
Retirees note that there are two things to prepare in advance before receiving your July pension

author:The erudite fourth brother


"The pension will be paid next month, and you have to verify your identity in the next two days, so that the pension will not be paid by then."

Have you ever heard people say that in the last days of the decade, there are always words in the mouth of someone like this?

Because it is the time when it is to be distributed every month, and the time when the various departments and offices confirm the information and materials.

And there is one thing that is very important, if everyone can do it accurately, then it will not happen that many people "can't get their pensions." ”

Retirees note that there are two things to prepare in advance before receiving your July pension

So what is it?

Retirees note that there are two things to prepare in advance before receiving your July pension

Three things to do before your pension is paid.

Every month, retirees receive pensions from their companies and institutions, which is an important benefit of the state.

The national conditions of the mainland determine that the pension system cannot be said at the beginning as in Japan, but because the current standard pension amount is linked to the average salary in each region, the degree will not be too different.

Retirees note that there are two things to prepare in advance before receiving your July pension

Due to the pension system and payment policy, many people know that the provisions on receiving pensions have been engraved in their bones.

Therefore, before they come to receive their pension when they retire, these three things are: the first thing is the policy that must be mastered, but strictly follow the requirements of the policy, and do not break the law.

The second thing is to check his identity information, check his ID card, household registration book and other information.

The third thing is to take good care of his bank card and make sure that it is within the validity period, and that the card number, account name and other information are correct.

It is not possible to receive a pension for 30 years at once, but as you get older, you will increase your pension every month.

In 20 or 30 years, the spelling of your name, your home address, and even your ID number may change.

This is especially important information, because even a change in one of the letters can lead the system to think that the person's information is incorrect, and his pension will not be paid.

Before the pension date, as the pension issuing unit, they will conduct a round of checks on everyone's information to see how many people's basic personnel information is incorrect.

If you don't find out until then, if it's not your fault, but because of a recent data breach or something in this unit, you'll be guilty of it.

So now many people realize that even if they haven't had any other changes before, they should still check it themselves to be on the safe side.

The focus of the inspection is nothing more than those few pieces of information: ID card, household registration book, marriage certificate, household registration, etc., all of which are related to their own identity.

It's one thing to have a problem with your own information, but if you don't have a problem with your information, but you don't get it when you pay your pension, it's likely to be a problem with your bank card.

The card has expired, and the bank can't send money to the expired card, so you can't get the money on the card that expires later.

Or if the name on the card was written wrong when opening an account before, but the account holder himself thinks it is correct, then he will not get a pension.

Therefore, if you want to say which link is dangerous to get a pension, it should be the link where the bank card is sent back and forth.

Retirees note that there are two things to prepare in advance before receiving your July pension

The ID card is complete.

In the step of information verification, it can be said that it is the key to affecting the payment of pensions.

Generally speaking, some people may accidentally lose their ID because they haven't done anything for a long time.

But people who have not been out of the house for a few years can only tell the life situation at the door of their own house, whether he himself is XXX or not, but they don't know anything outside the household registration book.

Therefore, at this time, they can only take the household registration book and go to the leader to apply for a replacement ID card in front of the photo taken by the household registration on their ID card.

However, in fact, the authorities are not strict with people like this who have a household registration book but do not have an ID card, and in fact, they can also recommend themselves to their own household registration book.

But if you are self-recommended in this kind of household registration book, then congratulations, you just need to write yourself XXX in the household registration book.

Retirees note that there are two things to prepare in advance before receiving your July pension

If your self-recommendation is occupied by others, then nothing on your household registration book matters, the important thing is whether the content on your ID card can be authenticated.

But we need to understand that we are retirees and we need to take this seriously.

We can't expect others to take care of us, but we should prepare our own information carefully.

Retirees note that there are two things to prepare in advance before receiving your July pension

Prepare the materials.

When you receive your pension, you have to take everything related to your identity, and in this kind of situation where you have enthusiastic people to help you do it in the last few days of the month, you must cooperate with them to do it for you.

They are also positive people, they have a lot of things to do to help people, and there is not much of a deal between you, and a few words of thanks are not worth each other.

They help you do this to save you some effort, and if you thank him, they are actually giving you a line of money.

Retirees note that there are two things to prepare in advance before receiving your July pension

This is "the power of cooperation", and in the latter two cases, what they all have in common is that they are both suspected of violating the law.

When you open a "legal" company, you get legitimate benefits, which is based on the heart of the legal person to give you money.

But if something goes wrong with your company, or even a trivial matter is stuck by a small power person, you can't turn over and you will lose a lot of money, and you will become legal and "illegal".

And another, more popular violation of regulations is the business license.

These intermediary companies themselves are not worried, because it is the national government that worries, and if your business license is genuine, then they can rest assured that they will get a handling fee for two years a year.

But it is inevitable that there are some shameless people in these intermediary companies, and they think that they don't need to do any handling fees and so on, and they directly trap a lot of money from others.


As retirees, we must keep a clear head and make small calculations in everything, so as to ensure that our money is taken cleanly by ourselves and not taken away by anyone.

Be sure to keep abreast of your own information, don't be fooled by the intermediary company, and then something will happen, and no one can save you.

Secondly, you must take good care of your documents, and you must not lend your ID card to others because it is inconvenient to take it once, and this person's use is not good or the good things are broken.

Finally, in the matter of taking the pension, grasp what is your own and what is someone else's, and you will not be confused, and even the pension will be gone.