
The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

author:Sunrise and sunset


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Have you heard? This summer, CCTV made a big move.

As soon as the new drama "Executive Judge" was broadcast, it was simply a soaring ratings.

The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

It's only been four episodes since the premiere, and the ratings have broken 2%, which is not a joke.

It seems that CCTV is betting on the right treasure this time, and this drama is definitely a "hit".

The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

This "Executive Judge", with the theme of the rule of law, the group portrait is delicately portrayed, and the plot is designed so intricately that it is simply unstoppable.

The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

I have to say that this drama really fills a big gap in the field of CCTV dramas, which is eye-catching, and once again demonstrates the breadth and profundity of CCTV's selection of themes.

The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

This drama is very popular, but not only because the plot is attractive.

More importantly, it deeply dissects the interpersonal relationships and unspoken rules within the judicial system, which is simply addictive.

The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

Through the daily work of the Executive Board, the complex relationship between judges and ordinary people is revealed, as well as the undercurrent between business and politics.

The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

Director An Jian is really a ghost.

He closely combines the character traits of the underlying characters with the plot, and each plot is gripping and can't stop watching.

The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

Especially the actor, who was raised by his aunt since he was a child, and later, he became a judge and bought a small restaurant for his aunt as a store.

Unexpectedly, my aunt's children secretly transferred the house, and the house was mortgaged, which is really troublesome.

The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

Because of this incident, the actor's work was also in trouble and he was transferred to the Second Division of the Executive Board.

The relationship with the president is called a tension.

The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

The portrayal of this workplace relationship in the play is really delicate.

shows the subtle emotions between the characters and the complexity of the workplace, which makes people worry about it.

The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

The conversation between Director Shen and Mr. Chen in the office was really hilarious.

Director Shen praised Mr. Chen's treasures vigorously, and Mr. Chen humbly said that he was just a "vassal elegance".

The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

This humor not only adds a little fun to this conversation, but also profoundly reveals the inner world of these two characters.

One is a discerning connoisseur, and the other is a bit inadequate in art appreciation, although he has deep pockets.

The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

This depiction of details not only enriches the plot, but also makes the relationship between the characters more complicated.

As the dialogue progressed, Mr. Chen subtly deepened his relationship with Director Shen.

The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

He asked the secretary to send Director Shen home, and also instructed the secretary to "palm his eyes", which not only enhanced the coherence of the plot, but also made the network of relationships between the characters closer.

The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

This screenwriter is really well-intentioned.

In the drama "Executive Judge", the supporting actors also performed quite well.

The little character played by Zhang Xilin left a deep impression on the audience through his cunning eyes and demeanor.

The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

And the aunt played by Sarina, with a strong and upright image, does not hesitate to confront the judge for the sake of family property in the play, showing her strong personality and deep dedication to the family, which is really admirable.

The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

The wonderful cooperation between Zhao Jun and Sarina is really a highlight of the play.

While maintaining the authority of the role, Zhao Jun also showed a soft transformation from the previous role, indicating that there will be a fierce confrontation with Luo Jin.

The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

The role of the boss played by House Bin adds a sense of humor to the plot and makes the whole atmosphere closer to life, relaxed and natural.

The role of Luo Jin is the focus of the entire series.

The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

Every time he appears, he has a calm and unhurried temperament, which is in stark contrast to his past roles.

The director's handling of his footage is also extremely realistic, and even the details of the actors' pores are clearly displayed.

The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

This not only reflects the director's pursuit of authenticity, but also adds a lot of visual impact to the series.

Although the drama "Executive Judge" may be a bit boring for young audiences, its in-depth life story line and the depth of character setting have won wide recognition.

The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

The series is both real and engaging in character building and plot advancement.

In particular, the sharp character setting of the heroine, although controversial, also adds a lot of highlights to the series.

The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

The drama "Executive Judge", with its unique perspective and thought-provoking plot, shows CCTV's accurate vision in the selection of dramas.

This drama is not only an in-depth discussion of the theme of the rule of law, but also shows the audience the complexity of justice and challenge through rich character interaction and delicate plot construction.

The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

It's really interesting to watch.

The first wave of word-of-mouth of "Executive Judge" was released, and the audience's scores and evaluations were "to the point"

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