
Liang Fasen: Measure the road of rural revitalization with footsteps

author:Heilongjiang News Network

□ reporter Liu Xiaoyun

Root downwards and grow upwards. Seven years ago, he walked out of the university campus, packed his bags and walked into a provincial-level poor village; Four years in the village for poverty alleviation, three years in the township, step by step in every inch of land in the village; From poverty alleviation to rural revitalization, he turned his youthful enthusiasm into drops of sweat and sprinkled it on the hot land of the countryside.

His name is Liang Faxen, he joined the Communist Party of China in May 2016, graduated from Northeast Petroleum University in June 2017, majored in exploration technology and engineering, was admitted to the Hailin Municipal Bureau of Land and Resources in September of the same year, and was stationed in the industrial and rural areas of Sandaohezi Town, Hailin City in November of the same year as a member of the poverty alleviation team in the village, and in September 2021, he was appointed as a member of the Party Committee and organization member of Sandaohezi Town, Hailin City.

With enthusiasm in mind, dedication to youth, and resolutely went to the front line of the village

"Xiaoliang, you have to come back to see us more often, we are a family." One day in early June, Sun Changfu, a poverty alleviation household in the industrial and rural areas, held the hand of Liang Fasen, who had returned to the village again, and said: "The changes in the village are inseparable from your sincere help......

Looking at the villagers in front of him, Liang Fasen's thoughts were pulled back to the time when he started to stay in the village seven years ago, when he was with the village cadres and the masses to help the workers and rural areas consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and promote rural revitalization.

Liang Fasen, who was recruited as a civil servant of the Hailin Municipal Land and Resources Bureau in September 2017, is catching up with the work of selecting cadres stationed in the village two months after joining the company. He took the initiative to apply to Sandaohezi Township, which is the farthest away from Hailin, has the worst basic conditions, and has the heaviest poverty alleviation tasks, to participate in the designated poverty alleviation team.

Sandaohezi Town is located in the northeast of Hailin City, 160 kilometers away from the urban area, 85 kilometers away from Sandaohezi Town, the landform and topography of the village are mainly hilly and shallow mountainous areas, belonging to the deep mountainous areas, and the transportation is inconvenient, and it is a provincial-level poor village identified in 2015.

"Treat the village as your home, the older villagers as your elders, and the villagers of the same age as friends, think more about them, and solve the problems encountered by the villagers as your own problems. After a long time, I became one with the villagers. Liang Fasen said that in order to quickly adapt to the rural working environment and integrate into the role of the village, he visited 236 households in the village.

In order to integrate into the "big family" of the industrial and rural areas as soon as possible, Liang Fasen spent more than 800 days and nights in the village, eating and living with the villagers, learning production techniques from experts in getting rich, asking village cadres for work experience, and always wanting to be together with the masses. He carefully marked the specific locations of roads, houses, farmland, etc., and worked overtime to draw a map of the distribution of villagers and poor households in rural areas, so as to lay the foundation for poverty alleviation in the village.

Coordinate funds to repair damaged bridges and roads, repair villagers' houses, improve the livable environment in the village, and renovate tap water ...... In the past four years of poverty alleviation in the village, Liang Fasen has changed the old appearance of the industrial and rural areas, so that the poor households can be stably lifted out of poverty, and the poor villages have taken off their hats.

Adapt measures to local conditions, develop industries, help solve problems and serve the people

Liang Fasen has three diaries in the village, which are densely filled with bits and pieces of his relationship with poor villages. In the first diary, he wrote: "The party's assistance policy is like sunshine, and I want it to shine on every villager!"

Only by doing a good job in every little matter of poverty relief work can the masses feel the care of the party and the government. It is precisely because of Liang Fasen's unremitting efforts in the work in the village that the villagers got to know this polite young man, and he also won the unanimous trust of everyone. Whoever has a big or small affair always has to come to talk to Liang Fasen.

During his continuous visits, Liang Fasen gained a basic understanding of the situation in the village: the industrial and rural areas are facing problems such as backward infrastructure, lack of collective industry, more poverty due to illness, and serious population loss. Despite the many problems and difficulties, Liang Fasen did not retreat.

In view of the problems existing in the village, Liang Fasen sorted out and solved them in turn. The ability of workers and rural cadres to serve the masses is weak and their work efficiency is low, so he optimized and adjusted the teams of the village "two committees"; When the infrastructure of the village was backward, he actively coordinated with the upper authorities to strive for funds to improve the appearance of the village; In order to allow the villagers to work and find employment near their homes, he seized the geographical advantage of the industrial and rural areas adjacent to the Huanggou Power Station, actively carried out docking services, and facilitated the signing of employment agreements between the enterprise and the villagers, and transported 76 surplus laborers in the village to work in the power station. This alone has driven the villagers' annual income to increase by more than 1.7 million yuan, effectively solving the problem of young and strong laborers returning to their hometowns for employment.

Wu Guihua, a poverty alleviation household in the industrial and rural areas, told reporters: "The village-based team helped me arrange work in the Sixth Bureau, and my annual income from working alone was more than 60,000 yuan. ”

The industrial and rural areas are located in the deep mountains, the temperature is cool, and the water quality is excellent. After investigation and visits, Liang Fasen solicited opinions extensively, and determined the idea of helping to develop cold-water fish farming. The goal is set, and just do it. He took the initiative to run the procedures for the cold-water fish breeding cooperative, hired experts to train the breeding technology for the members, and in May 2018, the Hailin Yulu Freshwater Fish Breeding Professional Cooperative was officially established. He used the rest time to contact orders with fish shops and merchants, open up sales, and through the interest connection mechanism of "branch + cooperative + poor households", freshwater fish breeding cooperatives drove 15 difficult households to increase their income by 200,000 yuan and the village collective income by 150,000 yuan.

At the end of 2020, the industrial and rural areas took off the poverty "hat" that had plagued them for 5 years, and Liang Fasen was awarded the 2020 provincial "Poverty Alleviation Contribution Award" by the Provincial Leading Group for Poverty Alleviation and Development.

Choose to stay in office, start from the "heart", and focus on party building to promote rural revitalization

In September 2021, Liang Fasen, who had completed two consecutive rounds of residency in the village, once again gave up returning to work in the urban area when he solicited his willingness in the organization, and chose to stay in Sandaohezi Town to engage in party building work.

From village to town, the role has changed, and the original intention is like a rock, Liang Fasen has proved the hard work of poverty alleviation workers with his actions. He has successively completed the rectification of the party branches of three weak and scattered villages in the town, built a demonstration site for party building at the Mudanjiang municipal level, and developed 16 party members to become rich leaders, laying the foundation for party building to lead rural revitalization.

Formulate development measures for "party building leading the integration of three industries", strive for 4.5 million yuan of industrial project funds, and focus on supporting high-quality primary industries such as edible fungi in Dongsheng Village, Longfeng fruit in Mulan Village, and fishery in Zhenxing Village, accelerate the implementation of secondary industries such as vegetarian meal replacement in industrial and rural areas, and revitalize village and lake fish processing, and actively invest in the construction of agricultural machinery services in Bian'an Village and the tertiary industry construction of tourism and homestay in Mulan Village. The town's rural industrial projects have blossomed in many places, and the village collective income has increased by more than 20% year by year, and the town will break through the village collective income mark of 2 million yuan in 2023.

Rooted in the grassroots, serving the people. In the past seven years, Liang Fasen has adhered to the front-line post of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization in the village, and he has exchanged his youth for the development of the village for better and better, and in exchange for the happy smiles of the villagers. In this hot land of rural revitalization, he practiced the mission of a Communist Party member with his original intention and actions, and wrote the youth of party members and cadres without regrets with dedication and sweat.

◎Reporter's notes

Walking into the industrial and rural areas with Liang Fasen, the flat and smooth cement roads, the neat street lamps, the leafy green belts, and the wide cultural squares make the whole village present a clean, tidy and vibrant scene, which makes people feel refreshed and happy.

When he met Song Wenjun, a poverty alleviation household, he enthusiastically held Liang Fasen's hand and told reporters: "After poverty alleviation, Xiao Liang often came to see me and brought me things. Now Liang Fasen is still going to farmers' homes every week to ask about difficulties and policies, and use practical actions to protect the people's sense of happiness and gain.

Looking at the enthusiastic villagers, he sighed with emotion that being able to sweat on the front line of poverty alleviation is worthy of the time.

"Contemporary youth, born in a prosperous era, shoulder heavy responsibilities. The aspirations of young people should be in line with the pulse of the times. Poverty alleviation and rural revitalization are a broad stage for college graduates to realize their ideals. That's what Liang Fasen said, and that's what he did.

Go to the most remote areas and measure the land of the motherland with your footsteps; Go to the most arduous grassroots level and temper your will with practice. Contributing to the place where the motherland needs it most is a challenge, a tempering, and a vivid footnote to the youth without regrets. Liang Fasen let his shining youth resonate with the development of the country's destiny, and dedicate his enthusiasm to the front line of poverty alleviation, which is most needed by the party and the people. He practiced his loyalty to the party and his great love for the people with his actions. It interprets the oath of "I am a strong country, please rest assured that the party is assured"!