
My teacher, who has been poor all my life, told me that depression is afraid of a flower, and 3 simple steps can calm the nerves

author:Gu Chunqing, director of the Department of Encephalopathy

Hello everyone, I am your friend Mr. Gu!

Recently, when I went to bed at night, I always dreamed of my teacher, and I dreamed of the days when I was young and studied medicine with my teacher.

The impression of the teacher is simple and thrifty, he refuses to throw away his clothes until he wears them in tatters, he never charges the poor or the elderly who are lonely, and he only charges money for medicine when he sees a doctor.

My teacher, who has been poor all my life, told me that depression is afraid of a flower, and 3 simple steps can calm the nerves

Others say that he is a good man, but I know that the teacher has the sick of the world in his heart. "I hope there is no disease in the world, why not pity the medicine on the shelf." It is the word that the teacher has always believed. has followed his teacher for many years, and under the influence of words and deeds,

I remember that my teacher once said to me: depression is afraid of a flower, and it can be cured in 3 simple steps. Over the years, this sentence of my mentor has been of great help to my clinical treatment and has cured thousands of patients with depression.

So what is this flower?

In fact, it is the lily that we often see in our lives.

Lilies are very versatile

My teacher, who has been poor all my life, told me that depression is afraid of a flower, and 3 simple steps can calm the nerves

Lily is a common tonic in our daily life, lily is sweet and slightly bitter, and slightly cold. According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", lily has the effects of nourishing yin and nourishing the lungs, nourishing the heart and calming the nerves, clearing heat and detoxifying, moistening the intestines and laxative, tonifying the spleen and eliminating appetite. It has a significant effect in the treatment of trance, insomnia, dreams, depression and other diseases.

How do you use it? Let everyone know through a case study.

My outpatient case

There was a 33-year-old man in the outpatient clinic before, because he was under great pressure after getting married and having children, so he wanted to start a business, and those savings he had saved before started a business and opened an offline store, but in the first two years, because of Yiqing, the store lost a lot of money, not only did not make money, but also owed money.

Hit by entrepreneurship, after which the mood began to become low, not talking, sighing all day long, it didn't take long for the body to have problems, I felt tired all day long and didn't want to move, insomnia at night, even if I fell asleep, I was dreaming, loose stools, tinnitus, dizziness, chest and flank swelling, and the whole person lost 10 pounds.

During this period, I also took Western medicine for a period of time, but as soon as I stopped taking the medicine, I felt uncomfortable, and I could only take medicine every day to maintain it, and I also had side effects of vomiting and nausea. My wife was worried that she would not be able to stand it if she continued to eat like this, so she took her husband to me for treatment after being introduced by a friend.

Diagnosis: thin white tongue, thin pulse, happy breath, sluggish, emaciated, irritable.

My teacher, who has been poor all my life, told me that depression is afraid of a flower, and 3 simple steps can calm the nerves

Prescription: lily, bupleurum, licorice, jujube, fried white peony, tangerine peel, mother-of-pearl, wheat, mint, etc.

After taking it for half a month, the patient reported that he felt better and his tinnitus was reduced. After taking this prescription for another 2 months, my emotional state was much better, my heart was not so irritable, I could sleep well at night, my appetite was much better than before, and my life gradually recovered.

My train of thought

This patient was out of breath because of the failure of his business and long-term depression and depression. If the liver is depressed for a long time, it will consume the heart and blood, so that the heart will lose nourishment, so he will appear

At the same time, the liver function cannot function normally, and the spleen and stomach are affected, which is why he has a reduced appetite and cannot eat.

My teacher, who has been poor all my life, told me that depression is afraid of a flower, and 3 simple steps can calm the nerves

1. Drain liver qi

Bupleurum + Lily, the focus is on combing the liver qi, so that it conforms to the tempering nature of the liver, vents the stagnant qi, and the liver qi is dredged, and the patient's bad mood can naturally be vented.

II. Healthy spleen and stomach

Tangerine peel + Codonopsis, which has the effect of drying dampness and dissolving phlegm, strengthening the spleen and regulating qi. Regulate gastrointestinal tract activity, promote the secretion of digestive juices, eliminate gas accumulation in the intestinal tract, and improve the patient's loss of appetite.

III. Anjinshi

Jujube has the effect of nourishing blood and calming the nerves, and the natural ingredients in jujube help to relax the nerves, relieve stress, and promote sleep.

The above is today's sharing, Mr. Gu, thank you for reading.

(This article is for study and reference purposes only.) Non-professional readers should learn from and apply the prescriptions mentioned in this article under the guidance of TCM physicians, and should not try them blindly. )
