
In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

author:Tiggers love to eat jumping candy

In 2020, a local Japanese online program aired an episode related to "The Cowherd", first of all, in the program, the host interviewed a 20-year-old female college student in Japan.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

This female college student has been studying at a prestigious school in Tokyo since she was a child, and she is also considered a rich lady in the local area, and as time goes by, this female college student has also been obsessed with Japanese nightlife since she was a child, and she lives a drunken life every day.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

Until she was 18 years old, by chance, because she was of legal age, she planned to try a novel object, so she walked into a "Cowherd Club" driven by curiosity, but what she didn't expect was that just this entry made her feel as if she was poisoned, and she couldn't extricate herself from it.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

At the age of 15, I went to the cowherd shop to collect materials

Even after leaving, in order to be able to experience different services, I began to visit the "Cowherd Club" everywhere, and in just two years, it cost 10 million yen, but it was still not over, and even after attending the famous Keio University in Japan, I majored in anthropology.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

After finding a legitimate reason for using his studies as a "shield" during college, he began to blatantly "study" the cowherd, and even did a special study on the cowherd, explaining it in front of professors and classmates, the female college student said that the direction of her research is:

"My research subjects are women who patronize the cowherd shop in Kabukicho, as well as cowherds who work there."
In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

As for such a direction and idea of topic selection, it may be very rare for even her professors.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

Get featured on TV shows

Later, when this incident was spread by the girl's classmates, the local TV station was like a wolf smelling meat, and came to invite the girl to participate in the show.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

15 Interviews

Later, when the TV program began to be recorded, the female college student claimed to be an "expert in cowherd research", and the main research object was the cowherd in the cowherd shop in Kabukicho, when asked why she was obsessed with the cowherd, the female college student said.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

Most of the cowherds in these stores approach you with a purpose, in order to empty the money in your wallet, and even for the sake of money, he can say anything you want to hear from you, and even praise you with a clear conscience.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

And the reason why I am addicted to everything is because I hope that someone can like me and associate with me, and I also enjoy the feeling of being in love with money, and all this is also the driving force of my life.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

And according to his own research, he found that there are reasons why some girls are addicted to the cowherd and can't extricate themselves, and even made a summary, saying that those girls are easy to indulge.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money
"1.An only child or an only child2.Overprotective or completely laissez-faire by parents3.Close friends who rarely meet easily4.Want to live high school again5.Like chatting with handsome guys6.Not good at rejecting other people's recommendations7.I used to be obsessed with something8.Low sense of self-affirmation9.My current job is not fulfilling enough10.I hate the feeling of losing"
In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

There are ten points in total, and as long as you are in eight, you are very easy to indulge in the cowherd.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

Even later, in order to prove that her statement was correct, the female college student also took the program team to Kabukicho to experience it, and accompanied the whole process, she told the people in the program team that the cowherds in Kabukicho are mainly divided into three categories:

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

The first type is mainly handsome guys, this kind of Kabukicho has very high requirements for the appearance of the cowherd, and the recruitment conditions are also very harsh.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

The second type of words is to act in sweet words, although these people say that they are not particularly good-looking, but these people's mouths are very sweet, and they can often speak to people's hearts, and the customers who come are coaxed into "five confusions", and they can't wait to go back and divorce their husbands now, sell the house, and live in Kabukicho from then on, and most of the girls are defeated here.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

The third category is the style of male actors, they wear suits and ties every day, dress themselves very handsome, and everyone looks like a popular male star, giving everyone a different feeling.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

Later, the female college student also told the program team that she has two friends, both of whom are in their early 20s, and they are also addicted to the cowherd every day, and will spend 1.5 million to 2 million yen on their favorite cowherd every month.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

But the family background of the two is not as thick as that of this female college student, but in order to be able to see their favorite cowherd every day, the two themselves will go to nightclubs every day as escort girls, and all the money they earn from work is also spent on the cowherd, and then the program team asked a question that countless netizens are concerned about, what will happen if they suddenly can't see their favorite cowherd one day in the future.

Then the two of them also replied in unison: "I will kill myself, without him, I can't live." ”??????
In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

Such statements are indeed incomprehensible. (But how to put it, "Existence is reasonable.") )

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

Even in order to allow the staff to experience the service of the Cowherd more intuitively, the female college student directly took the program team to a Cowherd shop that she frequented, and the subsequent operation also stunned the program team.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

First of all, there is an entrance fee of 5,000 yen, drinks are all-you-can-drink, and there is no time limit, and "coincidentally" when the female college student appeared in the store, she happened to "bump into" a cowherd she liked very much, and then she said that she fell in love with him at first sight when she first met him, and in a month, she came to him three times.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

Later, the program team also interviewed the cowherd, he said that he has been working here for a year and a half, and he can get an income of 5 million yen in the highest month, and after everyone chatted, the female college student also directly ordered a bottle of champagne of 70,000 yen, and after paying, there were more than ten cowherds singing and laughing around them.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

When she came out and got the bill, the female college student spent a total of nearly 130,000 yen here, but she said that the cost this time was not much, just a very ordinary consumption, and later she told reporters that people who came here would order some expensive drinks, one was to save face and strengthen the momentum, and the other was to give her favorite cowherd a performance.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

This set of operations will naturally not be low on the day's consumption, and even in the vicinity of Kabukicho, there is a path that only insiders know that they call "love hotels", and when these girls have a good chat, they can also take their favorite cowherd to spend a "sleepless night" together.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

For the sake of the cowherd, he scattered all his family property

There was once such a woman in Japan, divorced at the age of 41, with two children by herself, and a clinician by profession, at the beginning of 2023, she made an appointment with a young man who had been chatting on the Internet before, and this man's profession was a cowherd.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

When the two met in Kabukicho and had a conversation over a night, the doctor soon had a feeling of falling in love, which he slowly fell in love with for the rest of his life.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

Every day, as long as he has time, he will go to Kabukicho to meet his "friend", and even in order to let him be alone with him, he also took out his savings and ordered a lot of expensive alcohol.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

And this cowherd is obviously also a master, after receiving these gifts, he did not choose to blindly ask for them, but would give corresponding responses, bought a lot of small gifts for the doctor, and even accompanied her on her birthday.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

At the same time, the cowherd also drew a "big cake" for the doctor, saying that "this doctor is now his girlfriend", and promised to prepare a ring for him in the near future, and this move also moved the doctor not to want.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

When she told the news to the cowherd, it seemed that everything had changed, and the contact between the two was constantly decreasing, and the doctor seemed to be a magic barrier, in order to let her return to his side, he did not hesitate to borrow money to see him.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

In the end, under the guidance of the Cowherd, the doctor successfully owed a debt of 25 million yen (equivalent to more than 1 million yuan), and this time the "kind" Cowherd did not choose to abandon her, but "intimately" said that he would find a way to help her repay the debt together, but the doctor must repay him in the form of "sex work".

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

Last year, Japan's news media wrote an article to expose the problem, which pointed out that the local police arrested 140 people suspected of prostitution in the process of "anti-pornography", but after interrogation, they came up with a news that shocked many netizens.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

Among the 140 people, more than 40% of them chose to engage in the "custom industry" in order to repay the debt they owed in order to find the cowherd, and it was later pointed out that 75% of the shops in Kabukicho had the problem of false or indiscriminate prices, and these industries should be rectified.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

However, after the proposal appeared, it did not attract the attention of the local ruling party in Japan, but rejected the proposal, and said that these women who like to visit Kabukicho should pay for their actions.

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

How to say it, such behavior and "Japan" ......

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money

Article sources:, June 9, 2024--- These Japanese women were forced to engage in prostitution to pay off their debts for the sake of "male public relations"., November 29, 2020--- Japan's Keio female school bully is obsessed with the cowherd and smashes 10 million in two years! Said: It's worth the money for research...

On December 8, 2020--- rich girl from a famous Japanese school is obsessed with the Cowherd and spends 10 million for the Cowherd for two years!

Shanxi Evening News, December 9, 2020--- Female college students have spent tens of millions of dollars on indulging in Cowherd for two years, and even wrote Cowherd as a research paper?!

In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money
In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money
In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money
In 2020, a female college student was addicted to a cowherd shop, spent tens of millions of dollars in two years, and was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts after running out of money