
Partridge day and flowers bloom in dreams

author:Wei Chu Zhao is capable

Zhao Youneng's original poems


Partridge day and flowers bloom in dreams

The night moon shines on the small building like a hook, and the fragrance of flowers outside the curtain flows by water.

The old dream is full of people, and the heart ends with the smoke and rain.

You can remember, the meaning is long, don't come for many days and tears are hard to collect.

Acacia goes with the wind, and we will gather again when the flowers bloom.

Partridge day and flowers bloom in dreams


This song "Partridge Sky Dream Blossoms" takes love as the theme, uses the scene to express the thoughts and expectations of the lover, the words are tactful and the structure is rigorous.

Partridge day and flowers bloom in dreams

Upper film:

The night moon shines on the small building like a hook, and the fragrance of flowers outside the curtain flows by water. The opening sentence depicts a beautiful scenery at night, with the moon shining like a hook on the small building, and the fragrance of flowers flowing with the water outside the curtain. The metaphor of "like a hook" is used here to vividly depict the shape of the night moon and render a peaceful and beautiful atmosphere.

Partridge day and flowers bloom in dreams

The old dream is full of people, and the heart ends with the smoke and rain. Next, the lyricist recalled the old dreams that had been lingering, lamented that no one spoke, and his inner thoughts drifted to the sky with the smoke and rain. The "Silkiness" and "Smoke and Rain" here skillfully blend emotions and natural scenes, showing the poet's nostalgia and loneliness for old dreams.

Partridge day and flowers bloom in dreams


You can remember, the meaning is long, don't come for many days and tears are hard to collect. After a film, he expressed his heart directly, asked the other party if he still remembered the original affection, and expressed the pain of lovesickness for many days after parting, and the tears were difficult to contain for a long time. In just three sentences, the feelings are sincere, and the brushstrokes are delicate, highlighting the pain of parting and the depth of longing.

Partridge day and flowers bloom in dreams

Acacia goes with the wind, and we will gather again when the flowers bloom. At the end, it expresses the lovesickness as if drifting away with the wind, but it also expresses a good wish, hoping to be able to meet again when the flowers bloom. These two sentences are full of hope and expectation, adding a touch of brightness to the whole word and enriching the word.

Partridge day and flowers bloom in dreams

On the whole, this song "Partridge Heaven" is cleverly conceived, and delicately expresses the deep thoughts and expectations of lovers by describing images such as night scenes, flowers, and smoke and rain. The combination of scenery and emotion in the words is natural, the language is beautiful and fluent, and the emotions are sincere and moving, which fully embodies the elegance and lyrical characteristics of classical lyrics.

Partridge day and flowers bloom in dreams

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