
The man crossed the river by boat, and at night his father dreamed that he would not cross the river tomorrow

author:It's your cannon brother

Our Northeast Gada, there are many stories like stars in the sky, and today I will give you the legend of "Guan Gong punishing Qin Hui". This matter has to start with a young man named Li Ergou, who lives in our Jiangnan water town and usually lives by fishing. That day, he planned to go to his relatives' house on the other side of the river, so he rowed a small boat and set out on the road to cross the river alone. The water in the south of the Yangtze River is as clear as a mirror, so gentle that it can drip water. Li Ergou was rowing and humming a tune, and his mood was very beautiful.

But who would have thought that as soon as the boat reached the center of the river, the sky suddenly became dark, the dark clouds were overwhelming, the wind was fierce, and the river was churning like crazy. Li Ergou's heart tightened, and he hurriedly closed the sails and stabilized the boat. At that moment, a bolt of lightning struck, and a large whirlpool appeared in the middle of the river, as if it were about to swallow his boat. He steadied the rudder and rowed forward desperately. After some rough seas, the boat was finally rowed to the shore. When he came ashore, he was soaked and tired like a dog, so he found a place to make a fire to keep warm, and his heart was full of thoughts.

At night, Li Ergou lay by the fire, tossing and turning and couldn't sleep. Suddenly, he seemed to see a familiar figure, more and more clear, it turned out to be his father, who had been dead for many years. Dad smiled and said to him, "Ergou, don't cross the river tomorrow." Li Ergou was startled, sat up and saw that his father's figure was long gone. He beat the drum in his heart, he didn't understand why his father appeared at this time, and asked him not to cross the river. But he thought that his father was cautious before he died, maybe he had some bad premonition.

The man crossed the river by boat, and at night his father dreamed that he would not cross the river tomorrow

Early the next morning, Li Ergou came to the river and saw that the river was calm and the sun was shining on the water. He hesitated, but his relatives had an urgent matter, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he decided that he still had to cross the river. He got into the boat again and rowed to the opposite shore. But when the boat reached the center of the river, the scene yesterday was staged again. The wind was blowing, the waves were rough, and the whirlpool reappeared. Li Ergou's heart was raised, and he desperately rowed forward with the boat. But this time, he was not so lucky, the boat was overturned, and he also fell into the whirlpool.

Just when Li Ergou felt that he was going to be finished, he suddenly felt a force that lifted him up and brought him out of the whirlpool. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was standing on a large lotus flower, which was slowly floating towards the shore. Li Ergou was stunned, what the hell was going on, he didn't understand it himself. Oh my god, that's a real annoyance! At this juncture, Li Ergou raised his head and saw a mighty figure standing above the lotus, holding the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in his hand. Guan Gong glanced at Li Ergou, the corners of his mouth raised, and said softly: "Young man, come with me." As soon as he finished speaking, he rode the lotus flower and floated slowly to the shore.

Li Ergou was up and down in his heart, thinking that this Guan Gong would save him? But he also knew that Guan Gong was the embodiment of loyalty and righteousness, and he would never harm him. So, he followed Guan Gong all the way to the shore. After going ashore, Guan Gong asked Li Ergou: "Do you know why you are involved in this matter?" Li Ergou shook his head, looking confused. Guan Gong sighed, and then said, "Have you heard of Qin Hui?" Li Ergou was stunned for a moment and said, "Qin Hui? Isn't that the great traitor of the Southern Song Dynasty? Guan Gong nodded and said, "That's right, it's him." That guy didn't do anything good in his life, and he didn't live well after his death, and now he has become a terrible ghost, stirring up peace in the world. When you were crossing the river yesterday, you happened to run into him and caused trouble, so you suffered this disaster. ”

The man crossed the river by boat, and at night his father dreamed that he would not cross the river tomorrow

When Li Ergou heard this, the fire in his heart, and his hatred for Qin Hui came up all of a sudden. He hurriedly asked, "Then Guan Gong, why did you want to save me?" Guan Gong smiled slightly and said, "As the god of loyalty, when I see that you are in trouble, I naturally want to help." But Qin Hui's kid has done a lot of evil, and I can't let him go. Come with me, and I will teach him a good lesson. After speaking, Guan Gong rode the lotus flower again, took Li Ergou, and floated into the distance. That Qin Hui's powerful ghost, under the divine power of Guan Gong, has nowhere to hide.

Guan Gong took Li Ergou to float and float, floating through a lot of mountains and rivers, and the sky was almost dark, so he stopped on a remote riverbank. On both sides of the river are dense forests, the trees are frighteningly high, and the branches and leaves cover the sky tightly, and it makes people's hearts furrible when they look at it. Guan Gong said to Li Ergou: "This Qin Hui's powerful ghost is very cunning, and his ordinary tricks have nothing to do with him." We'll have to figure out how to get him out. When Li Ergou heard this, he was so nervous in his heart, thinking about how powerful this Qin Hui was, even Guan Gong had to work so hard. He hurriedly asked, "Then Guan Gong, what should we do next?" Guan Gong smiled slightly, took out a golden talisman seal from his arms, handed it to Li Ergou, and said, "You stick this talisman on the tree by the river, and I have my own way to lure out the powerful ghost of Qin Hui." ”

Li Ergou took the talisman seal, although he was a little stunned in his heart, but when he thought of the presence of the public, he also mustered up courage. He walked over to a large tree and attached the talisman to its trunk. I saw that the golden light of the talisman flashed, and then it disappeared without a trace. At this moment, a black gas suddenly surged from the surface of the river, and the black gas became thicker and thicker, and finally condensed into a human form. The man was wearing an official uniform and a black gauze hat, which was exactly Qin Hui's appearance. He looked at Li Ergou and Guan Gong angrily, and shouted: "Who are you, dare to harm my good deeds!" Guan Gong sneered, holding the Qinglong Glaive Knife in his hand, stepped forward, and said, "Qin Hui, you did a lot of evil in your life, and you didn't know how to repent after you died. "Oh mom, that's a really good thing today! Guan Yunchang's buddy stood there, that momentum, tsk, and directly stunned Qin Hui's kid. Qin Hui's face changed, and then he smiled gloomily, and said, "Guan Yunchang? Hmph, do you still think you were the martial saint back then? Now you're just a lonely ghost, what can you do? As soon as Guan Gong heard this, he was furious, picked up the big knife and slashed at Qin Hui. The two of them crackled, swords and swords, like a movie.

The man crossed the river by boat, and at night his father dreamed that he would not cross the river tomorrow

Li Ergou's kid was dumbfounded beside him, thinking that these two immortals were fighting, but it was really not covered. After dozens of rounds, it is still difficult to distinguish. Guan Gong was anxious, knowing that it was not a matter to consume it like this. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration, remembering that he still had a killer weapon useless, roared, raised the Qinglong Yanyue Knife high, and then slashed suddenly, the golden light flashed, and Qin Hui's powerful ghost was directly split in half, and it dispersed with a whoosh. After Guan Gong finished this trick, he was so tired that Li Ergou hurriedly stepped forward to help him and asked, "Guan Gong, are you okay?" Guan Gong shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's just that the divine power is almost used, so I have to rest for a while." He glanced at Li Ergou again and said, "Remember, you have to be careful in the future, don't take risks." Although this Qin Hui has been cleaned up by us, there are still many things in this world that are crooked, so you have to pay attention. ”

Li Ergou listened, nodded like pounding garlic, and was very grateful to Guan Gong in his heart. He helped Guan Gong into the cave and lit a fire, and Guan Gong sat by the fire, closing his eyes and recuperating. Li Ergou looked at Guan Gong's majestic and tired appearance, and admired it in his heart. He knew that he could escape today thanks to Guan Gong. He secretly swore in his heart that he would do more good deeds in the future and repay Guan Gong's kindness. In this way, Li Ergou kept watch in the cave all night.

Early the next morning, Guan Gong woke up and looked much better. He said to Li Ergou: "My divine strength has almost recovered, it's time to go." When Li Ergou heard that Guan Gong was leaving, he was reluctant in his heart. Hurriedly asked, "Guan Gong, where are you going?" Guan Gong smiled slightly and said, "I am the god of loyalty and righteousness, and I have to protect the people in the world." You remember what I said, you have to be careful in the future. After saying that, it turned into a golden light, and disappeared with a whoosh. Li Ergou stood at the mouth of the cave, looking at the direction in which Guan Gong disappeared, and the gratitude and admiration in his heart. He knew that he would have to remember this for the rest of his life. He turned around and walked out of the cave and on his way home.

The man crossed the river by boat, and at night his father dreamed that he would not cross the river tomorrow

Since then, Li Ergou has changed, and there is more calmness and perseverance in his eyes. He spread the story of Guan Gong all over the water town, so that more people knew Guan Gong's prestige and righteous deeds. That Qin Hui's powerful ghost never dared to make trouble in the world again. When Li Ergou returned home, the whole person seemed to be a different person. Oh, this story of Li Ergou makes people's hearts warm when they hear it. As soon as we saw him, we couldn't help but ask: "Ergou, why did you come back like a different person when you went out this time?" Li Ergou, he just grinned and didn't say anything, but his heart was like a mirror, knowing that this time he went out, his life would be completely turned over. He is no longer the hairy young man, but has become thoughtful and thoughtful.

During the day, he was busy fishing, and at night he sat by the river, looking at the sparkling river, wandering in his heart about Guan Gong's teachings, pondering the ghost of Qin Hui's old fox, and the retribution of good and evil in this world. After a long time, Li Ergou's reputation spread farther and farther, just like the river. His fishing skills are getting better and better, and every time he goes to sea, he returns with a full load. He is still a warm-hearted person, and he is always the first to rush forward to help when someone has a problem. The villagers praised him, saying that he had become sensible and responsible.

One night, Li Ergou had a dream that he had returned to the river and saw Guan Gong again. Guan Gong smiled at him and said, "Ergou, you did a good job. You understand the truth of the world, and you learn how to protect yourself and others. But you have to remember that true kindness does not depend on charity alone, but on sincerity and perseverance in the heart. After Li Ergou woke up, his heart was warm. He understood that Guan Gong's words were a reminder to keep a kind heart at all times, and never give up no matter what difficulties he encountered.

The man crossed the river by boat, and at night his father dreamed that he would not cross the river tomorrow

Since then, Li Ergou has worked harder to live, not only helping the villagers solve problems in life, but also teaching them how to be a person and how to deal with things with his own experience. He said: "We must live in this world, we must have a belief and a pursuit. Although we can't be like Guan Gong, we can be good people and be useful to society. As soon as these words spread ten, ten spread hundreds, and the people in the entire water town gave Li Ergou a thumbs up.

The story of Li Ergou spread more and more widely, and even spread to other countries and cities. One day, a big boss in the city found Li Ergou. This boss is a rich man and a man of conscience. After hearing Li Ergou's story, he decided to fund him to open a fishing farm to help more villagers get rid of poverty and become rich. When Li Ergou heard the news, he was so excited that he hurriedly thanked the boss, saying that he would do a good job and live up to his expectations.

As a result, the fishery was soon built, and the villagers came to help. With the joint efforts of everyone, the fishery is becoming more and more prosperous. Not only has it become famous, but it has also attracted many tourists to come for sightseeing. The life of the villagers is getting better and better, and every family is living a well-off life. And what about Li Ergou? He became the owner of the fishing farm, but he did not forget his original intention. He still gets up early and works greedily every day, and still cares about the lives of every villager. He said: "I can be where I am today thanks to Guan Gong's guidance and the support of the villagers. I have to pass on this kindness so that more people can benefit. ”

The man crossed the river by boat, and at night his father dreamed that he would not cross the river tomorrow

He knew in his heart that he had done a good job of the task he had given him by guarding the bus - to let more people get benefits and spread love far and wide. Just when he was about to say goodbye to this world, he had a dream that he was back by the river and saw Guan Gong again. Guan Gongle said to him: "Ergou, you did a good job, the task is completed, and now you can leave with peace of mind." Li Ergou woke up, his heart was calm, satisfied, he felt that he had not lived in vain in his life, and proved Guan Gong's words with his actions - kindness and sincerity, which is the most precious thing in the world.

In this way, Li Ergou left quietly in the blessings of everyone. His story has been engraved into the annals of our water town and has become a good story that has been praised from generation to generation. This is the story of Li Ergou, a folk tale with a bit of fantasy, bizarre and twists and turns. It tells us that kindness and sincerity are the most precious things in the world, and as long as we pass them on with our hearts and practice them, we can make the world more beautiful.