
Heavy rainstorm is coming, and the rain belt in the south continues to press southward, 'soup chicken' or 'diving suit'?

author:Sannong said the weather

Introduction: Hey, friends, let's talk about this unpredictable weather! It's like your unreliable ex who always catches you off guard. But don't worry, I'm here, with my weather forecast, to give you a bottom on the upcoming weather.

Heavy rainstorm is coming, and the rain belt in the south continues to press southward, 'soup chicken' or 'diving suit'?

Source: Central Meteorological Observatory

Today is June 29th, the twenty-fourth day of the fifth lunar month, Saturday, and our weather forecast is like a suspense blockbuster, you never know what will happen in the next second. But don't be afraid, I've got the script ready for you.

Heavy rainstorm is coming, and the rain belt in the south continues to press southward, 'soup chicken' or 'diving suit'?

Source: Central Meteorological Observatory

Today, June 29th weather conditions:

Heavy rainstorm is coming, and the rain belt in the south continues to press southward, 'soup chicken' or 'diving suit'?

Source: Central Meteorological Observatory

Today, the rain in the south is more fierce than Jack in "Titanic", friends in Guizhou, northern Guangxi, and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, your umbrella may be upgraded to a boat. The rain in the north, although not as violent as the south, but also silently rained far more than the same period of the year, Heilongjiang, Jilin, friends in eastern Inner Mongolia, are your rain boots ready?

Heavy rainstorm is coming, and the rain belt in the south continues to press southward, 'soup chicken' or 'diving suit'?

Source: Central Meteorological Observatory

My advice to friends in the south is: don't go out unless you want to experience "water floating". And for friends in the north, remember to bring your rain boots when you go out, don't let the "excessive" rain wet your good mood.

Heavy rainstorm is coming, and the rain belt in the south continues to press southward, 'soup chicken' or 'diving suit'?

Source: Central Meteorological Observatory

Tomorrow, June 30th weather conditions:

Tomorrow, the rain belt in the south will continue to press south, and friends from the north of Guangxi and the west of Hunan, your journey to the "water world" will continue. Friends in southern Anhui, south-central Jiangsu, northern Jiangxi and other places, where heavy rains are concentrated, remember to take preventive measures.

Heavy rainstorm is coming, and the rain belt in the south continues to press southward, 'soup chicken' or 'diving suit'?

Source: Central Meteorological Observatory

Tomorrow, friends in the south, if you don't want to be a "soup chicken", try to stay at home, or put on your wetsuit. Friends in the north, although the rain is not heavy, don't take it lightly and remember to bring your rain gear.

Weather conditions on July 1 the day after tomorrow:

The day after tomorrow, the rain belt is still stable, friends in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and northern Guangxi, your "water world" journey continues. As for friends in the north, due to the influence of active low-value systems, rainfall will be frequent in some areas.

Heavy rainstorm is coming, and the rain belt in the south continues to press southward, 'soup chicken' or 'diving suit'?

Source: Central Meteorological Observatory

My advice to friends in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is: get your "water world" gear ready, because this rain may be even more violent than the storm in Jurassic Park. Friends in the north, although the rainfall is not heavy, don't underestimate it, remember to take precautions.


Well, that's our weather "big show". Remember, no matter what the weather, stay optimistic, because the sun always comes after the storm.

I advise everyone to keep a peaceful heart no matter what the weather is. To the farmers in the arid regions, I hope you will have a heavy rain to bring your crops back to life. Finally, thank you for your attention and comments, your support is my biggest motivation!

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