
《OriginBot V2.0.2新功能体验::Froxglove》

author:Ancient Moon House

0x00 Official notices;

What's new: OriginBot V2.0.2 is officially released, and Webviz visualization is added

0x01 Webviz basic concepts;

Webviz, like rviz, is a visualization tool in ROS development. The difference is that rviz can only run in a ros environment, while Webviz can run on multiple platforms and can also be debugged on a web page, and what you see is what you get. This is perfect for novices like me who don't like to use the command line.

The Froxglove we are going to introduce in this issue is a type of Webviz, which is specifically used for ROS2; Here is the demo interface of the software:

《OriginBot V2.0.2新功能体验::Froxglove》

Isn't it very powerful, can't wait to try it.

0x02 Software installation;

Reference: WebViz Visualization - OriginBot Intelligent Robot Open Source Kit

But this software is not easy to download, you need to use a ladder to download successfully, here Xiaobian will share with you the download link of Baidu network disk:


Extraction code: 7jlx

I'm using Win11.

《OriginBot V2.0.2新功能体验::Froxglove》

0x03 Environment construction;

Foxglove has two ways to connect to ros:

1. Offline mode (BAG playback)

2. Online connection (websocket, TCP)

Here we use the online connection method, so you need to install the Foxglove package,

$ sudo apt install ros-galactic-rosbridge-suite           

Note that the image of the Originbot trolley needs to be updated to the latest version, and the old version cannot find the feature pack. ros-galactic is installed in the new version.

After the installation is complete, you can call the following command to start the Froxglove bridge

$ source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash
$ ros2 launch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket_launch.xml           
《OriginBot V2.0.2新功能体验::Froxglove》

0x04 Foxglove 界面可视化;

Refer to Originbot to open a new connection. Below is the IP address of my car.

《OriginBot V2.0.2新功能体验::Froxglove》

After the connection is successful, you can use various panels, and Foxglove is composed of various pannels.

《OriginBot V2.0.2新功能体验::Froxglove》

0x05 Add camera visualizations;

Start the trolley camera first with the following command:

ros2 launch originbot_bringup

Then add the image panel in Foxglove, subscribe to the compressed image data/compressed_image, and it will be displayed.

On the right is the remote control panel I added, which is used to publish the cmd_vel data of the car;

Click "OriginBot V2.0.2 New Feature Experience::Froxglove" - Gu Yueju to view the full article