
Guazhou: Draw a "stave" to play the "main theme" of social security

author:Present-day Guazhou

Since the beginning of this year, Guazhou County has continuously strengthened the capacity building of social security agencies, closely followed the goal of "social security services that are satisfactory to the people", and ensured the safety and standardization of business handling with a sound mechanism, and consolidated the foundation of convenient services such as "cross-provincial office, provincial general office, online office, handheld office, and nearby office", and the social security service of "doing one thing efficiently" and "running at most one trip" has achieved initial results, and the efficiency of business completion has been greatly improved, and the time limit for handling has been effectively shortened.

Improve mediation work mechanisms

Coordinate to solve the urgency, sorrow, and hope

Establish a leading group for the normalization of the work coordination mechanism, improve the emergency work mechanism, formulate the "Guazhou County Social Insurance Affairs Center Information System Emergency Response Plan" and "Social Security Center Key Work Supervision Plan", determine the goal, establish daily communication, irregular consultation, three major matters reporting, and a rapid response mechanism for problems, so as to solve the problems of the masses in a timely manner, promote the smooth progress of social insurance work, and provide institutional guarantees.

Guazhou: Draw a "stave" to play the "main theme" of social security

Typical cases are often dissected

There are practical ways to cooperate to resolve fund risks

The social security fund is the people's "pension money" and "life-saving money". Guazhou County Social Security Center takes the opportunity of the special rectification of "one domain and one key" in the field of pension and social security to analyze typical cases of violations of laws and regulations in the field of social security, carry out warning education, promote special rectification work, accept the supervision of the masses, improve the fund management ability of the handling agency, and reduce risks and hidden dangers. Through the linkage of multiple departments, the center has established and improved the data sharing working mechanism of "four comparisons and one report", actively connected with public security, civil affairs, justice, health and other departments, and used system data to carry out "three advances and three investigations" (that is, the supervision system of the social insurance fund of the financial insurance project to check the problems of duplication and suspected death; Enter the internal audit system for risk prevention and control to check the types of insurance treatment, hidden risks and problems of wrong issuance and omission; Enter the national social insurance information comparison and inquiry system to check the problem of death and duplicate benefits).

"Up to now, more than 460 suspicious data have been found through verification, which have been comprehensively rectified, effectively promoting the liquidation of the 'stock' of suspicious data, the dynamic clearing of 'incremental', and the timely and controllable 'variables', so as to effectively ensure the safe operation of the social security fund and purify the ecological environment of the social security fund." He Ying, deputy director of the Guazhou County Social Insurance Affairs Center, said.

Guazhou: Draw a "stave" to play the "main theme" of social security

Take the initiative to dispel the concerns of the masses

There are clever ways to solve people's livelihood problems through negotiation

Guazhou County Social Security Center focuses on the good expectations of the elderly for a high-quality "silver age life", and vigorously promotes the "silent certification" in the qualification certification of social security benefits, so as to provide "non-sense" services for the majority of treatment recipients. For special groups such as the elderly, bedridden, disabled, and inconvenient people who need certification, the staff takes the initiative to provide door-to-door certification services in Baolian communities and elderly families, turning "the masses to handle" into "door-to-door for you", so that they can feel the efficient and convenient social security certification and convenience services at the "doorstep".

"I'm old, I'm immobile, and my children aren't around, so I used to go to the community with my ID card, but now the community takes the initiative to provide door-to-door service, which really helps." Uncle Zhang of the Shule community said.

"Since the beginning of this year, we have carried out more than 100 door-to-door certifications for retired employees with reduced mobility; More than 18,000 urban and rural residents have completed the certification of 98% of their benefits, and they have shared 25 million yuan. More than 4,600 retirees in enterprises and institutions have completed 100% of the qualification certification, and 110 million yuan of benefits have been shared, effectively ensuring that every insured person enjoys pension treatment on time. He Ying said.

Guazhou: Draw a "stave" to play the "main theme" of social security

Warm-hearted explanation of social security policies

There's a recipe for working together to dismantle telecom fraud

Guarding every cent of the people's "life-saving money" is to protect the people's yearning for a better life, with a heavy responsibility and a long way to go. Our center continues to carry out a series of activities of "social security services into 10,000 homes", preaches policies and answers consultations to various groups of people such as enterprise employees, flexible employment personnel, new business employees, urban and rural residents, etc., and sends social insurance policies and warm-hearted services to thousands of households. Up to now, 15 series of social security services have been carried out, more than 10,000 copies of publicity materials have been distributed, and more than 1,000 policy consultations have been answered.

Guazhou: Draw a "stave" to play the "main theme" of social security

Strive to improve the level of professional quality

Concerted efforts to alleviate the difficulties of enterprises have been effective

In recent years, the Guazhou County Social Security Center has worked hard to strengthen the construction of the talent team, and has adopted the combination of centralized learning and individual learning, online learning and offline learning, and internal learning and out-of-home learning, etc., to organize cadres and employees to study and implement the "Social Insurance Handling Regulations" on a regular basis, and thoroughly study the "Social Insurance Law". Smooth the departmental coordination mechanism, through the implementation of the package system to explain the bail-out policies to enterprises in the jurisdiction one-on-one, to ensure the implementation of the policy, to achieve enterprises "apply for and enjoy" and "enjoy without examination", and continue to optimize the business environment.

A pennant, a trophy, and a certificate of merit are an affirmation and an incentive for social security workers. Guazhou social security workers will continue to go deep into the grassroots, focus on people's livelihood, go into the masses, continue to carry forward the spirit of struggle, be intimate people who ask needs, ask plans, and ask for the people, vigorously develop the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, faithfully implement the original mission of serving the people, create a service platform for the convenience of the people, benefit the people, and benefit the people, and continue to help the high-quality development of social security.

(Author: Correspondent Peng Lili)