
A Chinese patent medicine, called a detergent, empties the body and clears the body's qi and blood.

author:Dr. Guo of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Bad lifestyle habits can lead to worse and worse health. If this goes on for a long time, it will leave a lot of "dirt" on the body. If you don't deal with these problems, you will leave a lot of hidden dangers to your body in the future. How do you clean up these "dirt" from your body? Dr. Kwok is here to teach you.

A Chinese patent medicine, called a detergent, empties the body and clears the body's qi and blood.

First of all, how to identify whether there is a blockage in the body. When your body has fatigue, chest tightness, sensitivity to cold, numbness in the hands and feet, or a certain part of the body will be painful all the time, and always feel phlegm in the throat, this means that the phlegm dampness and blood stasis in the body are too serious.

A Chinese patent medicine, called a detergent, empties the body and clears the body's qi and blood.

Today, I would like to share with you a Chinese patent medicine, which can be called a detergent for the body. It is very effective in cleaning up phlegm, dampness and blood stasis in the body. This Chinese patent medicine is called Turbidity and Dampness Dispel Granules, which is composed of citrus aurantium, magnolia, malt, tangerine peel, hawthorn, green tea leaves, chrysanthemum, Liushenqu, sulforaphane seeds, and hemp seeds.

A Chinese patent medicine, called a detergent, empties the body and clears the body's qi and blood.

Among them, citrus aurantium can be used to relieve phlegm accumulation, magnolia bark can eliminate dampness and phlegm, sulforaphane can eliminate food and distension, and tangerine peel can strengthen the spleen and neutralize. The hawthorn in the recipe can strengthen the spleen and eliminate food, promote qi and activate blood, and then combined with the six divine comedy and malt can smooth the spleen and stomach, and improve the problem of spleen and stomach qi and blood stagnation. Finally, chrysanthemums, green tea leaves, and hemp seeds are used to clear away heat and relieve fire, making the stool less dry, so that the laxative is smoother and can be easily excreted from the body. This series of drugs can be combined to easily clean up the "dirt" in the body.

A Chinese patent medicine, called a detergent, empties the body and clears the body's qi and blood.

However, when it comes to medication safety, we still have to guide the use of medication in a professional doctor after syndrome differentiation based on our own situation, don't blindly use medication, I'm Dr. Guo, we'll see you next time!