
Jinyuan District "Two Excellence and One First" Commendation Conference was grandly held

author:Jinyuan release

On June 28, the commendation meeting for outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grass-roots party organizations in Jinyuan District was held. Zhang Nongshou, secretary of the district party committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, extending holiday greetings to the communist party members who are fighting on all fronts in the district on behalf of the district party committee, and extending warm congratulations to the commended advanced collectives and outstanding individuals. Zhang Yao, deputy secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, presided over the meeting. Duan Yanlin, deputy secretary of the district party committee, director of the Propaganda Department and president of the party school, read out the commendation decision.

Jinyuan District "Two Excellence and One First" Commendation Conference was grandly held
Jinyuan District "Two Excellence and One First" Commendation Conference was grandly held
Jinyuan District "Two Excellence and One First" Commendation Conference was grandly held

At the meeting, 65 Communist Party members, 55 party workers and 50 grassroots party organizations from all walks of life in the region were awarded the honorary titles of "Outstanding Communist Party Members of the Region", "Outstanding Party Workers of the Region" and "Advanced Grassroots Party Organizations of the Region".

The meeting pointed out that in recent years, the whole region has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, conscientiously implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and important instructions on Shanxi's work, implemented the major decisions and deployments of the provincial and municipal party committees, and solidly promoted the construction of "two districts and three plates", and coordinated the work of stabilizing growth, adjusting structure, promoting transformation, benefiting people's livelihood, preventing risks, and ensuring safety. The practice of Chinese-style modernization in Jinyuan has made great progress and achieved remarkable results. In this process, a large number of advanced models have emerged from all walks of life in the region, practicing the original mission of the Communists with practical actions, fully embodying the political character, feelings for the people and lofty realm of the Communists in the new era, effectively demonstrating the vanguard image, fine tradition and spiritual outlook of the Communists, and setting an example for the majority of Party members and cadres in the region.

Jinyuan District "Two Excellence and One First" Commendation Conference was grandly held

The meeting emphasized that the party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres in the region should earnestly shoulder the historical mission and the important task of the times, take the advanced model as the benchmark, better play the role of the grassroots party organization as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, transform the role model power into a strong driving force for overcoming difficulties and forging ahead, and demonstrate stronger responsibility and greater achievements in the new journey of writing a new chapter of Chinese-style modernization. It is necessary to build political loyalty, and earnestly implement the defense of the "two establishments" and the "two safeguards" into action. It is necessary to firmly establish political awareness, take stressing politics as the first priority, take loyalty and reliability as the first criterion, consciously enhance political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution, enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve the "two safeguards", strengthen the theoretical armament, enhance the overall concept, and unswervingly implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the provincial, municipal and district party committees. It is necessary to shoulder the responsibility of development and achieve greater results in promoting high-quality development and realizing a prosperous people and a strong region. We must be good at emancipating our minds, pay close attention to the difficult pain points and characteristic advantages that restrict the high-quality development of our region, and strive to make new achievements in key areas. It is necessary to temper excellent skills, insist on learning by doing, doing while learning, study diligently, be good at research, and emphasize experience, so as to accurately understand the new situations and new problems in the work of reform, development and stability, so that professional quality and work ability can keep up with the needs of high-quality development. It is necessary to implement the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "four implementations", make good use of the "543" system of the municipal party committee to grasp the implementation of the work, take the initiative to shoulder heavy burdens and gnaw hard bones in key tasks, and rely on tenacious struggle to open up a new situation in the development of Jinyuan's cause. It is necessary to strengthen the sense of purpose and show the good style of communists in the new era in serving the masses and benefiting the masses. It is necessary to stand firmly on the people's position, solidly carry out the centralized rectification of unhealthy trends and corruption around the masses, continue to rectify the "flies, greed, ant corruption" around the masses, take the mass line, fully implement the "four grassroots" system, do a good job in people's livelihood, focus on employment, social security, education, pension, medical care, rural revitalization and other areas of people's livelihood "urgency, difficulty and hope", solidly promote the construction of key people's livelihood projects, and orderly promote the project of "listening to the will of the people and doing practical things", so as to truly do things for the masses, for the benefit of the people, and for the benefit of the people. It is necessary to strengthen the guidance of party building and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth and extend to the grassroots. It is necessary to strictly enforce discipline and work style, accurately grasp the objectives and requirements of the current party discipline study and education, and guide party members and cadres to study, know, understand, and abide by discipline. Implement the spirit of the eight central regulations and their implementation rules, and do a good job in improving the party's work style, building a clean and honest government, and fighting a protracted battle against corruption. It is necessary to consolidate the foundation of the grassroots level, implement the party's organizational line in the new era, comprehensively enhance the political and organizational functions of the grassroots party organizations, and build the grassroots party organizations in all fields into a strong fighting fortress for realizing the party's leadership. It is necessary to do a good job in team building, adhere to the principle of party management of cadres, implement the standards of good cadres in the new era, and continue to build a team of high-quality cadres and professional and innovative talents who are worthy of great use and have both ability and political integrity.

The meeting called on the whole region to unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and under the strong leadership of the provincial and municipal party committees, always maintain the advanced nature and purity of Communist Party members, continue to make efforts, make long-term contributions, be persevering, bravely make new contributions, and make outstanding contributions to the struggle to write a chapter in Jinyuan of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way!

Members of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee, responsible comrades of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, the District Government, and the District Political Consultative Conference, and the main responsible comrades of the District Court and the District Procuratorate attended the meeting. The secretaries and organization members of the party (work) committees of each town (street), the secretaries of the party working committees directly under the district, the responsible comrades of various departments directly under the district, and the commended representatives of the "two excellent and one first" in the whole district participated.