
To judge whether a person's city is deep or not, it depends on these details


In our journey in life, we will always meet all kinds of people. Among them are those who are comfortable in society and have a smooth life. They may be well received by a large number of people, or they may be judged badly by others, because some of them may have been carefully conditioned by these people.

This kind of person is called a thoughtful person, and Zhuge Liang in the Three Kingdoms period can be called a thoughtful person. Thoughtful people are hidden in the crowd, and it is difficult for you to discern whether the person in your life is a thoughtful person or not.

But as you can see from some details, they are very good at hiding themselves, and they are good at keeping good things around them or applying them to themselves. Once you provoke them, it will only make people think that they are unlucky. At the same time, they are also good at camouflage, dressing themselves up to perfection that makes it difficult to spot their flaws.

To judge whether a person's city is deep or not, it depends on these details

Fan Li once used a sentence to describe such people: "Victory does not vomit, possession does not return." Don't provoke them, and don't be their target. These people are insidious and cunning, and the means of revenge are diverse, which makes people helpless. How to distinguish such a person with a deep city?


Always smile and keep a certain distance from everyone.

You always feel that his or her temper is very elusive, as if he or she is good at controlling emotions and staying calm at all times. He or she is familiar with many people, but he or she keeps a certain distance from everyone, which makes people feel a little mysterious and does not seem obtrusive. Although it is difficult to understand their thoughts, they have many friends, and although each of them has a normal relationship, I believe that they will maintain an appropriate distance as always.

To judge whether a person's city is deep or not, it depends on these details


Very forbearing.

There is a saying that describes this kind of person as just right, "if you don't make a hit, it's just a blockbuster." They often know what is best, and they will slowly plan how to get it, and they will gather their strength, like a dark horse from a thousand horses.

People with goals know what they want and are able to take charge of their lives. They rarely arrive late or make mistakes, but if someone tries to hurt them or provoke them, they will wait like a lurking lion for the best moment to fight back. Beware of these people, they are very good at forbearance.

To judge whether a person's city is deep or not, it depends on these details


Do things to the extreme, and don't take them lightly.

Such a person is able to take care of things in an orderly manner, arrange everything in an orderly manner, and handle every task as if he were leading a military division. He always solves problems before they arise, thus maintaining his own innocence and making it impossible for others to find fault.

Such careful people are very good at thinking about things, they are always able to think of various angles, they can think of various ways to deal with even very simple things, and they are always able to think of measures to deal with emergencies in advance, so that everything is in order.

They will have a certain purpose and plan for doing things, and they will think about what is worth doing and what is not worth doing. At the same time, they will be thoughtful and will leave room to do things to avoid heavy losses themselves. Failure is not avoided, but they minimize risk and minimize losses.

To judge whether a person's city is deep or not, it depends on these details

Sentiment Analysis:

People with a city government are not necessarily bad people, they will also have a good side. When they think you're their friend, they'll think about it for you and help you come up with a plan of action.

When we meet people with sharp minds around us, don't easily think that they have bad intentions, such people are good or evil, we should treat them with a sincere attitude, and at the same time they can also feel sincere. Only actions that are genuinely committed will attract an equally sincere response.