
Documents are flying all over the sky! The misfortune of the laborers! How many licensing agencies are supported? What's going on?

author:Good luck comes with you

In this seemingly bustling world, there is one thing that seems to be ubiquitous, but it is extremely annoying—and that is all kinds of documents. They are like stars in our lives, making the hard-working workers wonder: What is going on?

Documents are flying all over the sky! The misfortune of the laborers! How many licensing agencies are supported? What's going on?

"Documents are flying all over the sky", this sentence sounds like a joke, but it tells the real experience of many people. From birth certificates, household registration books, to marriage certificates, real estate certificates, to driver's licenses, health certificates, every small piece of paper is like a key to open a certain door, but it is like a never-ending maze. How much of our hard-earned money has been divided away by these various documents?

Documents are flying all over the sky! The misfortune of the laborers! How many licensing agencies are supported? What's going on?

I remember the old saying: "It's not about having more documents, it's about being useful." "But how many people these days can really figure out how much time and effort we've spent on those seemingly inconsequential credentials? How many people do they feed from those institutions that rely exclusively on licenses for food? Are they the savior of the laborers, or is it a burden on our shoulders?

Documents are flying all over the sky! The misfortune of the laborers! How many licensing agencies are supported? What's going on?

Someone once joked, "Life is like an exam, from kindergarten to grave, all kinds of documents are being examined." Although this is a little helpless, it also reveals the irony of reality. We are tired from running around for a piece of paper, and even sometimes, just to prove that "I am still trying to live".

Documents are flying all over the sky! The misfortune of the laborers! How many licensing agencies are supported? What's going on?

However, when we question the necessity of the existence of these documents, who can tell us whether society can function normally without these "mountains of ironclad evidence"? The answer may be complicated, but it is undeniable that these documents do protect our rights and interests and regulate the market order in some cases.

The key to this, then, may be how to find that balance. What we need is a truly valuable certificate, not just a "certificate carnival" to satisfy formalism. What we should call for is to simplify the process and improve efficiency, rather than making workers fall deeper and deeper on the road to obtaining permits.

Documents are flying all over the sky! The misfortune of the laborers! How many licensing agencies are supported? What's going on?

In this era of information explosion, perhaps what we need is a kind of wisdom, a system design that can protect the rights and interests of individuals and reduce unnecessary trouble. After all, the sweat of laborers should be sprinkled in more valuable places, not in filling out forms, queuing and waiting again and again.

Finally, let's end this little article with an old saying: "Although there are many documents, I really hope that one can give you peace of mind, not because of the number, but because of the meaning behind it." "Let's look forward to the day when we will no longer fight for documents, but strive for a better life.

Documents are flying all over the sky! The misfortune of the laborers! How many licensing agencies are supported? What's going on?