
The temptation of a young woman

author:Listen to books

"Who are you scolding?"

"Whoever promises me will scold him."

"Fuck, you kind of tell me which city you're in and see if I can kill you."

"Okay, I'm wondering if the anchor is really climbing the cliff, don't let the camera switch and fool us."

"That's right, we asked the anchor to point the camera at Brother Treasure Hunt."

The temptation of a young woman

"Hurry up, or we won't pay attention to you."

"But Brother Yangyang said that he would be banned."

"Seal the wool, I will also pay attention to you, wait for your next broadcast."

"Alright then!"

Liu Ruotong pointed the camera at Liu Yang, and now Liu Yang was on fire, only to see Liu Yang like a spirit monkey, jumping towards the bottom of the cliff.

"I guess Brother Treasure Hunt is not human, such a high cliff, let alone jumping down, even if I look down, I feel my legs trembling."

"What's the matter, damn it, the live broadcast room is really blocked, what the hell is this."

"The anchor has already reminded you, this is called a dangerous action, please don't imitate, Dou Dad is not allowed to do this, hurry up and pay attention to a wave, and watch it next time."

Fans in the live broadcast room turned on the search mode and followed Liu Ruotong and Liu Yang.

Liu Yang slid for more than ten minutes, and finally saw a Ganoderma lucidum growing on the cliff.

The surface of this thing is fiery red, and it is also a centuries-old Ganoderma lucidum.

"Great, there is such a Ganoderma lucidum, if you take it when you need to break through in the future, it will definitely have an unexpected effect."

Such a treasure, Liu Yang was obviously reluctant to take it out and sell it, and muttered in his heart.

Liu Yang was proud in his heart, reached out to pick the Ganoderma lucidum, and suddenly a small animal sprang out from behind the Ganoderma lucidum.

It was about a foot long, and its whole body was fiery red, shaped like a large mouse, but Liu Yang was sure that it was not a mouse.

Immediately afterwards, the little creature ran away, but not far, and stopped to look at him.

He swept his gaze, and the little one turned and ran again, and he withdrew his gaze, and the little one took a few steps closer.

"Hehe, what an interesting guy."

Liu Yang smiled and picked the Ganoderma lucidum, and in order to facilitate the transplantation, he also produced some soil on the cliff, and then climbed to the top of the cliff.

The little guy hesitated for a few seconds, and quickly climbed towards the need, but always kept a certain distance from Liu Yang.

"Damn, this guy can't be a hundred-year-old Ganoderma lucidum who is still thinking about Lao Tzu!"

Liu Yang muttered, climbed to the top of the cliff and quickly hid.

The little guy went up the cliff, looked left and right, looking for Liu Yang's figure.

Liu Yang suddenly appeared in front of it, and as soon as it wanted to run, it was grabbed by Liu Yang, and he squeaked in fear.

"What a cute little red mouse, I've never seen a little red mouse like this when I've grown so big."

"Brother Yangyang, can you give me the little red mouse, it's so cute."

The temptation of a young woman

Liu Yang wanted to warn the little guy, and then let the little guy go, but he didn't expect Liu Ruotong to like it, so he gave it to Liu Ruotong.

"Little guy, I warn you, don't beat that Lingzhi again, and don't bully Ruotong, otherwise I'll peel you and roast you."

The little guy was so frightened that he shrank together, such a small action made Liu Ruotong like it even more.

"Okay, Brother Yangyang, don't scare her, she's so young, how can she bully me."

Liu Yang let go of the little guy, only to hear a snort, and he had already jumped onto Liu Ruotong's shoulder.

Then, he climbed down from Liu Ruotong's arm and obediently stayed on Liu Ruotong's palm.

"It's so well-behaved, the two of us will be good friends in the future, good friends have to be righteous!"

Liu Ruotong stroked the little guy with her other hand and interacted with the little guy.

Liu Yang took out the hundred-year-old Lingzhi at this time, and the little guy immediately turned his gaze to Liu Yang.

"Brother Yangyang, what do you have in your hand is Ganoderma lucidum?" Liu Ruotong had never seen Ganoderma lucidum and looked surprised.

"That's right, take it back and find a place to plant it, and use it when you need it."

Liu Yang has now thought about it, since there are so many people in the city, he should be able to get rich soon if he starts a business in the countryside and cooperates with the live broadcast to bring goods.

"Brother Yangyang, you really have the ability, but I'm too stupid, I just filmed you climbing the cliff, and the live broadcast room was blocked, saying that it would take forty-eight hours to unblock."

When Liu Ruotong spoke, she looked like a child who had made a mistake and lowered her head.

The temptation of a young woman

This was expected by Liu Yang, after all, hundreds of people in the live broadcast room wanted to watch him climb the cliff, and Liu Ruotong, as an anchor, could not agree.

"It's okay, take a look at how many orders there are today, we'll count them, and then ship them as soon as possible."

"Don't consume character, live up to trust, and definitely be able to do outdoor live broadcast."

"Okay, Brother Yangyang, I'll count it." Liu Ruotong said happily.