
In 2014, a young firefighter died, and his mother tried five test tubes, and finally welcomed a daughter after many years

author:Butterfly Quest
In 2014, a young firefighter died, and his mother tried five test tubes, and finally welcomed a daughter after many years
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In 2014, a young firefighter died, and his mother tried five test tubes, and finally welcomed a daughter after many years

In June 2018, in a delivery room in Shanghai, the silence was broken by the cry of a baby. 42-year-old Ying Xianmei stared at the newborn in her arms with teary eyes, and her heart was indescribably excited.

This weighs 2. The small life of 9 kilograms carries the hope and persistence of a family for four years.

However, what is less known is that behind this happy moment, there is a sad past and a difficult journey. What was it about the experience that made this middle-aged mother so persistently pursue a new life? What kind of expectations does this hard-won baby carry? Let's uncover this touching story.

In May 2014, what was supposed to be a joyous Labor Day turned out to be a tragedy in a residential park on Wulong Road in Shanghai. At 2:01 p.m., the piercing sirens pierced the sky, and five fire squadrons quickly assembled and rushed to the fire.

In 2014, a young firefighter died, and his mother tried five test tubes, and finally welcomed a daughter after many years

In this heroic team, there is a young firefighter named Liu Jie. Liu Jie, born on August 16, 1994, is the only son in the family. He has had a heroic dream since he was a child, and resolutely chose the road of joining the army in 2012, and joined the Shanghai Xuhui Fire Detachment in December of the same year.

Liu Jie's parents run a successful frozen food trading company and come from a wealthy family. However, this young man from a wealthy background did not choose a comfortable life, but aspired to become a firefighter who protects the safety of people's lives and property.

In the fire brigade, Liu Jie, with his hard-working spirit and outstanding performance, soon stood out and became a member of the Xuhui Detachment's Iron Army Attack Group.

In the face of the raging fire, Liu Jie and his comrades-in-arms quickly launched a rescue operation. They risked their lives and marched forward. However, as fate would have it, the moment they broke down the door, a huge explosion resounded in the sky.

In 2014, a young firefighter died, and his mother tried five test tubes, and finally welcomed a daughter after many years

Liu Jie and his comrade-in-arms Qian Lingyun were hit by the heat wave and both fell from the 13th floor.

At that moment, time seemed to stand still. Two young firefighters, like eagles flying high, fell in the flames. Their clasped hands have become the most shocking images of this tragedy, forever fixed in people's memories.

Despite the best efforts of the medical staff to save the life, the lives of the two young people were gone forever. At 16:20, the bad news came, Liu Jie and Qian Lingyun died heroically due to their injuries.

A life full of hope came to an abrupt end. Liu Jie is forever frozen in his 20-year-old years.

In 2014, a young firefighter died, and his mother tried five test tubes, and finally welcomed a daughter after many years

In May 2014, the public security department posthumously recognized Liu Jie and Qian Lingyun as revolutionary martyrs and awarded them a gold medal for dedication to national defense, a symbol of honor.

On the morning of May 5, a memorial service for the two martyrs was held at the Longhua Funeral Home in Shanghai, and thousands of citizens spontaneously came to bid farewell to the two young heroes.

Liu Jie's sacrifice is not only a loss for a family, but also a pain for the whole society. However, the responsibility and responsibility he interpreted with his life, and his spirit of sacrificing to protect others, will always be engraved in people's hearts.

This young man, who is only 20 years old, uses his short and brilliant life to interpret what a real hero is.

In 2014, a young firefighter died, and his mother tried five test tubes, and finally welcomed a daughter after many years

The moment the bad news came, Ying Xianmei's world collapsed instantly. She struggled to accept this harsh reality and fainted in the hospital several times. With the loss of her only son, the middle-aged mother seemed to have lost the full meaning of her life overnight.

Grief-stricken, Ying Hyun-mei and her husband could no longer live in a home full of memories of their son. Every corner, every object, is like a sharp blade, constantly tearing their hearts.

They had to move out of the cosy cottage that had once been filled with laughter, trying to escape the heartbreaking memories.

However, life does not stop with the loss of a person. With the support of her husband and relatives and friends, Ying Xianmei slowly rose from her grief. She began to think about how she could fill the emptiness in her heart and how to continue her son's life.

In 2014, a young firefighter died, and his mother tried five test tubes, and finally welcomed a daughter after many years

In the dead of night, she would always look at the picture of her son in a daze, as if looking for some kind of answer.

After a long period of psychological struggle, Ying Xianmei made a surprising decision: she was going to get pregnant again. This decision made those around him both moved and worried.

After all, she is 39 years old, and the risks faced by advanced maternal age are self-evident.

But Ying Xianmei insisted on her choice. "I know it's hard, but I have to try," she said. It's not just for myself, it's for my honor.

In 2014, a young firefighter died, and his mother tried five test tubes, and finally welcomed a daughter after many years

There was a determined glint in her eyes, as if she had found the direction of her life again.

Ying Xianmei and her husband began a long road to pregnancy. They spent a whole year trying to conceive naturally, but they never got it. Each failure was like a hammer that hit the couple's fragile hearts.

But instead of giving up, they strengthened their determination to give birth to a new life.

In the process, Ying Xianmei rediscovered the meaning of life. She began to pay attention to the families of other martyrs who died in the line of duty, giving them moral support and encouragement.

In 2014, a young firefighter died, and his mother tried five test tubes, and finally welcomed a daughter after many years

Her strength not only touches those around her, but also inspires other families struggling with grief.

Ying Xianmei's story is not only a mother's deep longing for her son, but also a tenacious and unyielding interpretation of life. With her actions, she tells the world that even in the darkest moments, hope is never far away.

Her strength and courage have become a ray of light in the hearts of many people, illuminating the way forward.

In 2017, with the coordination of the Shanghai Fire Brigade and the efforts of all parties, Ying Xianmei came to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University and started her IVF journey.

In 2014, a young firefighter died, and his mother tried five test tubes, and finally welcomed a daughter after many years

However, the road is more difficult and winding than expected.

On her first attempt, Ying Hyun-mei successfully conceived a pregnancy, and her joy was just budding, but she was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy two weeks later, resulting in damage to her left fallopian tube. This blow almost broke her, but thinking of her son Liu Jie's strength before his death, she regained her courage.

Ying Xianmei clenched her fists and told herself: "I can't give up, this is a promise to Jiejie."

The next three attempts, each of which ended in failure. Every time she saw a negative pregnancy test strip, Ying Xianmei felt like a knife. She began to wonder if she could really succeed and if she should give up on this seemingly impossible dream.

In 2014, a young firefighter died, and his mother tried five test tubes, and finally welcomed a daughter after many years

In the dead of night, she often cries secretly alone, but after dawn she will wipe away her tears and continue to face it bravely.

Just as she was about to give up, the doctor told her that she had one last chance. Ying Xianmei clung to this last hope, and she said to herself: "Jiejie, mom won't give up, just like you will never give up on the fire."

At this moment, she seemed to see her son's resolute eyes again, giving her the strength to move on.

On the fifth attempt, a miracle finally happened. When she saw the positive pregnancy test strip, Ying Xianmei cried with joy. She carefully protects this hard-won life, for fear that one will lose it if she is not careful.

In 2014, a young firefighter died, and his mother tried five test tubes, and finally welcomed a daughter after many years

However, behind the joy is still a difficult wait and test.

At the 24th week of pregnancy, she was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. For the sake of the child in her womb, she strictly controlled her diet and insisted on exercising. I used to give up the food I used to love, and insisted on walking and exercising every day, even if the weather was bad.

Her determination and perseverance touched both the doctor and her family.

However, the test did not end there. By week 29, she was suffering from ureteral stones again. The severe pain made it difficult for her to sleep, but she always gritted her teeth and persevered, and did not give up.

In 2014, a young firefighter died, and his mother tried five test tubes, and finally welcomed a daughter after many years

She knows that this child is not only her hope, but also another commemoration of Liu Jie. Whenever the pain was unbearable, she would gently stroke her stomach and talk to the baby in her womb: "Baby, you have to be strong, just like your brother."

This arduous pregnancy experience is not only a physical test, but also a psychological grind. Ying Xianmei has experienced a mental journey from despair to hope, from doubt to determination.

She used her actions to interpret the greatness of maternal love and the tenacity of life.

In this process, Ying Xianmei has received support and care from her family, medical staff and all walks of life. Her story has touched many and given hope to other families facing similar hardships.

In 2014, a young firefighter died, and his mother tried five test tubes, and finally welcomed a daughter after many years

Ying Xianmei's experience tells us that the miracle of life is often born through perseverance and hard work. With her mother's tenacity and love, she continued to write a new chapter in her son's life and opened a new chapter in her own life.

In June 2018, in a delivery room in Shanghai, the silence was broken by the cry of a baby. After a lot of hardships, 42-year-old Ying Xianmei finally ushered in her little angel.

She stared at her daughter in her arms, with joy and longing in her eyes. This weighs 2. The small life of 9 kilograms carries the hope and persistence of a family for four years.

Ying Xianmei named her daughter Liu Mengyuan, which means that the dream is complete. This name not only pins on the expectations of his parents, but also deeply misses Liu Jie. When she stroked her daughter's little face, she seemed to see the shadow of her son Liu Jie, the forever 20-year-old hero.

In 2014, a young firefighter died, and his mother tried five test tubes, and finally welcomed a daughter after many years

Soon after, comrades-in-arms wearing firefighting suits came to the hospital and cheered around the newborn little dream. This scene made Ying Xianmei cry like rain, and she seemed to see the scene of her son fighting side by side with his comrades.

She whispered to her daughter, "Baby, your brother is a hero. Although He has left us, His Spirit lives forever in our hearts.

Today, Xiao Mengyan is almost five years old. Ying Xianmei often took her to visit Liu Jie's comrades-in-arms and tell about her brother's heroic deeds. In the laughter of the firefighters, Xiao Mengyuan wore a special small firefighting suit and looked at everything around curiously.

Although she had never met her brother, she felt the spirit of her brother in these uncles.

In 2014, a young firefighter died, and his mother tried five test tubes, and finally welcomed a daughter after many years

Ying Xianmei and her husband's clothing company is thriving, and they donated part of the proceeds to the firefighting business, inheriting the spirit of Liu Jie with practical actions. Every year during the Qingming Festival, the family will go to Liu Jie's tomb to pay respects and tell about the changes of the year and the growth of Xiao Mengyuan.

Ying Xianmei's story is not only a mother's deep longing for her son, but also a tenacious and unyielding interpretation of life. It teaches us that even in the darkest of moments, hope is never far away.

The spirit of heroes will always inspire us to move forward.

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