
The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?


A street quarrel is both a small social event and a mirror that reflects social reality. Recently, an incident occurred in a certain urban area of Guangzhou in which a vendor had a fierce quarrel with the chengguan, which aroused widespread attention and discussion. This incident is not just a simple conflict, but also involves the complex relationship between urban management and individual survival, which will be explored in depth in this article.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

The loud quarrel attracted the attention of the surrounding residents, and a vendor who set up a stall to sell fruit had a fierce verbal altercation with the chengguan because of the land occupation. The matter quickly escalated in just a few minutes, and the hawker lost control of his emotions and took action against the chengguan. This scene was filmed by passers-by and uploaded to the Internet, which quickly sparked heated discussions. In the video, the hawker wavs his hands angrily while the chengguan tries to control the situation, and the two are at a stalemate.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

To analyze this incident, we need to understand the positions and perspectives of both sides. For hawkers, most of them come from low-income groups, and setting up stalls is an important way for them to support their families. They choose to operate on the street because of the low rent and the ability to reach more consumers. However, this behavior does cause problems such as traffic congestion and environmental pollution. As far as urban management is concerned, they have the responsibility of maintaining urban order and ensuring the cleanliness of the living environment of citizens. In their day-to-day work, they often have to deal with similar small vendors, who not only violate the rules by occupying public spaces, but also affect other citizens.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

Once this incident was exposed, it triggered a large number of comments from netizens. Some people believe that the chengguan law enforcement is too strict and does not take into account the difficult living conditions of small traders; Others support strict enforcement by chengguan, believing that this is the only way to maintain good public order in the city. These differing opinions reflect a complex public mindset about the contradiction between urban management and individual survival.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

In order to understand this issue more fully, we can review some relevant examples. Once, when an elderly man was selling vegetables on the street and fell to the ground due to physical discomfort, the chengguan on duty immediately stepped forward to help the old man and help clean up the vegetables. This heart-warming act was well received by the citizens. In another story, a vendor who had to come out to set up a stall because his wife was suffering from uremia was not only tolerated but also helped after the chengguan learned about the actual situation. These examples show that under certain circumstances, chengguan and vendors can also understand and support each other, so as to avoid escalating conflicts.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

It can be seen that while understanding each other's needs and bottom lines is an important step in resolving conflicts. We should realize that both vendors and chengguan have their own reasonable places and reasons for their existence. In this Guangzhou conflict, it is undoubtedly wrong for hawkers to beat people, but we cannot ignore the economic pressure and life difficulties behind them. At the same time, as a law enforcer, urban management also plays an irreplaceable role in maintaining the city's beauty and citizens' convenience. Therefore, mutual respect and rational communication are one of the ways to reduce conflicts and prevent conflicts.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

Faced with similar situations, we should empathize and work together to find solutions. For example, special areas can be set up for small traders to meet their livelihood needs, while keeping public spaces clean and orderly. In addition, friction can also be effectively reduced by strengthening communication and mutual understanding between the two parties. In the long run, this will not only help build a harmonious society, but also promote the progress of urban civilization.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

Finally, I call on the public to think rationally when paying attention to social hot events, not to be swayed by emotions, and to conduct objective analysis of events. I hope that everyone will work together to contribute to the creation of a more rational cyberspace. At the same time, readers are reminded not to make subjective assumptions or malicious comments on this incident, so as not to cause unnecessary disputes. If there is any copyright or picture infringement of the content of the article, please contact the author in time, and we will delete it.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

This paper analyzes the conflict between vendors and chengguan in Guangzhou, and discusses it from multiple perspectives such as background, different positions, netizen disputes and related cases. Emphasize the importance of mutual understanding and respect, and jointly contribute to the construction of a harmonious society. I hope that more positive energy events will promote social progress, and let us look forward to a better future together.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

After the quarrel, the streets returned to a brief period of calm, but the incident caused ripples in the hearts of the citizens. Although the quarrel is only a matter of a moment, the underlying issues require us to think more deeply and reflect on it.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

The first thing to realize is that small traders are indeed under tremendous pressure to survive. Most of them come from the bottom of the social ladder and often do not have a stable source of income, so setting up stalls has become an important way for them to make ends meet. For them, every penny is hard-won, and the burden of life they bear is unimaginable to many. Therefore, when the chengguan enforce the law, the harsh expulsion of these small traders is actually shaking the foundation on which they depend. That's why whenever there is a conflict like this, it always arouses public sympathy and concern about the plight of small traders.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

But at the same time, we cannot ignore the importance of urban management. With the continuous progress of urbanization, the urban population is increasing day by day, and various infrastructure and public resources are under great pressure. If street vendors are allowed to occupy public space, it is not only easy to cause traffic jams, but also affect the appearance of the city, and may even bring health hazards. Therefore, when performing their duties, the urban management department also shoulders the important task of maintaining urban order and ensuring a clean and orderly living environment for citizens. They do not enforce the law for the sake of embarrassment or harshness, but to ensure that society as a whole can function properly.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

In such a confrontation, can we find a balance so that both sides can have some concerns, but not exacerbate the contradictions? Some localities have begun to try to set up special zones for small traders so that those who make a living from their stalls have a legal and relatively fixed location, so as to avoid frequent conflicts with the chengguan. These business areas can not only solve the living difficulties of some people, but also ensure the cleanliness and orderliness of public spaces through standardized management.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

In addition, it is worth exploring the importance of communication between the two sides. In many conflict incidents, misunderstandings and anger can be seen rapidly escalating due to poor communication. If urban management law enforcement officers can learn more about the practical difficulties of small traders and deal with them with appropriate humane treatment, then many conflicts can be avoided or alleviated. In the same way, small traders should also understand the hardships of the chengguan work, and be more cooperative and respectful. On the basis of mutual understanding and respect, through rational communication and proper coordination, we can jointly seek solutions to problems, so as to truly achieve a win-win situation.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

Looking back at some of the success stories in history, this win-win model can be better understood. Some local governments have actively explored the "night market" economy, opening up some streets for small traders at specific times. This not only satisfies the needs of citizens for nighttime consumption, but also allows small traders to have more opportunities to operate legally, while avoiding problems such as daily traffic jams. Such initiatives undoubtedly provide valuable lessons for other cities and are a viable way to address similar problems in the future.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

In the face of social hot events, we, as bystanders, should remain calm and rational, and not blindly follow the trend and make one-sided comments. Everyone has a responsibility to understand the truth of the matter and analyze it from multiple angles and levels, rather than jumping to conclusions based on just a video or a few sentences. Only in this way can we form an objective, fair and rational atmosphere of public opinion and contribute to the construction of a harmonious society.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

Of course, this is not only something that the public needs to do, but also a problem that the media and other information dissemination platforms need to pay attention to. In the process of reporting, the media should try their best to present the facts comprehensively and not take sides, so as to guide the public to look at problems with a rational attitude and reduce misunderstandings and disputes caused by information asymmetry.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

In short, whether it is a small trader or a city manager, they are all working hard for their own goals, and they all have their existence and the rationality of their actions. In this process, mutual understanding, respect, and finding consensus through communication are important ways to resolve conflicts. I hope that we can learn a lesson from this incident and be more tolerant and patient in the face of similar situations in the future, so as to jointly create a better social environment. In such a society, everyone can find their place, realize their own value, and enjoy a more convenient and comfortable city life.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

A street quarrel is both a small social event and a mirror that reflects social reality. A recent incident in which a vendor quarreled fiercely with the chengguan in a certain urban area of Guangzhou has aroused widespread concern and discussion. This incident is not only a simple conflict, but also involves the complex relationship between urban management and individual survival, which is thought-provoking.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

The incident began when a vendor who set up a stall to sell fruits had a fierce quarrel with the chengguan because of the occupation of the city. The matter quickly escalated in just a few minutes, and the hawker lost control of his emotions and took action against the chengguan. This scene was filmed by passers-by and uploaded to the Internet, which quickly sparked heated discussions. As can be seen in the video, the hawker waving his hands angrily while the chengguan tries to control the situation, and the two are at a stalemate.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

To analyze this incident, it is necessary to understand the positions and perspectives of both sides. For hawkers, most of them come from low-income groups, and setting up stalls is an important way for them to support their families. They choose to operate on the street because of the low rent and the ability to reach more consumers. However, this behavior does also cause problems such as traffic congestion and environmental pollution. As far as urban management is concerned, they have the responsibility of maintaining urban order and ensuring the cleanliness of the living environment of citizens. In their day-to-day work, they often have to deal with similar small vendors, who not only violate the rules by occupying public spaces, but also affect other citizens.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

Once this incident was exposed, it triggered a large number of comments from netizens. Some people believe that the chengguan law enforcement is too strict and does not take into account the difficult living conditions of small traders; Others support strict enforcement by chengguan, believing that this is the only way to maintain good public order in the city. These differing opinions reflect a complex public mindset about the contradiction between urban management and individual survival.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

In order to understand this issue more fully, some relevant examples can be reviewed. Once, when an elderly man was selling vegetables on the street and fell to the ground due to physical discomfort, the chengguan on duty immediately stepped forward to help the old man and help clean up the vegetables. This heart-warming act was well received by the citizens. In another story, a vendor who had to come out to set up a stall because his wife was suffering from uremia was not only tolerated but also helped after the chengguan learned about the actual situation. These examples show that under certain circumstances, chengguan and vendors can also understand and support each other, so as to avoid escalating conflicts.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

It can be seen that while understanding each other's needs and bottom lines is an important step in resolving conflicts. We should realize that both vendors and chengguan have their own reasonable places and reasons for their existence. In this Guangzhou conflict, it is undoubtedly wrong for hawkers to beat people, but we cannot ignore the economic pressure and life difficulties behind them. At the same time, as a law enforcer, urban management also plays an irreplaceable role in maintaining the city's beauty and citizens' convenience. Therefore, mutual respect and rational communication are one of the ways to reduce conflicts and prevent conflicts. Faced with similar situations, we should empathize and work together to find solutions. For example, special areas can be set up for small traders to meet their livelihood needs, while keeping public spaces clean and orderly. In addition, friction can also be effectively reduced by strengthening communication and mutual understanding between the two parties. In the long run, this will not only help build a harmonious society, but also promote the progress of urban civilization.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

Finally, I call on the public to think rationally when paying attention to social hot events, not to be swayed by emotions, and to conduct objective analysis of events. I hope that everyone will work together to contribute to the creation of a more rational cyberspace. At the same time, readers are reminded not to make subjective assumptions or malicious comments on this incident, so as not to cause unnecessary disputes. This paper analyzes the conflict between vendors and chengguan in Guangzhou, and discusses it from multiple perspectives such as background, different positions, netizen disputes and related cases. Emphasize the importance of mutual understanding and respect, and jointly contribute to the construction of a harmonious society. I hope that more positive energy events will promote social progress, and let us look forward to a better future together.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

After the quarrel, the streets returned to a brief period of calm, but the incident caused ripples in the hearts of the citizens. Although the quarrel is only a matter of a moment, the underlying issues require us to think more deeply and reflect on it. The first thing to realize is that small traders are indeed under tremendous pressure to survive. Most of them come from the bottom of the social ladder and often do not have a stable source of income, so setting up stalls has become an important way for them to make ends meet. For them, every penny is hard-won, and the burden of life they bear is unimaginable to many. Therefore, when the chengguan enforce the law, the harsh expulsion of these small traders is actually shaking the foundation on which they depend. That's why whenever there is a conflict like this, it always arouses public sympathy and concern about the plight of small traders. But at the same time, we cannot ignore the importance of urban management.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

With the continuous progress of urbanization, the urban population is increasing day by day, and various infrastructure and public resources are under great pressure. If street vendors are allowed to occupy public space, it is not only easy to cause traffic jams, but also affect the appearance of the city, and may even bring health hazards. Therefore, when performing their duties, the urban management department also shoulders the important task of maintaining urban order and ensuring a clean and orderly living environment for citizens. They do not enforce the law for the sake of embarrassment or harshness, but to ensure that society as a whole can function properly. In such a confrontation, can we find a balance so that both sides can have some concerns, but not exacerbate the contradictions?

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

Some localities have begun to try to set up special zones for small traders so that those who make a living from their stalls have a legal and relatively fixed location, so as to avoid frequent conflicts with the chengguan. These business areas can not only solve the living difficulties of some people, but also ensure the cleanliness and orderliness of public spaces through standardized management. In addition, it is worth exploring the importance of communication between the two sides. In many conflict incidents, misunderstandings and anger can be seen rapidly escalating due to poor communication. If urban management law enforcement officers can learn more about the practical difficulties of small traders and deal with them in a humane manner, then conflicts can often be avoided or alleviated. In the same way, small traders should also understand the hardships of the chengguan work, and be more cooperative and respectful. On the basis of mutual understanding and respect, through rational communication and proper coordination, we can jointly seek solutions to problems, so as to truly achieve a win-win situation.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

Looking back at some of the success stories in history, this win-win model can be better understood. Some local governments have actively explored the night market economy, opening up some streets for small traders at certain times. This not only satisfies the needs of citizens for nighttime consumption, but also allows small traders to have more opportunities to operate legally, while avoiding problems such as daily traffic jams. Such initiatives undoubtedly provide valuable lessons for other cities and are a viable way to address similar problems in the future.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

In the face of social hot events, we, as bystanders, should remain calm and rational, and not blindly follow the trend and make one-sided comments. Everyone has a responsibility to understand the truth of the matter and analyze it from multiple angles and levels, rather than jumping to conclusions based on just a video or a few sentences. Only in this way can we form an objective, fair and rational atmosphere of public opinion and contribute to the construction of a harmonious society. Of course, this is not only something that the public needs to do, but also that the media and other information dissemination platforms need to pay attention to. In the process of reporting, the media should try their best to present the facts comprehensively and not take sides, so as to guide the public to look at problems with a rational attitude and reduce misunderstandings and disputes caused by information asymmetry.

The vendor hit the head of the chengguan with a shovel, and the chengguan fell to the ground and the police intervened! Whose fault is it?

In short, whether it is a small trader or a city manager, they are all working hard for their own goals, and they all have their existence and the rationality of their actions. In this process, mutual understanding, respect, and finding consensus through communication are important ways to resolve conflicts. I hope that we can learn a lesson from this incident and be more tolerant and patient in the face of similar situations in the future, so as to jointly create a better social environment. In such a society, everyone can find their place, realize their own value, and enjoy a more convenient and comfortable city life.