
How did the two husbands and wives earn 30,000 yuan a month by selling breakfast in a small county?

How did the two husbands and wives earn 30,000 yuan a month by selling breakfast in a small county?

The country is a through train

2024-06-29 11:08The official account of China News Service's "The Country is a Through Train".

How did the two husbands and wives earn 30,000 yuan a month by selling breakfast in a small county?

In some small counties outside the third and fourth lines, some people are engaged in seemingly uncomplicated small businesses, working in a down-to-earth manner, and can still reach the income level of white-collar workers in big cities - a monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan.

These are their stories.

Text/Zhao Bin

Near the Botou Municipal People's Government of Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, there is a "post-80s" couple who run an 83-square-meter breakfast shop with a monthly net income of more than 30,000 yuan.

Botou City is located in the southeast of Hebei Province, with a total area of 1008.9 square kilometers and a total population of 636,000, of which 230,000 are in the urban area. In the first quarter of 2024, the per capita disposable income of residents in the city will be 8,713 yuan.

The husband and wife have a monthly income of 30,000 yuan

To do business is to make two accounts, and to make money is to make money when income exceeds expenditure.

Jia Ming, the owner of the fast food restaurant, took the initiative to open the WeChat and Alipay accounts used to collect money, and the average monthly collection from the Spring Festival to the present is about 80,000 yuan, plus more than 10,000 yuan in cash every month, with an average monthly total revenue of more than 90,000 yuan.

How did the two husbands and wives earn 30,000 yuan a month by selling breakfast in a small county?

A slightly crowded ordering window. The country is a through train photo by Zhao Bin

Take May as an example, and take a look at the expenses of this small store:

6,000 yuan per month, 1,792 yuan of water, electricity and gas, 27,600 yuan of beef for stew, 2,000 yuan of steamed meatballs, 1,000 yuan of haggis, 3,600 yuan of flour, 2,669 yuan of salad oil, 1,375 yuan of soybeans, 1,440 yuan of eggs, 1,000 yuan of noodle sauce, 360 yuan of sesame sauce, 800 yuan of soy sauce and vinegar, 1,700 yuan of kelp, 600 yuan of fungus and daylily, 450 yuan of potatoes, 500 yuan of onions, ginger, garlic, coriander, onions, fresh flour skin, etc., 360 yuan of starch, 150 yuan for salt, 500 yuan for monosodium glutamate, 800 yuan for beverages, 216 yuan for instant noodles, 300 yuan for millet and other miscellaneous grains, 120 yuan for food bags, 500 yuan for napkins, dish soap, chopsticks, 150 yuan for equipment maintenance and depreciation, 2,700 yuan for room expenses, and a total expenditure of 58,682 yuan.

The house is their own, but when they settle the accounts, they also calculate the rent according to the market price, so that the husband and wife rely on this small shop to earn more than 30,000 yuan per month, with an average of more than 16,000 yuan per person.

The monthly revenue of 90,000 yuan, calculated at 15 yuan per order (including packing and take-out), needs to accept 200 people to the store every day. This is a boom for a breakfast restaurant that is actually open for just over 3 hours a day. What are their tips?

Let 200 people come to the store every day

"First of all, the taste, it has to be delicious." Jia Ming said that in the catering industry, taste and hygiene are the most important. The small shop is called "Lao Shi Fast Food", which was first founded by Jia Ming's father-in-law, and passed on the shop to his daughter and son-in-law after more than 20 years. The old man polished out a unique set of stewed meat secret recipes, because the roast cake and meat are delicious, and there will be people queuing at the door every day.

Shi Liangjuan, the proprietress of the shop, said that Jia Ming used to work as a chef in the official reception agency of the county and had certain skills. Coupled with the old father's teaching, Jia Ming not only inherited, but also improved the old man's secret recipe, the taste of the meat is more in line with the taste of current diners, and the baked cakes have become more crispy. In addition, Jia Ming also created the tofu soup for pouring the old tofu, which has also become the only one in the county, and people often come to buy tofu soup with a pot.

How did the two husbands and wives earn 30,000 yuan a month by selling breakfast in a small county?

The small breakfast bar was full of diners. The country is a through train photo by Zhao Bin

Site selection is also important. Jia Ming said that there are several units around their small shop, as well as a residential community with a good grade in the county and one of the best local elementary schools.

Shi Liangjuan said that the primary school students who came to eat when her father opened the store are now bringing their children to eat at the store. There are also some young diners back then, who may have been far away, but as long as they come back, they will bring their lovers and children to eat, and come to the small shop to have a wave of "memory killing". The support of these regular customers allowed her to get through the nervous period of opening an old store.

In addition, Shi Liangjuan believes that it is very important to open up the level of products and prices. You can eat well for as little as 2.5 yuan in their store, and there are free pickles. However, customers want to improve the quality, and they can spend 30 or 50 yuan per person to eat roasted cakes with meat and stewed vegetables.

Both Jia Ming and his wife believe that it is not difficult to make a good breakfast restaurant, and they don't mind sharing their experience. The really hard thing is that it's too hard.

Opening a breakfast restaurant has to pass this "hurdle"

Opening a breakfast shop is a "diligent business". Jia Ming believes that the only "hurdle" in this industry is whether he can endure this hardship. The couple got up at 3:40 a.m. every day regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and began to mix noodles, grind soy milk, make tofu soup, order old tofu, stew meat, and boil porridge when they arrived at the store......

The three hired helpers arrived at the store around 5 a.m. From the moment the five people entered the store, they did not take a break until 11 a.m. The meat is stewed once every three days, and the two couples have to be busy until two or three o'clock in the afternoon before they can go home.

How did the two husbands and wives earn 30,000 yuan a month by selling breakfast in a small county?

Jia Ming, the owner of a breakfast shop where he buys beef. The country is a through train photo by Zhao Bin

Jia Ming said that he used to work in the unit and earned about 2,000 yuan a month; Before Shi Liangjuan opened the store, she worked as a salesperson in the largest local shopping mall, earning about 2,000 yuan a month. A family of three, life is stretched, and the couple often quarrel over money.

Shi Liangjuan's father could not continue to support the small shop due to physical reasons, and Jia Ming was determined to take over his father-in-law's shop to change his life because he had enough of living a poor life. At the beginning, there were many problems: the meat was stewed, and the meat of four or five hundred yuan was sent to friends to feed their pets; Got up at 3:40, and the couple only gradually got used to it after a year and a half of work. Every morning, their eyelids are glued together and it is difficult to open, and both of them have had the experience of falling to the ground when they get in bed.

Shi Liangjuan also said that she didn't know how to cook before, and she was always disgusted by her lover when she suddenly opened a shop to work, and the two quarreled many times about it, and she was often so angry that she took the door.

"I'll have to do it myself when she's gone." Jia Ming smiled helplessly and said: "I am used to being a chef, and it is a natural reaction for the person who helps the cook to get angry when I don't get angry, she thinks I said she is very angry." Later, I slowly got used to her rhythm, and I also felt that she had been working hard to improve her work efficiency, and she became more and more proficient, and now she is better at work than me. ”

Shi Liangjuan said that it is indeed not easy for two people to look at each other, and they can understand each other. Since the opening of the store, the relationship between husband and wife has been getting better and better. The key is that when the income is high, many things between families, relatives, and friends will undergo some changes, and there will be fewer factors that make the two conflicted.

The two are very satisfied with their current life, and the current good life is inseparable from this store, and to do a good job in this store, not only can neither of them be separated from each other, but also need to become more and more tacit.

"Originally, we were still making lunch, but when we saw that she couldn't hold it down, we gave up, and now it's fine."

Source: The country is a through train

Editor: Gao Yanjiao

Editor-in-charge: Wei Xi

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  • How did the two husbands and wives earn 30,000 yuan a month by selling breakfast in a small county?
  • How did the two husbands and wives earn 30,000 yuan a month by selling breakfast in a small county?
  • How did the two husbands and wives earn 30,000 yuan a month by selling breakfast in a small county?
  • How did the two husbands and wives earn 30,000 yuan a month by selling breakfast in a small county?

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