
Julie, who was decisive in the marriage field, once asked Pete to leave his father and son! Now the good news for the child has come

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Julie, who was decisive in the marriage field, once asked Pete to leave his father and son! Now the good news for the child has come
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Julie, who was decisive in the marriage field, once asked Pete to leave his father and son! Now the good news for the child has come

In 2016, on a private jet, the marriage myth of Hollywood star couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt collapsed. A drunken and hazy Pete uncontrollably drags Jolie into the small bathroom of the plane, and a frightening push and conflict ensues.

Seeing that the situation was out of control, the eldest son, Maddox, stepped forward and bravely sided with his mother. At this moment, a certain string in Julie's heart was completely broken.

Afterwards, she resolutely filed for divorce and fought for custody of her six children with a thunderous force. Julie's attitude is so resolute that she is not even willing to give Pete any form of visitation rights.

She hired a tougher lawyer and vowed to expel Pitt from the family once and for all. The former golden boy and girl of Hollywood has gone their separate ways.

Julie, who was decisive in the marriage field, once asked Pete to leave his father and son! Now the good news for the child has come

Angelina Jolie's life is like a drama of ups and downs. When she was only 13 years old, an unusual idea had already sprung up in her mind – "to get out of this world".

The shadow of death followed her and even became one of the earliest patterns she wore on her body. Julie of this period, like a butterfly lost in the dark, is constantly struggling on the edge of life and death.

However, the twist of fate often comes unexpectedly. When Julie began to adopt and raise children, her life seemed to be breathed with new energy. In order to take care of her eldest son, Madox, she did not hesitate to learn cooking skills from scratch.

In order to create good memories for her children, she took time out of her filming in the UK to find suitable outdoor places to play. What's even more surprising is that in order to satisfy the children's curiosity about flying, she resolutely learned the skills of flying an airplane.

Julie, who was decisive in the marriage field, once asked Pete to leave his father and son! Now the good news for the child has come

In the process, Julie gradually found a new meaning in life. Her eyes were no longer full of confusion, but replaced by the light of maternal love. Every time she prepares a meal for the children and accompanies them to explore the world, Julie feels the beauty of life.

The game of death, which she once indulged in, is overshadowed by the innocent smiles of the children.

Julie's transformation is not only reflected in her behavior, but also deeply engraved in her soul. She began to cherish life, love life, and pass on this love to her children.

In her daily life, she always carries a huge towel with her to prevent her child from coming into contact with substances that can trigger allergies. This almost paranoid desire to protect shows her meticulousness as a mother.

Julie, who was decisive in the marriage field, once asked Pete to leave his father and son! Now the good news for the child has come

When her eldest son, Maddox, reached adulthood and was about to go to South Korea to study, Julie burst into tears at home. This girl, who was once obsessed with the theme of death, has now transformed into a mother full of love and strength.

Instead of decorating herself with the symbol of death, she chose to tattoo the latitude and longitude of her children's birthplace on her body, symbolizing the hope and strength that new life brings her.

Julie's journey is not only her personal growth, but also a moving story of rebirth and redemption. From a girl lost in the darkness to a woman full of maternal love, Julie uses her own experience to interpret the value of life and the power of maternal love.

This journey allows us to see a more three-dimensional and more humane Angelina Jolie.

Julie, who was decisive in the marriage field, once asked Pete to leave his father and son! Now the good news for the child has come

Angelina Jolie's emotional world is like an intricate labyrinth, full of passion, adventure and accidents. Her emotional journey began with her first love at the age of 14, and although her mother acquiesced in it, it also showed Julie's precocious and dangerous side.

Young Julie is addicted to playing knife games and even asks her first boyfriend to cut herself for her, or for her to hurt the other person. Behind this extreme behavior, there may be hidden deep uneasiness and struggle in Julie's heart.

Over time, Julie met her first husband, John Lee Miller. The two bonded by co-starring in the movie "The Matrix", when Julie was 21 years old and Miller was 23 years old.

Their wedding was full of drama and darkness. Julie chose to wear a black and white outfit and wrote her husband's name on the white part with blood. This bloody ritual seems to foreshadow the instability of their marriage.

Julie, who was decisive in the marriage field, once asked Pete to leave his father and son! Now the good news for the child has come

Sure enough, this marriage finally came to an end because the two were busy filming.

However, Julie's emotional life did not calm down. During her marriage to Miller, she had feelings for two actresses, which sparked rumors of homosexuality.

Among them, Elizabeth Mitchell won Jolie's favor because of an accidental touch. And Japanese model and actress Jenny Shimizu became an important figure for Julie to openly admit her bisexual tendencies.

Julie once admitted that if she was unmarried at the time, she might choose to enter the marriage hall with Jenny.

Julie, who was decisive in the marriage field, once asked Pete to leave his father and son! Now the good news for the child has come

Despite this, Julie ultimately failed to get together with any of them. She gradually distances herself from Jenny Shimizu and divorces Miller. Interestingly, Julie has been more friendly to her ex-husband Miller, and has even visited him frequently in recent years, bringing her adopted son Parks with her.

After that, Julie's marriage to Billy Bob Thornton was short, but it also left some warm memories. Julie still exudes warmth as she recalls the image of them taking care of the little mouse together.

However, the marriage eventually came to an end because of Julie's focus on her adopted son, Maddox. When Julie takes Maddox to Los Angeles to meet Billy, they get into a heated argument, and Julie even chooses to spend that sleepless night alone.

Julie's emotional journey reveals her complex and contradictory inner world. She longs for love, but it is difficult to settle down; She seeks excitement, but also yearns for warmth. Every relationship is like an adventure, bringing her joy and pain, and also allowing her to grow and know herself.

Julie, who was decisive in the marriage field, once asked Pete to leave his father and son! Now the good news for the child has come

These experiences shaped Julie's unique personality and laid the groundwork for her future encounter with Brad Pitt.

Julie's love labyrinth is not only a personal emotional story, but also a picture that shows the complexity of human nature. It tells us that love can be passionate, or it can be plain and warm; It can be between people of the opposite sex or between people of the same sex.

Julie uses her experience to illustrate the diversity and complexity of love.

In 2004, Hollywood's Walk of Fame staged a fateful encounter. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt bonded together on the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", a film full of action and romance elements that seemed to foreshadow their future relationship.

Julie, who was decisive in the marriage field, once asked Pete to leave his father and son! Now the good news for the child has come

Julie recalls the scene of her first audition with a complex glint in her eyes. She marveled at the costumes that the crew had carefully selected for them, making them look like a natural pair.

However, Julie also felt a little incredible, she sighed: "You don't know a person at all, after just three days of auditions, you actually want to enter the marriage hall with him."

This sentence not only expresses the drama of the film, but also hints at the fate of their real marriage in the future.

The "marriage" in this play soon extended to real life. The sparks that Julie and Pitt sparked on the set burned more and more intensely. Although Julie had not officially divorced her ex-husband at the time, the irresistible attraction between her and Pete was already evident.

Julie, who was decisive in the marriage field, once asked Pete to leave his father and son! Now the good news for the child has come

However, fate seems to have been predetermined. Julie was surprised to be asked to accept a script that involved the murder of her spouse before filming. She had to immediately plunge into intense firearms training to prepare for the role.

Who would have thought that this plot would become a metaphor for her future relationship with Pete.

The filming of "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" not only sparked a spark of love between Julie and Pete, but also planted complex seeds for their future. This love, which began on the screen, eventually evolved into a real marriage with ups and downs, witnessing their whole process from sweet to bitter.

From a scripted couple to a real-life couple, Jolie and Pete's story is like a Hollywood blockbuster, full of drama and unpredictability. This love, which was born out of drama, finally experienced a thrilling twist just like the plot in the movie.

Julie, who was decisive in the marriage field, once asked Pete to leave his father and son! Now the good news for the child has come

Julie's attentiveness and thoughtfulness can be seen everywhere in daily life. She carries a huge towel with her to prevent the children from being exposed to substances that can trigger allergies.

This almost paranoid desire to protect shows her meticulousness as a mother.

When asked if she prefers her own children, Julie gave a thought-provoking answer. She said that because both were caesarean sections and she had never experienced the pain of childbirth, she did not think that having a child was particularly great.

This answer cleverly eschews the discussion of biological and non-biological children, and reflects her love for all children without discrimination.

Julie, who was decisive in the marriage field, once asked Pete to leave his father and son! Now the good news for the child has come

Over time, children who once needed Julie's protection have grown into adults who can understand and empathize with their mothers. Although the eldest son, Maddox, has left home to study in South Korea, the second son, Parks, has begun to take the initiative to take care of his mother, and will even hold her hand and help her cross the road safely.

This heartwarming picture is the best reward for Julie's selfless dedication over the years.

Julie once tattooed the latitude and longitude of the children's birthplace on her body, replacing her ex-husband's name. This gesture symbolizes that she pours all her love into her children.

For Julie, these six reliable children are undoubtedly the most precious treasures in her life, giving her an endless sense of belonging and dependence.

Julie, who was decisive in the marriage field, once asked Pete to leave his father and son! Now the good news for the child has come

From a teenage girl full of rebellious and dark tendencies, to a selfless and dedicated mother, Julie's transformation is amazing. She used her actions to interpret the greatness of maternal love and the meaning of life.

Julie's parenting journey is not only her personal growth process, but also a moving story of love and responsibility.

Angelina Jolie is a figure full of contradictions and complexities. In her acting career, she has shown extraordinary talent and all-round development. Her acting skills are superb and her roles are diverse, from action movies to literary films.

However, her humanitarian actions have sparked some controversy. Some praise her charity work, but others see the acts as American-style hypocrisy.

Julie, who was decisive in the marriage field, once asked Pete to leave his father and son! Now the good news for the child has come

Julie has a unique attraction to men. She expects her partner to either pamper her or make decisive decisions. This sexy, attractive and strong independent trait makes many men fall in love with it.

As Mick Jagger puts it, "She terrified me, but I was obsessed with it." This quote vividly describes Julie's influence on men.

However, all the men who adore Julie don't seem to be able to really tame her. They often leave with trauma and disarray. This situation was no exception in Jolie's marriage to Pete, which eventually led to the breakdown of their marriage.

Despite the controversy surrounding Julie's life, her performance in the role of mother is undoubtedly commendable. Her hard work and love for her children, as well as their return to her, have become the warmest side of her complicated life.

Julie, who was decisive in the marriage field, once asked Pete to leave his father and son! Now the good news for the child has come

Julie's story teaches us that every human being is a complex individual, with many facets of light and dark, strong and vulnerable. It is these contradictions and complexities that have created Julie's unique charm and life trajectory.

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