family to find the door, and slapped Liu Sheyun fiercely.

Originally, Liu Sheyun should have been furious when she was beaten, but she didn't laugh angrily, and the whole person was gloomy, which made Hu Gailing have goosebumps all over her body.

The beautiful wife poisoned a family of four in order to elope with her lover, and she didn't even let go of her two children

It turned out that all this was designed by Liu Sheyun and Shen Hua.

The next day, Liu Sheyun called her husband Guo Xi, saying that she was being bullied and asked him to hurry home. As soon as Guo Xi on the other end of the phone heard that his daughter-in-law was being bullied, he hung up the phone and rushed to the village, but what he didn't know was that this phone call was his talisman.

That night, Liu Sheyun boiled corn porridge for a family of four, and in this corn porridge, Liu Sheyun took highly toxic fluoroacetamide, which is commonly found in rat poison and pesticides. And Liu Sheyun also drank half a bowl of porridge in order not to be suspected.

The next day, Xiao Wang, a neighbor who came to Guo Xi to do something, found a family of four in a coma and called the police, but after being sent to the hospital for emergency rescue, Guo Xi still passed away due to too deep poisoning, and Liu Sheyun and the two children escaped because they ate less, of course, this is just Liu Sheyun's panic to the police, she and the children are okay because she specially told the children to drink less, but even if they drink less, it is risky, and in the end, most of the porridge went into Guo Xi's stomach.

Liu Sheyun not only lied to the police, she also provided the police with clues to solve the case and the object of suspicion, and this person is Hu Gailing, because the two families had conflicts before, so Liu Sheyun's identification is reasonable.

The beautiful wife poisoned a family of four in order to elope with her lover, and she didn't even let go of her two children

Hu Gailing never expected that people would sit at home, the disaster came from the sky, this tiger woman didn't know that she had already been calculated, but fortunately Hu Gailing went to her mother's house on the day of the crime, and the human and material evidence was complete.

There was no suspect object, the police had to continue to visit and investigate, and from the villagers, the police learned that Guo Xi and Liu Sheyun not only had a discordant relationship, but Liu Sheyun also had a number of ambiguous objects in the village, so the police put the suspect on Liu Sheyun, and soon found Liu Sheyun's multiple lovers, and after careful investigation, finally put the target on Shen Hua.

In order not to startle the snake, the police persuaded Liu Sheyun's nephew to go to the hospital for internal response, and sure enough, it didn't take long for Liu Sheyun to arrange for his nephew to send a letter to his sister Liu Fengying in the next village.

At this time, the police can determine that the suspects are Liu Sheyun and his lover Shen Hua, and the letter was forwarded to Shen Hua by his sister.

The police used the same way to turn against Liu Fengying, so Liu Sheyun and Shen Hua exchanged letters under the noses of the police, and even began to discuss the route and specific details of the escape.

On the day when the two met to escape, the police took them down at the place where they met.

The beautiful wife poisoned a family of four in order to elope with her lover, and she didn't even let go of her two children

So far, the murder case has been solved.

As the so-called people's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants, if Liu Sheyun can be content and happy, and keep the woman's way, then all this will not happen, on the other hand, if Guo Xi can learn to let go and be less stubborn, then he will not give his life because of this, but in the end not only ruined themselves, but also made a pair of children have no parents since they were young, how sad!