
Huo Wenfang: Huo Yingdong's most unworthy son, who made big mistakes repeatedly and severed the father-son relationship with Huo Yingdong

author:Zhai Xiaoha
(The content of this article is based on authoritative sources, and there are literature citation sources at the end of the article)
Huo Wenfang: Huo Yingdong's most unworthy son, who made big mistakes repeatedly and severed the father-son relationship with Huo Yingdong

In Hong Kong in the 70s of the last century, when the business giant Fok Ying-tung's career was in full swing, his second-room son Fok Wenfang, a young talent who was regarded as the heir, became Fok Yingdong's biggest thorn in his heart.

Ignoring his father's admonitions, Huo Wenfang insisted on doing business abroad, and was eventually involved in an arms smuggling scandal and was arrested and imprisoned.

Huo Yingdong endured the pain and severed the father-son relationship with this unscrupulous son, and Huo Wenfang completely broke with the Huo family from then on.

The road of depravity did not stop there, he continued to deceive under the name of "the second son of the Huo family", and founded the "Six Treasures Fund", involving an amount of more than 2 billion, which once again pushed the reputation of the Huo family to the forefront.

Huo Wenfang: Huo Yingdong's most unworthy son, who made big mistakes repeatedly and severed the father-son relationship with Huo Yingdong

A business legend

Fok Yingdong's story began in Hong Kong in the twenties of the last century, when Hong Kong was still a small place, and Fok Yingdong was just a teenager born in an ordinary family.

As a young man, Fok Ying Tung studied at Queen's College, but when the Japanese set foot on Hong Kong soil, he had to interrupt his studies and start his professional career.

Starting from the bottom, Fok Yingdong once worked as a coal burner on a ship and as a coolie in a sugar factory. He also worked as a laborer on a construction site to build an airport and even opened a nondescript grocery store.

These experiences sharpened Fok Yingdong's will and laid the foundation for his future entrepreneurial journey.

In 1948, opportunity finally knocked on the door. Fok Yingdong saw the opportunity and bought a ship together and started a shipping business.

With his keen business sense, Fok Ying-tung took the lead in the barge business of Hong Kong terminals, and this decision became his first step to success.

In the early fifties, Fok Ying-tung's career continued to expand. He founded Fong's Real Estate Co., Ltd. and Yourong Co., Ltd. and served as the chairman.

Huo Wenfang: Huo Yingdong's most unworthy son, who made big mistakes repeatedly and severed the father-son relationship with Huo Yingdong

With the take-off of Hong Kong's economy, the real estate industry has ushered in an unprecedented boom.

Fok Ying-tung once again seized the opportunity to enter the real estate industry in a big way, and pioneered the sales model of "off-the-plan" and "mortgage", ushering in a new era of Hong Kong's real estate industry.

Fok Yingdong, who has a successful career, is not satisfied with the status quo. He first entered the construction industry, and with his innovation in seabed sand mining, he once became the "sea sand king".

Then, he spent a huge amount of money to acquire the Taiping Island shipyard operated by American businessmen, becoming a pioneer in Hong Kong in acquiring foreign companies. In addition, he has also been involved in land reclamation, contracting international projects and other fields, and has made many great contributions.

Fok Ying-tung's business empire continues to grow. Shipping, real estate, building materials, petroleum, department stores, hotels...... He can be found in all areas of Hong Kong's economy.

Huo Wenfang: Huo Yingdong's most unworthy son, who made big mistakes repeatedly and severed the father-son relationship with Huo Yingdong

At the same time as his career reached its peak, Fok Yingdong's family life also underwent significant changes.

Due to the particularity of history, men were still allowed to take concubines in Hong Kong at that time. Huo Yingdong is no exception, and has married three wives successively.

The original partner Lu Yanni gave birth to three sons and three daughters for him, Feng Jianni gave birth to three sons in the second room, and Lin Shuduan also gave birth to four children for him in the third room.

In the eyes of outsiders, Huo Yingdong can be said to have both children and a happy family.

Huo Wenfang: Huo Yingdong's most unworthy son, who made big mistakes repeatedly and severed the father-son relationship with Huo Yingdong


Huo Wenfang is the eldest son of Huo Yingdong's second room, but he chose a path that ran counter to his father.

The young and vigorous Huo Wenfang turned a deaf ear to his father's teachings and insisted on breaking out of a world of his own.

Despite Fok Yingdong's repeated warnings, Fok Wenfang still went his own way and did business abroad. He relied on the identity of "the second son of the Huo family" to swagger through the market and made a lot of fox friends and dog friends.

Gradually, he began to get involved in some gray area businesses, and even involved in arms smuggling. However, Skynet is magnificent, negligent but not leaky. Huo Wenfang's actions finally came to light and were arrested by the police.

When Fok Wenfang was handcuffed and escorted to the police station, the whole of Hong Kong was shocked.

Huo Wenfang's behavior brought great humiliation to the Huo family. Huo Yingdong, who has always valued reputation, how can he tolerate this unscrupulous son tarnishing the reputation of the family?

In anger, he made a difficult and decisive decision: to sever the father-son relationship with Huo Wenfang and expel him from the house.

Huo Wenfang: Huo Yingdong's most unworthy son, who made big mistakes repeatedly and severed the father-son relationship with Huo Yingdong


After Huo Wenfang was released from prison on bail, instead of repenting, he intensified his efforts to use the name of "the second son of the Huo family" to swagger and deceive.

He is well aware of the weight of the golden sign of the "Huo family", even if he has been cut off by his father, there are still many people who are eager for this name. So, Huo Wenfang began his journey of scamming.

He first announced in the business world that he had a unique investment vision and business opportunities, which attracted a group of investors who were chasing high returns.

Huo Wenfang went in and out of high-end places, made friends with celebrities, and looked like a rich son. Many people were deceived by his appearance, and they have invested money, hoping to get a piece of the pie.

Huo Wenfang: Huo Yingdong's most unworthy son, who made big mistakes repeatedly and severed the father-son relationship with Huo Yingdong

However, these so-called "investment projects" are nothing more than lies carefully woven by Huo Wenfang. He squandered investors' money and lived a lavish life, but he never fulfilled his promises and brought returns to investors.

When someone is suspicious, Huo Wenfang will prevaricate for various reasons, or directly play missing.

Huo Wenfang's biggest scam is the "Six Treasures Fund". He claims that this is a sure-fire investment with an annualized return of up to 12%.

Many celebrities and wealthy people have been deceived by his rhetoric and have invested their life savings in it. The famous movie star Jin Qiaoqiao is one of the victims, she invested all her years of filming income into the "Six Treasures Fund", and as a result, she lost all her money.

It is estimated that the "Six Treasures Fund" has attracted more than HK$2 billion, and the victims are all over Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai and other places.

Huo Wenfang: Huo Yingdong's most unworthy son, who made big mistakes repeatedly and severed the father-son relationship with Huo Yingdong

However, when investors found out that they could not get the promised returns, Huo Wenfang played missing again.

The aftermath of the "Six Treasures Fund" incident lasted for a long time.

The victims spontaneously organized themselves and asked Huo Wenfang for justice. They ran and cried out, hoping to recover their hard-earned money.

In 2006, at the age of 84, Fok Ying-tung died in Hong Kong.

Fok Yingdong's estate is divided equally among the other children. And Huo Wenfang, because of what he did, lost the qualification to share the family property.

This rich second generation, who used to be well-dressed and well-fed, has now fallen to the point of having nothing.


1. Huo Zhenting. Centennial Tide,2023(05):5-12.DOI:10.16624/j.cnki.11-3844/d.2023.05.014.

2. Huo Yingdong's son is involved in the shady 2 billion fund, and the first-line stars and the executives of central enterprises are fully imprisoned. Tencent.2016-06-22 [cited 2016-06-23]

3 Huo Yingdong's son is involved in the black hole of the 2 billion fund: star Tian Liang and Jin Qiaoqiao have lost all their money. [Cited 2016-06-22]