
Wu Tiecheng: From a literati to a general, the life legend of the heroes of the Northern Expedition

author:The lord of Qing He said history

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Wu Tiecheng, born in Jiujiang, Jiangxi, Xiangshan, Guangdong, participated in the Xinhai Revolution in his early years, and served as a senator of the Generalissimo Sun Yat-sen's Mansion and the mayor of Shanghai.

Wu Tiecheng: From a literati to a general, the life legend of the heroes of the Northern Expedition

In that year, after the news of the death of Wu Tiecheng, a member of the Central Committee of the Kuomintang due to a heart attack, spread throughout the city, people were all saddened, Wu Tiecheng made remarkable achievements in his life, and the whole world knew that because he himself was born as a literati, he served as a civilian official many times in his life, but before the Northern Expedition in 15 years, there were also one or two military exploits that were praised by the world.

In the tenth year of the Republic of China, Mr. Sun Yat-sen was inaugurated as president in Guangzhou, when banditry was rampant, Sun Yat-sen specially appointed Wu Tiecheng as the chief of the army, and then appointed him as the provincial police chief and the director of the Guangzhou Public Security Bureau.

Wu Tiecheng: From a literati to a general, the life legend of the heroes of the Northern Expedition

Wu Tiecheng was strategizing during his tenure as the director, and he took into account the background of thieves. At that time, many thieves were forced to go up the mountain and become bandits because the world was chaotic and difficult to make a living. Wu Tiecheng learned about the situation and looked for a new livelihood for them, and under his rule, the thief spirit had already declined.

Wu Tiecheng: From a literati to a general, the life legend of the heroes of the Northern Expedition

In the 11th year of the Republic of China, when Wu Tiecheng followed Sun Yat-sen's Northern Expedition through Shaoguan as the commander of the guard army, he suddenly encountered a group of provincial business groups, which were instigated by others and colluded with local bandits to start a rebellion. At a very critical time, Sun Yat-sen personally wrote a handwritten letter to Wu Tiecheng, asking him to return to his division immediately to fight the rebellion.

After Wu Tiecheng received the letter, he was ready to go, led thousands of people, and arrived at the venue in only one night. At that time, he suppressed and appeased the counter-revolutionary forces in an instant.

Because when he encountered danger, Wu Tiecheng was constantly in danger, made decisions on the spot, and had the style of a general, so foreigners at that time often called him "general", which was also a fate.

Wu Tiecheng: From a literati to a general, the life legend of the heroes of the Northern Expedition

After Wu Tiecheng's death, the elegy that people gave him was: the founding of the country was difficult and difficult, it was an important town in that year, and he was a man of the times!