
Copying the countryside, the most magical policy of the property market has appeared!

author:The way to wealth

The idea still hit the peasant brothers on the head.

Fengyang County, Anhui Province, which once fired the first shot of rural reform in the mainland, has been on the hot search again in the past two days with its strength.

Rural residents in the county who need to resettle homesteads, if they voluntarily give up their homestead resettlement and go to the city to buy a house, after the original homestead is returned to the village collective for recultivation and reclamation and demolition of buildings (structures), a one-time reward of 50,000 yuan will be given for house purchase (which is not the same as currency, house ticket resettlement, and house purchase subsidy).
Copying the countryside, the most magical policy of the property market has appeared!

Similar policies have also appeared in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, and Ezhou, Hubei Province, and everyone has a clear mind on the obsession of encouraging villagers to buy houses.

As long as you use a house purchase subsidy of 50,000 yuan, you can encourage farmers to quit the homestead where they have lived for generations, which is equivalent to buying Yangwang U8 and giving 10,000 vouchers.

Let's take a closer look at the true intent of this policy.

First of all, it should be noted that this policy is introduced in the context of "the steady development of the real estate market".

Therefore, the starting point of the policy has become very pure, and it has nothing to do with the current concept of rural revitalization, and has nothing to do with the grand proposition of urban-rural integration.

It is simply to encourage farmers to go to the city to buy houses, so as to complete the task of destocking.

However, the policy was formulated with some design ingenuity.

For the "villagers who voluntarily abandon the homestead", a one-time reward of 50,000 yuan is based, not to mention whether the money is more or less, and the villagers need to trigger two prerequisites to get the money.

First, 50,000 yuan is a house purchase reward, which is limited to buying a house in the city, that is to say, there needs to be a need to buy a house and replace it, and the money can be cashed into the hands of the villagers;

Second, the withdrawn homestead needs to be used for village collective agricultural recultivation and reclamation before the villagers can get the money.

Especially when I see the second point, the sound of the wishful abacus has been deafening across the screen, and it is essentially a continuation of the land ticket game.

Everyone knows that the red line of 1.8 billion mu of cultivated land on the mainland cannot be touched, and what should we do if the demand for construction land in the cities is not enough, and it is necessary to open up the border to the rural areas with huge land resources.

At this time, the former mayor of Chongqing Huang pioneered a land ticket system, implemented a balance of occupation and compensation, and secretly engaged in the replacement of urban and rural land resources without touching the sensitive area of rural land property rights.

The rural homestead or other public land shall be bulldozed and reclaimed as cultivated land, and after the relevant departments have passed the examination, the corresponding construction area shall be replaced and entered into the land transaction market in the form of bills; If there is a demand for construction land in the city, you can bid and auction and list the land ticket.

As a result, the red line of cultivated land has not been breached, and the urban construction land index has also been increased.

In the process of this balanced transaction, it seems that both sides have their own place, but in fact, the villagers have paid a great price.

It often only takes a low price of tens of thousands of yuan per mu to get a similar permanent property right of a farmer's friend's homestead in disguise, and then sell it to the developer at a price of one million per mu.

Obviously, the current Fengyang is not willing to give 50,000 yuan to the villagers who have replacement needs, and the final payer still has to hope that the land will be transferred, and other large households will pay for it.

The migration of peasants into the cities evolved into a rural version of the trade-in.

At present, the main theme of the mainland real estate market is to destock.

Some time ago, when the National Standing Committee shouted the slogan of stockpiling out the stock and called on the local governments to emancipate their minds, they predicted that there might be a shocking policy in the local government.

No, the operation of encouraging peasant friends to go to the city to take over the plate really happened.

The reason why it first happened in a county like Fengyang is very easy to understand, reflecting the dilemma of decentralization in a small county.

One of the main lines of the current bailout logic is to activate the purchasing power of the market.

First-tier cities siphon home buyers across the country with the help of lifting purchase restrictions;

Second-tier cities siphon home buyers from all over the province;

third-tier cities siphon regional home buyers;

As for the inventory of the fourth tier and even the county, we can only hope to further stimulate urbanization and release the purchasing power of the villagers.

For Fengyang, an agricultural county in northern Anhui, there is nothing to suck, and the operating space left for them is very limited.

Since the market data of the county is incomplete, we will refer to the national average.

In the first five months of this year, the sales area and sales of new commercial housing across the country continued to decline, while the inventory of newly built commercial housing in third- and fourth-tier cities was still rising.

Copying the countryside, the most magical policy of the property market has appeared!

Take Chuzhou City, where Fengyang is located, as an example, the destocking period has been 38 months, which is just twice the 18-month inventory warning line set by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.

For Fengyang, the county has a population of more than 700,000, and the population is in a state of loss all year round, and the potential for conventional market digestion has been exhausted.

How to complete the task of destocking, we can only continue to hope that the old road of urbanization can vigorously produce miracles.

In the past 30 years, one of the most powerful drivers of the mainland's development has been urbanization, and the successive migration of farmers to the cities has cited the miracle of the mainland's economic growth, which has also led to the shrinkage of all rural policies at the implementation level to the migration of farmers to the cities.

Whether it is the construction of a new countryside, urban-rural co-ordination, urban-rural integration, urban-rural integration and other overall strategies, when it comes to the implementation level, all of them have been skillfully refined by the local government to go upstairs into the city.

But there is always a ceiling to urbanization.

According to the experience of countries around the world, there is a horizontal line to measure the urbanization rate, 65%, after which urbanization will reach the second half, and if it continues to improve, it will take time and cost to accumulate.

So far, the urbanization rate of the mainland has reached 66.16%, while the urbanization rate of developed countries is generally 75%-80%.

But even so, this limited room for improvement is also a huge hope for many counties to destock, a lifesaver in the wind.

After all, once the urbanization chain begins to shrink and be interrupted, it will lead to injury and blood loss from all the business and production activities parasitic here, and this situation is naturally unbearable for county-level units.

It is not surprising that mysterious operations from all over the world have come one after another.

There is also a very interesting point, Fengyang is only willing to take out 50,000 yuan for the villagers to enter the city this time.

The 50,000 yuan has also undergone a careful calculation.

At present, the average house price in Fengyang is about 5,000 yuan, and a new house in the county of 90 square meters, 15% of the down payment is less than 70,000 yuan.

Now that I have given you 50,000 yuan, I am scraping together a little, and the down payment can be lived.

For many rural folks, a major pain point in buying a house is that you can't make up a down payment, and now you are given this 50,000 yuan, just to give you the capital for a down payment, and then stimulate you to have the urge to buy a house with leverage.

But after some operation, it paid the price of losing its rural home.

Looking back at the Fengyang incident, the focus of the discussion was not on the motive or the amount of resettlement fees, but on the fact that while allowing farmers to undertake the task of destocking, they were deprived of their near-permanent homestead property rights, which was essentially a lack of fairness.

As mentioned above, the mainland has formulated many policies to encourage peasants to move to the cities over the past few years, and the urbanization rate has also achieved results that have attracted worldwide attention.

However, there are two major problems that have not been solved for a long time on this journey of glory and dreams, one is the hollowing out of the countryside, and the other is the institutional debt to the peasants who have moved to the cities.

Because a pair of powerful hands need to promote urbanization, such as educational resources and medical resources are infinitely concentrated in cities and towns, artificially giving huge added value to the urban property market.

As a result, many villages have been invisibly hollowed out by these policies.

Especially in the vast central and western regions, the countryside in normal times is crooked old men, lone poultry, and lonely old roads and westerly winds.

At the other end of urbanization, even if farmers live in urban homes through extremely hard work, they do not enjoy the treatment of citizens, and there is still a gap between them and urban residents in terms of social security, education and even employment.

What needs to be paid more attention is that cultivated land and homesteads, which are also the basic conditions for farmers to maintain their survival, can maintain the most basic survival of villagers and employment and pension, so as not to form a blind stream.

However, once the peasants who move to the cities lose their way to the countryside and do not have the matching urban survival skills in time, their future life in the cities is bound to be bleak.

As a result of this, everyone should have a chill on their backs when they think about the stories in history.

At present, the determination of local governments to destock is understandable, but it is too utilitarian to stimulate farmers to buy houses in the city by skipping national policies and norms with weak economic compensation.