
The death of one person has kept an entire middle school and hospital on the wake for many days, which is ridiculous!

author:A tricycle driver

Students were forced to skip classes to accompany the funeral, and doctors gave up saving people and keeping spirits for seven days?! Who is behind this absurd "ceremony of respecting the elderly"?

The death of one person has kept an entire middle school and hospital on the wake for many days, which is ridiculous!

In the 21st century, do we still have people here who play the "Emperor's Mausoleum"? This farce in Dejiang County is simply laughable!

I thought to myself, this deceased old man must have been a great man during his lifetime. Otherwise, how can a group of dolls and doctors put down their serious business and line up to keep a wake for him? Could it be that there is a local emperor of the soil? Or did Dejiang County suddenly travel back to feudal society?

The death of one person has kept an entire middle school and hospital on the wake for many days, which is ridiculous!

**To be honest, this way of "respecting the elderly" is afraid that it will lose the face of the elderly. **When people are alive, they may be more low-key, but this time they will make a miasma.

Let's not talk about whether this practice is in line with the rules, just the absurdity of it is jaw-dropping. Students don't go to class, doctors don't see patients, they all go to vigil? Is this to treat the living as not human beings, and to treat the dead as ancestors?

Now the question is, who gave them the audacity to do this?** Was it the school leaders who made their own decisions, or did they give a dead order? In any case, this practice is grossly irresponsible for education and medical care.

The death of one person has kept an entire middle school and hospital on the wake for many days, which is ridiculous!

Besides, is this kind of "pomp" really a respect for the deceased?**Instead of engaging in these vain formalisms, it is better to pay more attention to the quality of life of the elderly before their deaths. This is the real respect for the old and love for the old.

Having said that, this matter is so big, the local sentence "being dealt with" wants to fool the past? Don't think that it's still an age to fool the common people. We "Diao Min" are all staring at it, what the hell is going on, give me a clear word!

The death of one person has kept an entire middle school and hospital on the wake for many days, which is ridiculous!

In the final analysis, the occurrence of such absurd things reflects the bad habit of formalism in some places, which is difficult to change.

**This farce in Dejiang County is simply a modern version of the "Emperor's New Clothes". Everyone knows it's wrong, but no one dares to stand up and say, "The emperor has no clothes!" It wasn't until it was exposed on the Internet that someone woke up from a dream.

To put it bluntly, this practice not only does not reflect respect for the deceased, but exposes the ignorance and ignorance of some people. The real respect for the elderly should be to care for the elderly when they are alive, rather than engaging in these bells and whistles after they pass away.

The death of one person has kept an entire middle school and hospital on the wake for many days, which is ridiculous!

The question now is, is this absurdity an exception or a general phenomenon? If this is the case, then the person responsible should be dealt with seriously. If it is a common phenomenon, then it is even more worthy of our vigilance.

But then again, it's not a bad thing that this matter is so big. At least it is a wake-up call to us that in this information age, no amount of absurd behavior can escape the public eye.

So finally, I would like to ask: If you are a student or a doctor in Dejiang County, in the face of such absurd requests, will you choose to obey or resist? What do you think about this?