
Lu Zhenhua's 12 daughters' names are "read in a row": his true love name is hidden! It's not the first love Pingping

author:A bewildering worm

Introduction: After many years, I watched the drama "Deep Love and Rain", and I found a lot of unknown truths. Everyone knows that Lu Zhenhua married nine wives and gave birth to twelve daughters, his wife only appeared in the play Aunt Xue and Fu Wenpei, and his daughters only appeared in Mengping, Ruping and Yiping. In fact, the names of Lu Zhenhua's twelve daughters are read consecutively, which hides a mystery.

Lu Zhenhua's 12 daughters' names are "read in a row": his true love name is hidden! It's not the first love Pingping

1. Send love with poetry

After reading the original work, you will know that Lu Zhenhua's twelve daughters are called Nian Ping, Ruoping, Youping, Aiping, Jingping, Xueping, Huaiping, Meiping, Xinping, Yiping, Ruping, and Mengping.

Remove the Ping characters in each name, and then read these twelve words together, you can find that this is actually a poem: If you think of it and love, Jingxue Huaimei, your heart is like a dream. This poem is from the Four Famous Novels Dream of Red Mansions, what does it mean? Xiaobian deliberately went to Baidu Jun to search for it, and the above explanation is like this:

1. "Thinking and loving" can be understood as the heart is full of love, which may come from the appreciation of beautiful things, attachment to people, etc.

2. In "Jingxue Huaimei", "Jingxue" can be understood as inner peace like snow, pure and flawless; "Huaimei" can be interpreted as having a beautiful dream or expectation in your heart.

3. "The heart is like a dream" means that the mood is calm like a dream, full of anticipation and longing for the future.

This poem expresses the author's thoughts and dreams for his lover

Lu Zhenhua's 12 daughters' names are "read in a row": his true love name is hidden! It's not the first love Pingping

Lu Zhenhua is really an infatuated species, and he actually did this in order to miss his first love Pingping, but is Lu Zhenhua really true love for Pingping?

Lu Zhenhua's 12 daughters' names are "read in a row": his true love name is hidden! It's not the first love Pingping

2. The truth of the original work

In the play, Lu Zhenhua was recognized by Pingping's father, promising to fight for Pingping, and then went to join the army, but Pingping's father did not keep his promise, and Lu Zhenhua forced Pingping to marry soon after leaving. Pingping never forgot Lu Zhenhua in her heart, so she committed suicide by hitting the wall in Lu Zhenhua's favorite red riding costume.

And the original book is far from so beautiful, Pingping was not martyred in the original book, she couldn't resist her father's arrangement to marry, but she had a good life after marriage, at this time Lu Zhenhua, who had become a black leopard, came back and found that Pingping was married, and found Pingping out at all costs.

Lu Zhenhua's 12 daughters' names are "read in a row": his true love name is hidden! It's not the first love Pingping

At this time, Pingping just wanted to live in peace, husband and children, but Lu Zhenhua threatened Pingping with her husband's life and forced her to submit, and Pingping, who was forced to be helpless, chose to jump into the well that night, and the painful Lu Zhenhua killed Pingping's family in a rage, and then began a philatelic journey.

Lu Zhenhua's 12 daughters' names are "read in a row": his true love name is hidden! It's not the first love Pingping

3. Love only yourself

Lu Zhenhua commemorated his first love Pingping, and specially chose the names with the word Pingping for his twelve daughters, and the continuous reading of their names has such a profound meaning, does this really show how much Lu Zhenhua loves Pingping?

When Lu Zhenhua was a slave in Pingping's house, he knew that he had nothing, and he went to hook up with Pingping, who was a daughter, and finally left only a false promise and flew away. Later, when he came back after becoming famous, he found that Pingping had already married, and when he learned that Pingping was in love with someone else, he actually coerced and lured Pingping to comply, and finally forced Pingping to death, and finally he was still angry and killed Pingping's family.

Lu Zhenhua's 12 daughters' names are "read in a row": his true love name is hidden! It's not the first love Pingping

Is this really love? Lu Zhenhua is just an obsession with Pingping, because he didn't get it, so he can't forget it. Lu Zhenhua has always loved only himself, in the name of love, collecting Pingping's surroundings everywhere, so as to satisfy his lustful psychology, in front of outsiders he is a dedicated young general, no one will say that he is not.

In order to create his infatuated character, he also gave his twelve daughters such names, and everyone, including himself, slowly believed that the only one he loved the most was Pingping.

Lu Zhenhua's 12 daughters' names are "read in a row": his true love name is hidden! It's not the first love Pingping

If a man really loves a woman, will he provoke her when he has nothing? Will he be slaughtered? If Lu Zhenhua really loves Pingping, shouldn't he not marry her for the rest of her life after her death, right? It's good that he married Mrs. Jiufang in the name of Ai Pingping, which is ridiculous.

Finally: So from beginning to end, Lu Zhenhua's favorite thing is not Pingping, he only loves himself.

Lu Zhenhua's 12 daughters' names are "read in a row": his true love name is hidden! It's not the first love Pingping