
Reveal the secrets of the emperors of the past dynasties: the unknown legendary life!

author:Interesting history

In the thousands of years of Chinese history, the special political role of the Emperor Taishang has left a unique mark along with the alternation of imperial power and historical changes. They either take the initiative to meditate, seeking a tranquility that is beyond worldly power; Or they may be forced to abdicate and leave the scene in the whirlpool of power struggles. Next, we will continue to explore the stories of these emperors of all dynasties.

1. Liu Bang's father: Liu Taigong

Reveal the secrets of the emperors of the past dynasties: the unknown legendary life!

In the years of the Chu and Han dynasties, Liu Bang ascended to the throne step by step from a small man in cloth clothes, creating a 400-year foundation of the Han Dynasty. And Liu Taigong, as Liu Bang's father, was respected as the emperor after Liu Bang became emperor. However, the emperor's tenure was short-lived, and he died after only four years. Although Liu Taigong did not have much political action, his existence was an indispensable family support behind Liu Bang's success as emperor.

Second, Emperor Jin Hui Sima Zhen

Reveal the secrets of the emperors of the past dynasties: the unknown legendary life!

Emperor Sima Zhen of Jin Hui was known as the "Idiot Emperor" because of his low intelligence. Under his rule, the Western Jin Dynasty suffered internal and external troubles, and its national strength declined. When Sima Lun usurped the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, Sima Zhen was revered as the emperor, but only three months later, he died in a power struggle. The short career of the emperor witnessed the vicissitudes of the Western Jin Dynasty from prosperity to decline.

3. Houliang Taizu Lu Guang

Reveal the secrets of the emperors of the past dynasties: the unknown legendary life!

In the history of Hou Liang, Lü Guang was a wise and decisive monarch. During his reign, he quelled civil strife and stabilized the regime. However, as he grew older, Lü Guang felt powerless, so he decided to pass on the throne to his son-in-law, and he retreated to the position of the emperor. During the reign of Emperor Taishang, although Lü Guang was no longer directly involved in political affairs, his prestige and influence still had a profound impact on the Later Liang Dynasty.

Fourth, the Northern Wei Dynasty dedicated Emperor Wen

Reveal the secrets of the emperors of the past dynasties: the unknown legendary life!

Emperor Tuoba Hong of the Northern Wei Dynasty was a visionary monarch in the history of the Northern Wei Dynasty. During his reign, he introduced a series of reforms that strengthened centralization and promoted national integration. However, when Tuoba Hong felt the great responsibility of the throne, he resolutely decided to pass on the throne to the crown prince and retire himself to the throne of the emperor. During the tenure of Emperor Taishang, although Tuoba Hong was no longer directly in charge of the government, he still cared about national affairs and contributed his wisdom and strength to the stability and development of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

5. Gao Zhan and Gao Wei of the Northern Qi Dynasty

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In the history of the Northern Qi Dynasty, Gao Zhan and Gao Wei, father and son, successively became the emperor. Gao Zhanchuan is located after the crown prince Gao Wei, and he appointed himself as the emperor and spent three years of leisure time. However, Gao Wei's incompetence during his reign led to constant internal and external troubles in the Northern Qi Dynasty. In the end, Gao Wei also followed in his father's footsteps, passed on to the crown prince and appointed himself as the emperor, but was destroyed by the Northern Zhou Dynasty after only twenty-four days. The encounter of these two emperors is undoubtedly the epitome of the decline of the Northern Qi Dynasty.

Sixth, Northern Zhou Yu Wenyun

Reveal the secrets of the emperors of the past dynasties: the unknown legendary life!

Yuwen Yun, the son of Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Yuwen Yong, was extravagant and cruel during his reign. He passed on the throne to the crown prince and became the emperor himself, but only a year later he died young due to excessive indulgence. Yu Wenyun's short career as emperor is undoubtedly a footnote to his extravagant life.

7. Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty

Reveal the secrets of the emperors of the past dynasties: the unknown legendary life!

Yang Guang, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, was a highly controversial historical figure. During his reign, he dug the Grand Canal and expeditioned to Goryeo, but he also led to the fall of the Sui Dynasty due to brutal rule and extravagance. In the Jiangdu Change, Yang Guang was killed by Yu Wenhua and others. Subsequently, Li Yuan established Yang Yu as the emperor and respected Yang Guang as the emperor. However, the honorific title of the Emperor Taishang was no longer meaningful to the Sui Dynasty.

8. Tang Gaozu Li Yuan

Reveal the secrets of the emperors of the past dynasties: the unknown legendary life!

Tang Gaozu Li Yuan was the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty. During his reign, he pacified the world and established the foundation of the Tang Dynasty. However, after the Xuanwumen Rebellion, Li Yuan was forced to settle in Li Shimin and appointed himself as the emperor. During the term of office of the emperor, although Li Yuan was no longer directly involved in political affairs, he still cared about national affairs and gave Li Shimin necessary support and guidance on many important occasions. For Li Yuan, this experience was both sad and helpless, but it was more of a relief and relief.

Nine, Wu Zetian

Reveal the secrets of the emperors of the past dynasties: the unknown legendary life!

Wu Zetian is the only female emperor in Chinese history. During her reign, she made great efforts to govern the country and implemented a series of reform measures, which promoted the prosperity and development of the Tang Dynasty. However, in his later years, Wu Zetian was forced to sit in Li Xian due to old age and frailty and the cruelty of the power struggle, and appointed himself as the emperor. During the term of office of the emperor, although Wu Zetian still had a certain amount of political influence, he could no longer directly control the government as before. For Wu Zetian, this experience is not only the end of her political career, but also an important memory and summary of her life journey.

10. Tang Ruizong Li Dan

Reveal the secrets of the emperors of the past dynasties: the unknown legendary life!

Tang Ruizong Li Dan was an important emperor of the Tang Dynasty. During his reign, he implemented a series of policies and measures beneficial to the country's development, and made important contributions to the prosperity and stability of the Tang Dynasty. However, as he grew older and the crown prince Li Longji grew and matured, Li Dan also began to think about his own succession to the throne. In the end, he decided to pass on to the crown prince Li Longji and appointed himself as the emperor, and began his life as a quiet and comfortable emperor in his later years. During the term of office of Emperor Taishang, although Li Dan was no longer directly involved in political affairs, he still cared about national affairs and often gave Li Longji necessary advice and guidance, so that the Tang Dynasty reached its peak under the rule of Tang Xuanzong.

Twelve, Tang Xuanzong Li Longji

Reveal the secrets of the emperors of the past dynasties: the unknown legendary life!

Tang Xuanzong Li Longji, an outstanding monarch of the Tang Dynasty, created the prosperous era of the Kaiyuan Dynasty, but in his later years, he was forced to abdicate due to the impact of the Anshi Rebellion. The crown prince Li Heng established himself as emperor, and Li Longji was revered as the emperor from afar. During the term of office of the emperor, although Li Longji was no longer directly involved in political affairs, he still cared about national affairs and often guided the country behind the scenes. This experience, for Li Longji, was not only a helpless move, but also a major turning point in his life.

Thirteen, Tang Shunzong Li recitation

Reveal the secrets of the emperors of the past dynasties: the unknown legendary life!

Tang Shunzong Li Yu reigned for a very short time, and was forced to give in after only four months due to the failure of Yongzhen's reform. His career as emperor was equally short, and the experience was full of cruelty and ruthlessness of political struggle.

14. Tang Zhaozong Li Ye

Reveal the secrets of the emperors of the past dynasties: the unknown legendary life!

Tang Zhaozong Li Ye was the emperor of the last years of the Tang Dynasty, and he faced the dilemma of eunuch dictatorship and feudal town separation. With the support of the eunuchs, the crown prince Li Yu ascended the throne, and Li Ye was honored as the emperor. However, this period of the emperor's career lasted only two months before ending with the fall of the Tang Dynasty.

Fifteen, Song Huizong Zhao Ji

Reveal the secrets of the emperors of the past dynasties: the unknown legendary life!

Zhao Ji of Song Huizong, a talented artist, failed to become a wise monarch. After he passed the throne to the crown prince Zhao Huan, he proclaimed himself "the emperor of the sect leader Daojun Taishang", and pursued a tranquility beyond secular power. However, this period of the emperor's career did not bring him real peace, and the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty and the shame of Jingkang became an indelible shadow in his life.

XVI. Song Gaozong Zhao Gou

Reveal the secrets of the emperors of the past dynasties: the unknown legendary life!

Song Gaozong Zhao Gou was the founding emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty, and during his reign, he experienced several southern invasions by the Jin army. In order to stabilize the situation, he passed on his adopted son Zhao Yan (i.e., Song Xiaozong) and made himself the emperor. During the term of office of the emperor, Zhao Gou still maintained a close eye on the government and gave Zhao Yan the necessary support and guidance at critical moments. This period of the emperor's career laid a solid foundation for the stability and development of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Seventeen, Song Xiaozong Zhao Yan

Reveal the secrets of the emperors of the past dynasties: the unknown legendary life!

Emperor Zhao Yan of the Song Dynasty was a promising monarch of the Southern Song Dynasty, and during his reign he implemented a series of policies and measures that were beneficial to the country's development. However, as he grew older and the crown prince Zhao Yan grew and matured, Zhao Yan also began to think about his own succession to the throne. In the end, he decided to pass on to the crown prince Zhao Dan, and he himself retired to the throne of the emperor. During the term of office of the emperor, although Zhao Yan was no longer directly involved in political affairs, he still cared about national affairs and often gave Zhao Yan necessary advice and guidance.

XVIII. Song Guangzong Zhao Dan

Reveal the secrets of the emperors of the past dynasties: the unknown legendary life!

During the reign of Emperor Zhao of Song, he was tormented by power struggles and court intrigues. Eventually, he was forced to abdicate and began his career as emperor. This experience was full of helplessness and sadness, and it also reflected the reality of the decline of imperial power and political darkness in the last years of the Southern Song Dynasty.

19. Xixia Shenzong

Reveal the secrets of the emperors of the past dynasties: the unknown legendary life!

Emperor Shenzong of the Western Xia Dynasty was an important monarch of the Western Xia, and during his reign he implemented a series of policies and measures that were beneficial to the development of the country. However, as he grew older and the crown prince Li Dewang grew and matured, Shenzong also began to consider the issue of his own succession to the throne. In the end, he decided to pass on to the crown prince Li Dewang, and he himself abdicated to the throne of the emperor. During the term of office of Emperor Taishang, although Shenzong was no longer directly involved in political affairs, he still cared about national affairs and often gave Li Dewang the necessary support and guidance.

20, Ming Yingzong Zhu Qizhen

Reveal the secrets of the emperors of the past dynasties: the unknown legendary life!

During the reign of Zhu Qizhen of Ming Yingzong, he encountered the Tumubao Revolution and was captured by Wara. During his captivity, the Ming court appointed his younger brother Zhu Qiyu as emperor, and respected Zhu Qizhen as the emperor. This period of the emperor's career was full of humiliation and helplessness, but it also reflected the unity and tenacity of the Ming court in times of crisis.

21. Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty

Reveal the secrets of the emperors of the past dynasties: the unknown legendary life!

Qianlong was an outstanding monarch of the Qing Dynasty, and during his reign he ushered in the prosperous era of Kangqian and brought the Qing Dynasty to its heyday. However, as he grew older and the crown prince Jiaqing grew and matured, Qianlong also began to consider the issue of his own succession to the throne. In the end, he decided to settle in Jiaqing, the crown prince, and he himself abdicated to the throne of the emperor. During the term of office of the Emperor Taishang, although Qianlong was no longer directly involved in political affairs, he still maintained a close eye on the government and gave Jiaqing the necessary support and guidance at critical moments. This period of the emperor's career laid a solid foundation for the stability and development of the Qing Dynasty.

These emperors of all dynasties each carried different historical missions and life experiences. They may take the initiative to meditate and seek transcendence; Or forced abdication and the brutality of the power struggle. However, in any case, they have left a unique mark on Chinese history and have become historical figures that will be celebrated by future generations.