
New means of interfering with the Taiwan Strait? The U.S. military suddenly announced the "Hell Landscape" plan, the Ministry of Defense: Don't eat this set!

author:Kopko's worldview

If you can't do it, you can do it again!

According to media sources, the commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command recently said that the U.S. military will implement a plan called "Hell Landscape" in the Taiwan Strait. The U.S. military plans to deploy drones, unmanned boats, and unmanned underwater vehicles in the Taiwan Strait on a large scale to turn the Taiwan Strait into an unmanned hell. And they called it that the plan was to deal with "attacks from Chinese mainland."

New means of interfering with the Taiwan Strait? The U.S. military suddenly announced the "Hell Landscape" plan, the Ministry of Defense: Don't eat this set!

And the commander of the U.S. Marine Corps also said in an interview that the U.S. Marine Corps will deploy a small-scale, but rapid response capability "Littoral Combat Group" in Guam in the next few years, and the reason for arranging this thing is also very simple, in order to protect allies such as Japan and the Philippines against attacks from China.

New means of interfering with the Taiwan Strait? The U.S. military suddenly announced the "Hell Landscape" plan, the Ministry of Defense: Don't eat this set!

China's attack in the previous sentence and China's attack in the latter, but now everyone knows who is the one who launched the attack in the world.

Therefore, in response to the repeated statements of the United States, the Ministry of Defense of the mainland also responded!

New means of interfering with the Taiwan Strait? The U.S. military suddenly announced the "Hell Landscape" plan, the Ministry of Defense: Don't eat this set!

First of all, in response to the so-called "hell landscape" plan, Wu Qian, spokesman for the mainland's Ministry of National Defense, said: Those who want to turn other people's homes into hell should first prepare to go to hell. In order to "use Taiwan to contain China", they still want to turn the Taiwan Strait into hell, and those who have this kind of thinking are the real madness! If some "Taiwan independence" elements really want to rely on such people to support themselves, then they should wait for the "chess pieces" to become "abandoned children." Taiwan has always belonged to China, and China cannot be divided!

New means of interfering with the Taiwan Strait? The U.S. military suddenly announced the "Hell Landscape" plan, the Ministry of Defense: Don't eat this set!

If you want to intimidate us with these so-called plans, it can only be said that the Chinese have never eaten this set!

As for the deployment of the Littoral Combat Group by the United States and the United States, Wu Qian's reply is even simpler: We oppose provoking confrontation and confrontation, but the Chinese are not afraid of trouble! A total of 16 words can represent our attitude: if people do not offend me, I will not offend others, and if people offend me, I will offend others!

New means of interfering with the Taiwan Strait? The U.S. military suddenly announced the "Hell Landscape" plan, the Ministry of Defense: Don't eat this set!

What could be clearer, more direct, and more representative of the attitude of the Chinese than such a reply!