
CBA latest news: Cui Yongxi officially joined the NBA, Shen Zijie transferred to Beijing Holdings, and Zhu Junlong may leave the team

author:Tangerine Entertainment
CBA latest news: Cui Yongxi officially joined the NBA, Shen Zijie transferred to Beijing Holdings, and Zhu Junlong may leave the team

On the domestic basketball stage, Choi Yong-hee has long been known for his excellent skills and excellent physical fitness, however, his basketball dreams did not stop there. As the backcourt core player of the CBA Guangzhou Dragon and Lions men's basketball team, his name may not have resounded in the NBA draft, but he got a brief chance to enter the NBA by accident - signing a ten-day contract with the Trail Blazers.

Cui Yongxi is not only a young basketball player, but also a representative of the new generation of Chinese basketball. In the CBA, he demonstrated technical versatility and excellent physical fitness. As a defender, his flexibility on the pitch and control of the game have earned him the affection and recognition of the fans.

The Trail Blazers' decision to sign Choi Young-hee to a short-term contract under the NBA's Exhibit 10 clause is not only an affirmation of his past performance, but also a sign of trust in his future potential. The ten-day contract is a valuable opportunity for Choi to showcase himself in the NBA. If he can perform well during this time, he is expected to receive a more stable two-way contract, which could even translate into a full-fledged NBA player contract, which will be a milestone in his career.

CBA latest news: Cui Yongxi officially joined the NBA, Shen Zijie transferred to Beijing Holdings, and Zhu Junlong may leave the team

Some people think that this is a great thing for Choi Yong-hee: "Choi Yong-hee has performed well in the CBA, and he finally has a chance to enter the NBA, and he will definitely do his best to fight for a long-term contract in this summer league!" This optimism reflects the fans' expectation that he can make a difference in the NBA.

However, some people are worried that this is just hype: "Isn't this kind of ten-day contract just asking Choi Yong-hee to make soy sauce?" How likely are they to stay? ”

A netizen who claimed to be a fan of the Trail Blazers also expressed his opinion: "The Trail Blazers' move is quite fresh, maybe Choi Yong-hee can surprise the team, optimistic about him!" ”

Someone challenged Choi Yong-hee's performance: "This time I entered the NBA to see if he could adapt to the rhythm and intensity of the NBA, but he has the strength and should be fine." ”

CBA latest news: Cui Yongxi officially joined the NBA, Shen Zijie transferred to Beijing Holdings, and Zhu Junlong may leave the team

For Choi Yong-hee, this contract is undoubtedly a rare opportunity. One commentator wrote on Weibo: "Choi Yong-hee has proven himself in the CBA, and now it's time to see how far he can go in the NBA." Ten days may not be a long time, but it is enough to change a person's fate. ”

Since Zhou Qi left the NBA, Chinese basketball has not had a player gain a foothold in the NBA for a long time. Cui Yongxi's success is not only his personal glory, but also a major breakthrough for Chinese basketball on the international stage. His addition will bring infinite hope to Chinese fans, and will also increase the attention and viewership of the NBA in China, and promote the exchange and cooperation of basketball culture between the two countries.

Some netizens said: "Cui Yongxi's signing gives us hope for Chinese basketball, and I hope he can make a difference in the NBA and bring more surprises to Chinese fans!" This optimistic voice reflects the fans' expectations for Choi Yong-hee's future development.

CBA latest news: Cui Yongxi officially joined the NBA, Shen Zijie transferred to Beijing Holdings, and Zhu Junlong may leave the team

Others think: "Honestly, how useful can a ten-day contract be?" If he doesn't behave well, he's probably going to come back. This conservative attitude reflects concerns about Choi's challenges and competition.

A netizen who claims to be an NBA fan commented: "Choi Yong-hee's addition has a positive impact on the NBA in China, after all, we all want to see more Chinese players make their mark in this top league." ”

Others see the significance of cultural exchange: "His success is not only at the basketball level, but also helps to promote the exchange of basketball culture between China and the United States, which is good for the relationship between the two countries." ”

Among these views are optimistic expectations of Choi's personal prospects, as well as realistic views on the challenges he faces. In any case, Cui Yongxi, as a member of Chinese basketball, his success is not only a personal glory, but also a major breakthrough for Chinese basketball on the international stage.

CBA latest news: Cui Yongxi officially joined the NBA, Shen Zijie transferred to Beijing Holdings, and Zhu Junlong may leave the team

Next, Choi Yong-hee will usher in his NBA debut, Summer League. As fans, we expect him to be able to show his best on this stage, speak with his strength, and win more opportunities and trust with his performance. No matter what path he takes in the future, his courageous spirit of chasing dreams is enough to inspire more young people to work hard for their dreams.

Since Zhou Qi left the NBA, Chinese basketball has become rare in this top league. However, Choi's success has brought a glimmer of hope to Chinese basketball fans. On social platforms, there was a heated discussion about it.

Some netizens said: "Cui Yongxi's signing gives us hope for Chinese basketball, and I hope he can make a difference in the NBA and bring more surprises to Chinese fans!" This optimistic voice reflects the fans' expectations for Choi Yong-hee's future development.

Others think: "Honestly, how useful can a ten-day contract be?" If he doesn't behave well, he's probably going to come back. This conservative attitude reflects concerns about Choi's challenges and competition.

CBA latest news: Cui Yongxi officially joined the NBA, Shen Zijie transferred to Beijing Holdings, and Zhu Junlong may leave the team

A netizen who claims to be an NBA fan commented: "Choi Yong-hee's addition has a positive impact on the NBA in China, after all, we all want to see more Chinese players make their mark in this top league." ”

Others see the significance of cultural exchange: "His success is not only at the basketball level, but also helps to promote the exchange of basketball culture between China and the United States, which is good for the relationship between the two countries." ”

Among these views are optimistic expectations of Choi's personal prospects, as well as realistic views on the challenges he faces. In any case, as a member of Chinese basketball, Cui Yongxi's success is not only a personal glory, but also a major breakthrough for Chinese basketball on the international stage, injecting new hope and vitality into the entire Chinese basketball community.

Choi Yong-hee's story tells us that no matter how great the difficulties and challenges we face, as long as we have dreams and perseverance, we can create miracles. His basketball dream not only belongs to him personally, but also to everyone who fights for his dream. I hope that Cui Yongxi can shine on the stage of the NBA and add another beautiful scenery to Chinese basketball.

CBA latest news: Cui Yongxi officially joined the NBA, Shen Zijie transferred to Beijing Holdings, and Zhu Junlong may leave the team

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